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  零星拾集 --------Understanding of the people, one gene at a time.
不衰的经典: Nights In White Satin (The Moody Blues) 2011-09-09 21:00:35


The first official Video of "Nights In White Satin" from the year 1967


是否有过似曾相似的感觉? So does him ---the other side of life:

Here comes the song...

One "Night" in Paris, A timeless song...

The Moody Blues -

Nights In White Satin´67

Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send.
Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before.
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore.

'Cos I love you, yes I love you, oh how I love you.

Gazing at people, some hand in hand,
Just what I'm going through they can't understand.
Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be, you will be in the end.

And I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.

Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send.
Beauty I've always missed, with these eyes before.
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore.

'Cos I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.
'Cos I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.

Breath deep
The gathering gloom
Watch lights fade
From every room
Bedsitter people
Look back and lament
Another day's useless
penny is spent

Impassioned lovers
Wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love
And has none
New mother picks up
And suckles her son
Senior citizens
Wish they were young

Cold hearted orb
That rules the night
Removes the colours
From our sight
Red is gray and
Yellow white
But we decide
Which is right
Which is an Illusion

64年成立的The Moody Blues英国摇滚乐队跟今天许多摇滚 

的那种便宜的风格截然不同: 匠心制作让人不可错过。


   1964年3月,乐队在伯明翰首次亮相便赢得关注。成军后6个月,他们赢得了Decca Records 一纸合约,并在64年6月推出首支单曲Steal Your Heart Away,但未能进入英国排行榜。1964年11月。乐队发行寄予很高希望的第二支单曲Go Now ——翻唱自美国R&B歌手Bessie Banks,不负众望地登上了英国排行榜的冠军宝座,也使他们赢得了一系列在顶级场所演出的机会;在美国取得第十名的成绩,亦为他们带来为Beatles 担任暖场的机会。乐队紧接着在大洋两端分发全长专辑,在英国发行Magnificent Moodies,美国是Go Now。可以说这是单曲Go Now的延续,但却未能延续以前的成功。接下来的单曲Ellie Greenwich,也未能再掀波澜。1965年3月,他们推出第四支单曲From The Bottom Of My Heart ,风格完全不同以往,这可以说是不列颠入侵时期最非同寻常和令人难忘的唱片之一,却只取得英国排行榜第22名。经历繁重巡演后的乐队,进行了一次人员变 动,Clint Warwick退出了乐队,他的位置被John Lodge取代。1966年8月, Laine也离开了乐队,Ray Thomas找来前队友歌手兼吉他手的Justin Hayward加入乐队。


   60年代民谣和轻微迷幻摇滚风行一时,Beatles在他们的民谣唱片中加入印度音乐元素,Rolling Stones叶发行了如Lady Jane 的唱片。Moody Blues也将传统的R&B元素引入,创造出全新的,和谐统一的音乐。几经挣扎后,乐队得到命运眷顾,参与到了Decca厂牌的一个音乐试验计划 当中。   乐队发行了一些单曲,未获成功。但他们创作的一些歌曲却引起了制作Tony Clarke的兴趣,他找来录音师Derek Varnods 以及作曲家/指挥家Peter Knight与乐队合作,用Knight谱写的管弦乐曲来搭配和映衬Moody Blues的歌曲,创造出以管弦乐为框架的表现生命循环往复的摇滚乐曲,于是,专辑Days of Future Passed 诞生了。这张古典与摇滚交织的专辑先后在英美两国发行 ,其中单曲Nights in White Satin (Hayward词曲)在英国排行榜位列第22,在美国上榜的则是由Hayward创作的另一首歌曲Tuesday Afternoon,他们的全长专辑Summer of Love 被很多喜爱管弦/迷幻风格(如Beatles的著名专辑Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts )所欣赏,使得乐队更多地被积压的迷幻风格的作品得以发表。键盘手Mike Pinder 运用一种叫Mellotron的录音设备,用键的触头激化磁头,使得弦乐声可以被循环,乐器也可以作出怪诞的弦乐声效。60年代的众多知名乐队如 Beatles,Rolling Stones都开始运用Mellotron设备来录音;而Pinder 不仅懂得如何去使用Mellotron,更是在工厂生产这种设备(因而它也被昵称为Pindertrons)。


   1968年的专辑 In Search of the Lost Chord 将Mellotron完全展现在了公众面前:整张专辑呈现一种波澜壮阔的美丽 ,既带有典型的英国式的随心所欲(歌曲 Dr. Livingston | Presume ),又有华丽慵懒西部风情歌曲(Visions of Paradise 和On )还有迷幻风格的赞歌Legend of A Mind 。1969年乐队首次在自己的厂牌Threshold发行新专辑 To Our Children's Childern's Children ,他们对录音,混音技术的运用也更加自如。但是令人头疼的是,乐队在现场却无法还原歌曲的录音效果 ,只有吉他作品 Gypsy 可以在现场表演。从1970年的专辑 A Queen of Balence开始,乐队开始录制适合现场演奏的歌曲,这就包括了不久后的唱片Every Good Boy Deserves Favour。

