Styloceras Penninervium Gentry & Aymard [Sánchez et al. 9540] 魔鬼果? From the Mirador (ca. 2000 m) near Venceremos at the northwestern boundary of the Bosque de Protección Alto Mayo. Primative but passable bridge which allows taxis from Rioja to reach Naciento Río Negro, a town growing on the edge of the Bosque de Protección Alto Mayo. Don't know if edible or not. Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) Pers. (Gentianaceae) 生长在同一地区十分微小的花果 雨林葡萄树Marcgravia 吸引蝙蝠食欲的声回波花朵 Marcgraviaceae Marcgravia umbellata L. Liane, root climber at first, with small heart-shaped leaves with rounded ends, c 2cm long, pressed to tree trunks; then mature foliage pendulous, c. 12 pairs laterals meeting, with some finer veins parallel to them, acuminate, up to 13cm long; twigs with many prominent lenticels; sometimes with two gland nr base of lf lower surface. Inflorescences very distinctive, pendulous, with up to 30 green flowers and 4 or 5 sack-like 3.5cm nectaries to attact humming birds. © W.D. Hawthorne Meanwhile, in Cuba, a plant has discovered a way to dupe bats into doing their dirty work. This is troubling news, because I don’t like the thought that plants are “discovering” anything. I would rather plants just grow and then get eaten by wallabies and then die in the winter. I hope this doesn’t become a trend. This Cuban vine, known by the catchy name Marcgravia evenia, has decided to one-up the rest of the plant kingdom. While other plants attract pollinators like bees and butterflies by using bright colours and sweet smells, the Marcgravia evenia attracts bats using sound. The green leaves of the vine create a sort of “satellite dish” shape, and apparently when the bats squeak out their sounds (bats use echos to locate things in the dark), the Marcgravia evenia sounds so good that Cuban bats can’t resist themselves. They fly right into the plant and stir up all the pollen, and the plant just smokes a cigar and listens to the Buena Vista Social Club. (Raise your hand if you got that joke…well done). Thus the plant doesn’t have to waste any energy being good looking, sweet smelling, or good tasting. No word on what the bats get if they ask for “extra sugar.” 并不是只有我们喜欢蝙蝠——古巴雨林葡萄树Marcgravia也努力引起它们的注意。最近发 现(尽管不是最近演化的), M. evenia'有一个独特的凹形形状,就像小卫星的形状。为什么? 是为了有力的回应蝙蝠频繁拍打的回声定位。这使得飞行的哺乳动物朋友很容易认出它们, 这 些动物往往由于较差的视力依靠回声定位。 from: 美国《大众科学》盘点现代10大物种进化现象2011年11月01日 10:23:29 滇皂荚(soap-bark tree) 俗称皂角米、皂角仁 英文名:Chinese Honeylocust Fruit 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Gleditsia sinensis Lam.[G.horrida Willd.] 别名:鸡栖子、皂 角、大皂荚、长皂荚、长皂角、大皂角、悬刀、 乌犀。 药用部位:果实 一说到皂角,老人们都知道是用来洗衣服的。其实,这种类似于“肥皂”的东西还是种美食。近两年,用皂角仁做菜就在厨师间悄然流行。皂角米,可以熬粥喝,也可以煲糖水或做煲汤的材料,据说可以美容,还可以起到美白的效果。皂角米全国有两个主要产皂角的地方,一是云南,一是贵州。云南皂角米,又叫滇皂仁;贵州皂角米 ,又叫皂角精、皂仁 。贵州皂角米更厚片、煮后口感不如云南皂角米、胶原也少些;云南皂角米更薄片、煮后口感更软糯、汤更黏稠、胶元蛋白含量高些。 这是叫做菇娘的水果 Physalis alkekengi 水果名称:红菇娘 别名:灯笼草、挂金灯、锦灯笼、酸浆 科属:茄科,酸浆属 Physalis alkekengi 酸浆又名红菇娘、挂金灯、戈力、灯笼草、洛神珠、泡泡草等,北方称为菇蔫儿、姑娘儿,以果实供食用。原产于中国,南北均有野生资源分布。酸浆在中国栽培历 史较久,在公元前300年,《尔雅》中即有酸浆的记载。现在在东北地区种植较广泛。其他地区种植较少,仍属稀特蔬菜。世界性分布,墨西哥菜里有一种沾玉米饼的调料就是以这种果实而不是蕃茄碎切出来加辣椒而成的。 酸浆以果实供食用。成熟果食甜美清香,是营养较丰富的水果蔬菜。浆果富含维生素C,对治疗再生障碍性贫血有一定疗效。果实有清热利尿功效,外敷可消炎,全 株可配制杀虫剂,也可供观赏用。 为茄科植物多年草本,原本是野生植物。多生长在山坡上,它耐寒抗旱,在我国北方和东北地区生长较 多。株枝上的果实呈多角灯笼形,内有圆形果球,如樱桃大小,秋天成熟后可食用,味甘甜。在国外也见过桃子大小的绿色菇娘,至少大的菇娘品种在口感上始终比不上蕃茄那么可口。它还是一种中药材,有清热解毒,镇咳利尿的功效。又据现代科学分 析,菇娘果中含有十八种氨基酸,有二十一种微量元素和矿物质,还有八种维生素。又是无污染、风味独特、营养丰富的天然绿色食品。分为红菇娘和黄菇娘两种。 红菇娘又称锦灯笼、灯笼果。红菇娘的药用价值较高,在中药上称为“苦子”可清热、解毒、清痰止咳,治疗慢性气管炎,长期服用可预防和治疗糖尿病。黄菇娘又 称甜菇娘、金菇娘。甜菇娘属草本植物,抗病力强,维生素C、维生素E含量是其它果品的5倍。长期食用可润喉止咳,通便利尿,生津开胃,降血压,美容养颜。 甜菇娘的硒含量比普通水果高10倍,重金属含量为零。具有增强人体免疫力,防癌、抗癌之功效。 蓬虆 三月泡 别名糯饭飘粒,也叫饭飘, 企 晃刺、野杜利、竖藤火梅刺、饭消扭、割田藨,为蔷薇科悬钩子属 植物蓬虆。 生丘陵间,藤叶繁衍,蓬蓬累累,故名。可入药。 汉 刘向 《列仙传·昌容》:“﹝ 昌容 ﹞食蓬虆根,往来上下见之者二百餘年,而颜色如二十许人。” 唐 贾岛 《逢博陵故人彭兵曹》诗: “别后解餐蓬虆子,向前未识牡丹花。”参阅 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草七·蓬蘽》。 学名:Rubus hirsutus Thunb. 科属:蔷薇科悬钩子属 英文名:Hirsute Raspberry 这一类的木莓果近亲非常多,色彩鲜艳多样,红黑黄白橘色都有。Rubus idaeus (Red Raspberry; occasionally as European Raspberry, Framboise, or simply Raspberry) 全都是好吃可爱的果子,名称有牛凸肚;蓬虆;熊莓(日本) Rubus crataegifolius 覆盆子 Rubus idaeus L.;European raspberry;red raspberry 鲜红木莓 Rubus illecebrosus。悬钩子等等。 地枇 杷 : 地瓜藤、地石榴、地胆紫、霜坡虎、地棠果、地板藤. 桑科榕属植物 我吃过的最难忘的水果之一,味道十分迷人地香甜。 地枇杷 Ficus tikoua Bur.。小时候被告之可以吃时,一尝,鲜美清香,难得的好气息和好味道。植物叶子革质浓绿,很好认,做页脉书签有 立体感。有大片地 板藤的地方都是护土 坡,因此比较干净。这种植物护堤坡土的力气很大,应该推广。记得日本研究中国北方环境保护文章里推荐过 葛藤,不知道是同一植物不。 厚皮甜瓜? Muskmelon, cucumis melo reticulatus A model 肉豆蔻科肉豆蔻屬蘭嶼肉豆蔻 这个其实和Nutmeg(肉豆蔻)一样是做调料的肉豆蔻类的果实,叫肉豆蔻科肉豆蔻屬蘭嶼肉豆蔻。 不过,它大多了,而且可食用。肉豆蔻是肉豆蔻科植物肉豆蔻Myristica fragrans Houtt.的干燥种仁。 Seeds of Coco de Mer palm "male" "female" Coco de Mer 塞舌尔椰 土生于非洲塞舌尔的Praslin和 Curieuse岛上的“Lodoiceacallipyge”,传说中的“海底椰” 果实非常像女性的臀部“Callipyge”本身就是“美丽屁股”的意思。海底椰有止咳、清肺的药用,是塞国的国宝。但是,中药里的“海底椰”通常是另一种鸡蛋大小的椰果,不是这么大的塞舌尔椰。 因塞舌尔椰产量极其有限,现存的塞舌尔椰椰树受到塞舌耳当地政府的保护,已禁止出口,仅在本地做观赏. Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) 黑核桃 吃起来跟中国陕西四川的山核桃一样,核坚硬,肉香甜。如果大家还记得以前学的课文里面的内容,一定会想到古人用来微刻小舟的就是这种山核 桃。 The Romans recognized the medicinal properties of the Black Walnut centuries ago. They also thought that it was the fruit that their Gods lived on. Today it is recognized that Black Walnut contains antifungal, anti-parasitic, astringent and antiseptic properties. Tagbak (Alpinia elegans) Specimen : Wild Observed habit : Creekbank thickets Location : San Miguel, Bulacan Local name : Tagbak, Tugbak Family : Zingiberaceae Height : 2-3 meters Leaves : Alternate; Linear or narrowly ovate, apex sharply acuminate, firm, bright to dull green.Used for : Fruit rind