队员 简介

   Moody Blues的五位成员各具特色,Pinder富有激情,Lodge生性摇滚,Edge是位诗人,Thomas 擅长演奏,Hayward则浪漫得不可救药。乐队风格多种多样,既有迷幻,又有流行摇滚。歌迷们不仅把他们当作一支乐队,更视其为精神偶像。但John Lodge 用I 'm Just a Singer (In a Rock N' Roll Band ) 一曲道破这一现象,这首硬摇滚风格的作品在排行榜上成绩很好。有趣的是,1972年乐队以前的歌曲Nights in White Satin 重新上榜,而且卖得比67年还要好。Days of Future Passed 专辑中的歌曲再次畅销。但这些辉煌缺使乐队放慢了脚步,陷入了创作瓶颈之中。72年乐队准备录制的新专辑Seven Sojourn却因巡演压力而退后,一耽搁就是五年。但在此其间,乐队成员个人发展都颇有建树,1975年Pinder联手Lodge 推 出专辑Blue Jays ,十分成功,其他成员了推出了个人专辑。   20世纪70 年代,早朋克运动和Disco席卷全球之时, Moody Blues大打怀旧牌,先是推出双张全长回顾性专辑This is The Moody Blues,而后1977年,除了Pinder以外的远队成员重聚一堂,与1978年推出专辑Octoave ,登上排行榜榜首,此后的巡演中,乐队找来了键盘手Patrick Moraz。

宝刀 不老

   80年代的Moody Blues仍旧宝刀未老,于1981年推出专辑 Long Distance Voyager,但在新乐队林立的乐坛,他们稍嫌过时。单曲In Your Wildest Dreams, 以及 I Know You're Out There Somewhere, 都很成功,引人怀旧。1994年,四碟装的唱片 Time Traveller回顾了乐队的整个生涯。乐队还上榜 Polygram 书库,成为最畅销的乐队之一。1999年,他们发行录音专辑 Strange Times ,一年后发行现场专辑Hall of Fame (它是97年的合集,收录了从 Days of Future Passed 到Seven Sojourn的七张原版唱片)。2003年,Ray Thomas退出乐坛,Moody Blues 剩下了Harward ,Lodge 和 Edge三个人继续奋斗。

   尽管Moody Blues乐队以他们华丽深邃的迷幻摇滚专辑而著称,但它们实际上是脱胎于不列颠入侵使得R&B小型爵士乐队。英国的伯明翰,众多优秀乐队的诞生 地,诸如当时的El Riot & Rebels, Moody Blues也成立于此,由Ray Thomas (和声/主唱)和Mike Pinder (键盘/主唱),后又招幕Denny Laine (吉他/主唱), Graeme Edge (鼓手) ,以及Clint Warwick(贝斯/歌唱),乐队阵容正式固定下来。

The Moody Blues


Days Of Future Passed

  1. The Day Begins
  2. Dawn: Dawn Is A feeling
  3. The Morning: Another Morning
  4. Lunch Break: Peak Hour
  5. The Afternoon: Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?)
  6. Evening: Time To Get Away
  7. Evening: The Sun Set
  8. Evening: Twilight Time
  9. The Night: Nights In White Satin
10. Late Lament


The Day Begins
(Redwave, Knight)

Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is gray and yellow, white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion

Pinprick holes in a colourless sky
Let insipid figures of light pass by
The mighty light of ten thousand suns
Challenges infinity and is soon gone
Night time, to some a brief interlude
To others the fear of solitude

Brave Helios, wake up your steeds
Bring the warmth the countryside needs

Dawn Is A Feeling
Mike Pinder

Dawn is a feeling
A beautiful ceiling
The smell of grass
Just makes you pass
Into a dream

You're here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to

You look around you
Things they astound you
So breathe in deep
You're not asleep
Open your mind

You're here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to

Do you understand
That all over this land
There's a feeling
In minds far and near
Things are becoming clear
With a meaning

Now that you're knowing
Pleasure starts flowing
It's true life flies
Faster than eyes
Could ever see

You're here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to

Another Morning
Ray Thomas

Balloons flying
Children sighing
What a day to go kite flying
Breeze is cool
Away from school
Cowboys fighting out a duel
Time seems to stand quite still
In a child's world, it always will