edible but a little woody in texture; Rhizomes, leaves and juice of the stem are used in traditional medicine. Origin : Endemic to the Philippines. Conservation status : Not threatened Possible threat : Clearing of woodlands for agricultural, commercial or residential use (Note : Samples identified for the author by taxonomist Mr. Ulysses Ferreras; Synonymous to Kolowratia elegans) 菲律宾Tabo果 Fruits (courtesy of Edmund Sana). Local name : Tabu, Tabo Specimen : Fruits (courtesy of Edmund Sana) Local name : Tabu, Tabo。 Botanical name : Willughbeia sp. Family : Apocynaceae Fruit : Berry, 10cms x 7cms (more or less), egg-shaped to football-shaped, brown skin, thick yellow to orange rind and white sticky latex; Seeds numerous, deep brown, elongated, each 3cms. long (more or less), enveloped by a sweet, creamy, white to nearly translucent aril or meat. Fruting season : Fruits received on August. Traits : Large liana; Shade tolerant. Recommendations : Backyard planting; Commercial planting; Fruit collector’s; Wildcrafting. Origin : The Philippines (and elsewhere?) Conservation status : Not threatened in the Philippines 山馬茶果 Tabernaemontana elegans "Toad tree" 大果狗牙花 (馬蹄花屬) 非洲祖鲁人把它当作牛奶添加物来吃。台湾省亦产。 Tabernaemontana africana 非洲山馬茶 海枣 只产于阿联酋沙漠中为数不多的几个绿洲中的椰枣 英文名为(Cluster of fresh dates),和其他地区椰枣不同,它是当成鲜果食用的。据知其甜度很高,只需生吃十个轻易达到3000卡热量! 阳桃 酢酱草科Oxalidaceae植物阳桃 Averrhoa carambola Linn 阳桃 为酢浆草科植物阳桃的果实。 阳桃不算是少见水果,中国是原产地之一,是久负盛名的 岭南佳果之一。因横切面如 五角星,故国外又称之为"星梨" (Starfruit)。 三廉、杨桃、五敛子、五棱子、山敛、三敛子、羊桃、泽挑、五敛、酸五棱、三棱子、木踏子、风鼓、鬼桃、酸桃、蜜桃杨、梅桃。阳桃又分为酸阳桃和甜杨挑两大 类。酸阳桃果实大而酸,俗称“三稔”,较少生吃,多作烹调配料或加工蜜饯。甜阳桃可分为“大花”、“中花”、“白壳仔”三个品系,其中以广州郊区花地产的 “花红”品味最佳,它清甜无渣,味道特别可口。阳桃是常绿小乔木或灌木,浆果一年四季交替互生,但品质以7月开花,秋分果熟的为最佳,产量也最高。中秋前 后为阳桃的旺产期。蜜饯阳桃是蜜饯中的佼佼者,不可错过。 Cucumis anguria Spiny Cucumbers "West Indian Gherkin" 黄瓜的亲戚们 Plant produces big vines with distinct leaves, closer to watermelon than cucumbers. Productive amounts of oval spiny fruits 2-3" long and 1½" in diameter. Distinct flavor, used for making small pickles or relish. Very drought tolerant. This variety dates back to at least two centuries. 60- 65 days. Cucumis metuliferus "African horned cucumber" Bright orange, ovaloid fruit to 6-9", with numerous prominent spines. Flesh is bright green, watery, and with a slight sweetness. Description: The horned melon is a vining annual that can be grown practically anywhere, provided a warm season. Plants can produce up to 100 fruits on a single vine. Provide support for the tendrils to grab. Leaves and stems are hairy. Cucumis spp This small to medium sized tree is perfect for a small garden. It reaches about 3-8m in height, with a single roughly fissured corky trunk. Its evergreen foliage is always a rich glossy green colour. It bears clusters of white star shaped fragrant flowers from the start of spring to the end of summer. The fruit is usually in pairs, with a look and texture similar to a toads skin.It will grow in semi shade to full sun, and requires moderate water in well draining soil. It is frost hardy to an extent. Apart from the yellow pulp being eaten on its own, the Zulu people add it to milk to speed up the curdling process. The seeds are also burnt, ground to a powder and mixed with tobacco for chewing or smoking. As a medicinal plant it has a variety of uses. Easily propagated from seed. It requires full sun and must be well watered. It is half-hardy and young plants should be protected from frost. 印度黄瓜 Tindola, Indian Perrenial Cucumber, Miniature Cucumber, Ivy Gourd, Scarlet Gourd (Rau Mảnh Bát) - Coccinia grandis, Coccinia indica A popular vegetable (called Tindola) in India, this miniature cucumber is quite rare here. The fruits are only 2 or 3 inches long, with a very nice scarlet red interior. Rich in beta-carotene, the fruits are used to prepare delicious stuffed curries, stews, pickles, salads and stir fries. Green fruits are crunchy and their colorful slices make beautiful decoration on salads. Ripe fruits are soft, bright red, and can be eaten raw. Young foliage and branch tips are used in soup ? Tampoi ( Braccaurea bracteata) The 'tampoi' fruit has a white sweet pulp and is mainly eaten fresh. A local wine is also prepared from this fruit. 木奶果 Cucumber Tree 黄瓜树 Parmenteria Aculeata Guajilote 食用蠟燭木, Guahalote (Parmentiera edulis, edible) 可食用,具有蜡味 Guajilote ‧學名: Parmentiera edulis Raf. Parmentiera edulis DC. ‧科名: 紫葳科(Bignoniaceae)蠟燭木屬(Parmentiera) ‧別名: 蠟瓜樹 ‧原產地: 墨西哥、瓜地馬拉,台灣於 1970 年間引進種植。 ‧ 分佈: 栽培種,台中縣勢林路近東勢林場 300 公尺路邊各有一棵蠟燭木和食用蠟燭木、台中市惠文中學校園有種植。‧ 用途: 1.觀賞用:適合大型盆栽或庭植美化。2.作蠟燭用:果實酷似蠟燭,且富含百分之六十的油脂,曬乾,點燃後 光 亮柔和,而且不會冒煙。2.食用:果實筒狀,彎曲,形似辣椒,可食用。 ‧莖: 蠟燭木之枝條很整齊的排列成十字對生狀,每一節上生有兩枝幹,細枝的節處有針刺,且相對排列。這是蠟燭木極為重大的特色。‧ 葉: 葉叢生,三出複葉,總柄上有翼,小葉呈長橢圓形或卵狀橢圓形。 ‧花: 花冠筒狀,先端 5 裂,皺曲,乳白色,略帶溇G。 ‧果實: 果實呈彎曲筒狀,果不開裂,果柄短,果長 10~13 公分,黃綠色,形似辣椒,可食用,具有蠟味。 ‧特性: 食用蠟燭木株高約 1~4 公尺,小枝節處有針刺。葉叢生,三出,葉柄具狹翼,橢圓形或倒卵形,全緣,先端鈍或尖。夏至秋季開花,花冠乳白色,徑約 5 公分。果實筒狀,灣曲,形似辣椒,粗約 3~5 公分,長約 10~13 公分,可食用,適合大型盆栽或庭植美化。: This highly ornamental tree is a conversation piece due to the interesting shape of its leaves and the greenish-cream flowers that grow directly from the stem or branch tips. The 1 ft long fruit resembles a greenish-yellow cucumber. The fibrous fruit is juicy with a sweet flavor similar to sugar cane. 猴面包 在非洲干 旱的热带 草原上,生长着一种形状奇特的大树——它的名字叫波巴布树。由于猴子和阿拉伯狗面狒狒都喜欢吃它的果 实,所以当地人称“猴面包树”,英文 名称是baobab 。猴 面包树的果实为长椭圆形,灰白色,长30—35厘米,纵切面约15— 17厘米。其果肉多汁,含有有机酸和胶质,吃起来略带酸味。 既可 生吃,又可制 作清凉饮料和调味品。其果肉包裹很多种子,种子含油量高达15%,榨出的油上等食用油。种子还可与杂粮混合食用。 下面是另外两种面包果(Breadfruit), 果肉有的类似于波罗密,如印度人食用的面包果,其他的有时被叫做榴莲,但是更象是可以吃的大个悬铃木果实。 