Fish is biting
So exciting
Lunchtime sounds so inviting
Angler Bill
He gets a thrill
Sitting, watching bobbing quill
Time seems to stand quite still
In a child's world, it always will

Yesterday's dreams
Are tomorrow's sighs
Watch children playing
They seem so wise

Mary Green
Today is a queen
One thousand dollies are a dream
In cotton frocks and golden locks
Her palace is an orange box

Time seems to stand quite still
In a child's world, it always will

Lunch Break:
Peak Hour
John Lodge

I see it all through my window, it seems
Never failing like millions of bees
All that is wrong
No time to be won
All they need to do
What can be done

Peak hour
Peak hour
Peak hour

Minds are subject to what should be done
Problems solved, time cannot be won
One hour a day
One hour at night
Sees crowds of people
All meant for flight

Peak hour
Peak hour
Peak hour

It makes me want to run out and tell them
They've got time
Take a step back out
And look in
I found out
I've got time....

Minds are subject to what should be done
Problems solved, time cannot be won
One hour a day
One hour at night
Sees crowds of people
All meant for flight

Peak hour
Peak hour
Peak hour

The Afternoon:
Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?)
Justin Hayward

Tuesday afternoon
I'm just beginning to see
Now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me
Chasing the clouds away

Something calls to me
The trees are drawing me near
I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh

I'm looking at myself
Reflections of my mind
It's just the kind of day
To leave myself behind
So gently swaying
Through the fairy-land of love
If you'll just come with me
And see the beauty of

Tuesday afternoon
Tuesday afternoon

Tuesday, afternoon
I'm just beginning to see
Now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me
Chasing the clouds away

Something calls to me
The trees are drawing me near
I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh

不衰的经典: <wbr>Nights <wbr>In <wbr>White <wbr> Satin <wbr>(The <wbr>Moody <wbr>Blues)
This single was released in July, 1968 and backed with "Another Morning". Picture sleeve is French.

Time To Get Away
John Lodge

Evening has come to pass
The time of day doesn't last
Evening has earned its place today
I'm tired of working away

Working, living it brings
Only way to have those things
Toiling has bought too many tears
Turn round all those past years

Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away
Till next day

Live all you people
You can see where you're at
It doesn't really hurt you
So that can depend

Evening time to get away

Live all you people
You can see where you're at
It doesn't really hurt you
So that can depend

Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away

The Sunset
Mike Pinder

When the sun goes down
And the clouds all frown
Night has begun for the sunset

See it with your eyes
Earth re-energized
By the sun's rays every day
Take a look out there
Planets everywhere

When the sun goes down
And the clouds all frown
Night has begun for the sunset

Shadows on the ground
Never make a sound
Fading away in the sunset
Night has now become
Day for everyone

I can see it all
From this great height
I can feel the sun
Slipping out of sight
And the world still goes on
Through the night

Twilight Time
Ray Thomas

Twilight Time, to dream awhile
In veils of deepening gloom
As fantasy strides over colourful skies
The fog disappearing from view

In twilight time, dream with me awhile

A nightingale plays a dark mellow phrase
Of notes that are rich and so true
An aerial display by the firefly brigade
Dancing to tunes no one knew

In twilight time, dream with me awhile
In twilight time, dream with me awhile

Building castles in the air
Whistling to the wind
As nature bows down her head
See what tomorrow brings

Twilight time, dream with me awhile

Bats take to wing, like puppets on string
Prancing in cool evening air
In a sightless glide, no reason to hide
Away from the sun's blinding stare

In twilight time, dream with me awhile
In twilight time, dream with me awhile

The Night:
Nights in White Satin
Justin Hayward

Nights in white satin
Never reaching the end
Letters I've written
Never meaning to send

Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore

'Cause I love you
Yes I love you
Oh how I love you

Gazing at people
Some hand in hand
Just what I'm going through
They can understand

Some try to tell me
Thoughts they cannot defend
Just what you want to be
You will be in the end

And I love you
Yes, I love you
Oh, how I love you
Oh, how I love you

Nights in white satin
Never reaching the end
Letters I've written
Never meaning to send

Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore

'Cause I love you
Yes, I love you
Oh, how I love you
Oh, how I love you

'Cause I love you
Yes, I love you
Oh, how I love you
Oh, how I love you

不衰的经典: <wbr>Nights <wbr>In <wbr>White <wbr> Satin <wbr>(The <wbr>Moody <wbr>Blues)
This single is the only song in history to chart three times in its original form: 1967, 1972 and 1979. "Cities" was not released on any album until Prelude in 1987. French picture sleeve shown here.

Late Lament
Graeme Edge

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day's useless energy spent

Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and suckles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young

Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey and yellow, white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion

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