Sausage tree 我只摸过这种巨大的果实,可惜果实不能食用(种子熟后可食)。 Fast grower, hard-to-kill plant! It produces large, dark red flowers that hang from the crown of the tree and huge sausage-like fruits. The mature fruits hang from the long stalks like giant sausages. They may be up to 3 feet long and weigh up to 30 pounds. Seeds however can be eaten only if roasted. Limau sari atau 'buddhas fingers' 一种佛手柑橘 佛手 古 称飞穰,又名佛手柑、五指柑、佛手香橼,芸香科植物佛手 Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis Swingle的果实。 佛手原产中国和印度,是一种名贵的果花卉和药用植物,常绿小乔木或灌木。 佛手是我国 著名的观 果花卉之一。株高1-2米,常绿,枝叶灰绿色,嫩枝新叶微带紫红,具短硬棘刺,有香气。单叶互生,柄短,无箭叶,革质。一般春天开 花,结的果实 称伏果,先端分裂如指,多为“开佛手”。夏季一般不开花或开花很少,结的果实,先端呈半分半合状。秋天开花,结的果实 称秋果,先端如 握拳状,多为“拳佛 手”。佛手冬至时成熟,果实呈古铜 色,香气袭人,不仅具有很高的观赏价值,而且也是一种健胃、理气的中 药。佛手又名九爪木、五指橘、佛手柑。为芸香科常绿小乔木。主产于闽粤、川、江浙等省的佛手,其中浙江金华佛手最为著名,被称为“果中之仙品,世上之奇 卉”,雅称“金佛手”。 肥胖佛手? 估计连佛界也不能免俗肥胖问题。 拐枣 久违了,比蜜甜的拐枣,在南京植物园后山看 到它高入云天的乔木,感觉很复杂:吃不着。一般高10米多;嫩枝、幼叶背面、叶柄和花序轴初有短柔毛,后脱落。叶片椭圆状卵形、宽卵形或心状卵形。果柄含 多量葡萄糖和苹果酸钾,经霜后甜,可生食或酿酒,主要分布陕西、江西、安徽、浙江、广东、福建、湖北、湖南、广西、四川、贵州、云南等省。 阿月浑子, 也称开心果 在塔克拉玛干大沙漠西缘的喀什绿洲,有一种果实非常美丽、营养价值很高的果树,它有一个美丽的名字:阿月浑子。维吾尔人称为皮斯特。古人称之为胡榛子、无 名子、无名木等。按植物分类学,它属于漆树科植物。世界上漆树的种类很多,但果实都很小,不能食用,一般用于生产漆。唯独阿月浑子果实大,味美可食,属坚 果。 Nipa Nypa 椰 (Nypa palm) Sea coconut 海底椰 海椰子 这个跟前面说的产于印度洋西部塞舌尔群岛中 普拉斯林和克瑞孜两个小岛上的海椰子同名,但不是一回事,它应该跟市场上的海底椰是一种植物果实。可惜都叫混了。广告上把这小小的海底椰妄称为"因其稀有 产量低被誉为塞舌尔的“国宝”塞舌尔圣果",购买者可得看仔细,那个圣果可不比臀部小。 A rare characteristic of Sedili Kecil is that it has preserved intact a transition between intertidal and fresh water swamp forest. As the mangroves fall behind we find a new harvest for our dinner – the sea coconut, or fruit of the nipah palm. more... Specimen : Wild stands Place of observation : Puerto Princesa Subterranian River National Park.Observed habitat : Estuary, at the edge of a slow flowing river.Local names : Nipa, Sasa. Trade names : Nypa palm, Mangrove palm.Botanical name : Nypa fruticans. Family : Palmae.Height : 4-6 meters.Leaves : Pinnately arranged with long midribs; Similar to coconuts.Fruits : Wedge-shaped drupes clustred together in a fruit head (infructescence); Brown, woody and fibrous .Fruiting season : Matured fruits seen in April.Traits / Habits : Small tree; Surviving as an undershrub; Thriving in both brackish water and freshwater; Waterlogging tolerant.Recommendations : Agroforestry; Commercial planting; Estuary / River hedging; Mangrove reforestation; Riparian management. Other uses : Gelatinous young fruits are edible and made into sweets; Young shoots are sometimes eaten as vegetable; The sweet sap are taken as refreshments or made into vinegar (Sukang Paombong, Sukang Sasa), wine / toddy (Tuba) or palm sugar; The leaves are used as roofing material for local houses (Nipa hut) and also used in weaving hats, mats, baskets and other woven handicrafts; Young leaves as tobacco wrap; Significant source of Bioethanol; Firewood. Origin : Indigenous to India, Southeast Asia (including the Philippines), Australia to the Pacific islands. Conservation status : Not threatened in the Philippines. (Note : Nypa is a monotypic genus. Nypa fruticans is the only palm considered as a mangrove sp.) Resource : World Agroforestry Centre (Nypa fruticans) Ambarella 沙梨 Ambarella (spondias dulcis) aka "Buah Kedondong" Foxtail Palm fruits (Wodyetia bifurcata) Swamp Palm Fruits Malaysia 一种小的马来西亚蛇皮果 Sold at Malaysia Lawas market Ref: According to the stall keeper, this is the fruit of a palm tree that grows in the swamps. It is called mengassam, or kelumbi, or assam paya..Loc.: Lawas market, at the vegetable stall. Date: 25 November 2007 Photo: Ooi Chooi Seng Taxonomy: Division: Magnoliophyta, Class: Liliopsida, Order: Arecales, Bromhead, Family: Arecaceae, Schultz-Schultzenstein, Tribe Calameae, Genus: Calamus Auct. ex L. "unripe fruit, Hawaii" "甜" 角果 Tamarindus indica Common name : Tamarind, Asam Jawa (Malay), ma khaam- มะขาม (Thai) Family : Fabaceae 酸角 Another unknown, wild edible one (in Iowa) 苏门答腊(Sumatra)是印尼最西面的一个大岛,也是全球第六大岛屿。探险者拍回的苏门答腊野芒果 Few areas in Sumatra have the biological richness that the Bengkung river system had in the early 1980s. Few people had even been there, but those who managed to do so returned with stories of an unspoiled tropical forest paradise. Being clothed in lowland forest, the Bengkung harbored numerous species of wild varieties of domestic fruit - six types of durian野榴莲, four species of citrus野橘子, at least eight varieties of mango野芒果, two varieties of rambutan红毛丹 - the delicious fruit encased in a hairy skin that gives the fruit its local name. There were also species of edible and delicious fruit and nuts that have yet to be cultivated and may still have (if they indeed still exist) real commercial value. Osage Orange These strange alien green balls called Osage Orange that look like a decoration from Pier 1. They are roach repellents in local markets. Hibiscus sabdariffa Common name : Roselle, 洛神花, krajeab-กระเจี๊ยบ (Thai) Family : Malavaceae 玫瑰茄又名洛神花、洛神葵、山茄等,是锦葵科木槿属的一年生草本植物,广布于热带和亚热带地区,原产于西非、印度,目前在我国的广东、广西、福建、云南、台湾等地均有栽培。玫瑰茄植株高 1.5~2米,茎淡紫色,直立,主干多分枝。叶互生。花在夏秋间开放,花期长,花萼杯状,紫红色,花冠黄色。每当开花季节,红、绿、黄相间,十分美丽,有 “植物红宝石”的美誉。开花季节,红、绿、黄相间,十分美丽可爱。它是非洲人民,尤其是非洲阿拉伯民族和西非人民广为栽种的经济植物。植物的花萼种子、茎和叶子都可利用。花萼(鲜品或干品)具有降血压、抗坏血病和利尿的药效,并且对支气管炎和咳嗽病有缓解作用。在非洲民间普遍当作饮料,阿拉伯人用花萼泡的茶称为"苏丹茶",有的还当作食品的天然色素和调味料。欧洲人很早就从非洲进口花萼干品,用作果子冻、调味清凉饮料等。由它制作的玫瑰茄糖、清凉汽水、果汁等产品颇受欢迎。 Malatinta 彩山竹 (Diospyros maritima) Specimen : Semi-cultivated trees (possibly wild).Location : Dinggalan, Aurora.Observed habitat : Coastal environment / Coastal thickets.Local name : Malatinta.Trade name : Sea persimmon.Botanical name : Diospyros maritima.Family : Ebenaceae.Height : About 8 meters.Trunk : Bole erect, branching starts low; Bark rough or minutely cracked, dark grey.Leaves : Alternate; Ovate to elliptic with blunt apex, firm or leathery, glossy, dark green.Fruit : Berry, 1.5 to 2 cms in diameter, depressed globose, subtended by a .reenish persistent calyx, green to yellow to orange; Pulp translucent orange, juicy with bluish or reddish-grey liquid that stains the fingers; Seeds 1-8, wedge-shaped, brown. Fruiting season : Matured fruits seen in October Traits : Dioecious; Drought tolerant; Evergreen; Salt-resistant; Small to medium-sized tree; Tolerant of infertile soil; Water-logging tolerant; Wind hardy. Recommendations : Coastal protection / stabilization; Living fence; Riparian management; Roadside tree; Timber belt; Urban greening; Windbreak. Used for : Fruit pulp reportedly edible; Wood for furniture, interior siding, paneling, veneer, canes, musical instruments, golf club heads, tool handles, riffle butts, novelties and carving.Origin : Indigenous to Japan, China, Taiwan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia and the Pacific islands.Conservation status : Not threatened in the Philippines. Observed possible threat : Coastal developments due to the burgeoning tourism industry.(Note : Local name could have been derived from the ink-like, bluish or reddish grey fluid that oozes out of the fruit when squeezed (?)). Resources : Flora of China – Diospyros maritima la bonnotte potato土豆 法国La Bonnotte品种的土豆为什么要每公斤售价500欧元? 最后上一个土豆的照片,它不是水果,只是一个储藏养分的休眠根茎或者说种芽。不过,上面这个la bonnotte吃的人不多,那价钱离谱的高,原因据说是因为它们是用手挖出来的土豆,给手的钱占了99.99%,细腻的质感似乎也占了一点开支。 秘鲁印地安高山土豆 The Quechua people, who live in the high mountains of Peru, are one of 11 communities chosen around the world to work with a project which aims to maintain a reservoir of essential species for all our major food crops. Having a broad variety of agricultural crops is essential for the future of agriculture, because different species of plants are often able to cope with widely differing environmental conditions and have a higher resistance to plagues. The ITPGRFA has two major aims: to prevent the loss of underused crops and ensure the full diversity of common crop species is maintained. Finger Poratos 这种手指土豆值得买来吃,不用去皮,直接蒸或者微波5分钟就可以享受。 紫土豆 Gloucester Black Kidney 加州土豆虫 This is a Potato Bug or Jerusalem Cricket, and it is one of our Top 10 identification requests, though for Southern California, it just may be #1. A “baby faced grasshopper” In Spanish, the Potato Bug is Niño de le Tierra, or Child of the Earth, and in Navajo it is called a Skull Insect. The humanoid appearance cannot be denied. |