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In The Mood 一首值得肆意欢乐的名曲 ---- V-J吻 2011-09-09 20:58:59


Victory over Japan

1945年鬼子投降带来的名曲 萨克斯管和V-J吻的经典音乐 In the mood

http://marylandnurses.org/_cache/Types Of Nurses/img/Nurse_Kissing_Sailor_Times_Square_3.jpghttp://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBoxo9ST5UmN-e2JdLCqP9Ivm34VXilnnPmnBc_TQMRnfxRNQNwQ





"In the Mood" is a song popularized by the American bandleader Glenn Miller in 1939, and one of the best-known arrangements of the big band era. It was composed by Joe Garland and Andy Razaf and arranged by Miller, although the main theme had been previously heard. Miller's rendition topped the charts in 1940 and one year later was featured in the movie Sun Valley Serenade.

In the Mood

In the Mood

With a big band orchestra, singers and swing dancers, In the Mood brings to the stage the music that moved a nation's spirit and helped win a war. More than a concert, In the Mood is a 1940’s Big Band Theatrical Swing Revue featuring artists like Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Harry James, Erskin Hawkins, The Andrews Sisters, Frank Sinatra, and other greats of the 1940's. Featuring a company of 19 including the In the Mood Singers and Dancers with the sensational String of Pearls big band orchestra, "the show's arrangements, costumes and choreography are as authentic as it gets!"

V-J Day in Times Square

is a photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt that portrays an American sailor kissing a young nurse in a white dress on V-J Day in Times Square on August 14, 1945. The photograph was published a week later in Life magazine among many photographs of celebrations around the country that were presented in a twelve-page section called Victory. A two-page spread faces three other kissing poses among celebrators in Washington, D.C., Kansas City, and Miami, Florida opposite Eisenstaedt's, which is given a full page display. Kissing was a favorite pose encouraged by media photographers of service personnel during the war, but Eisenstaedt was photographing a spontaneous event that occurred in Times Square as the announcement of the end of the war on Japan was made by President Truman at seven o'clock. Similar jubilation spread quickly with the news.

The photograph is known under various titles, such as V-J Day in Times Square

and V-Day.[1]

The official United States celebration is not on this date, however. V-J Day is instead celebrated on September 2, the date of the formal signing of the surrender.[2] A special day of remembrance is marked in Japan and other countries on September 2, as well.

Because Eisenstaedt was photographing rapidly changing events during the celebrations he didn't have an opportunity to get the names and details. The photograph does not clearly show the faces of either person involved in this embrace and several people have claimed to be the subjects. The photograph was shot just south of 45th Street looking north from a location where Broadway and Seventh Avenue converge. Soon afterward, throngs of people crowded into the square and it became a sea of people.


A simultaneous re-enactment of the famous kiss in Times Square, which took place 64 years ago. (Photo: Justin Lane/European Pressphoto Agency)





Victory over Japan V-J Day 1945
Times Square Kiss Re-enactment
USS Cod August 15, 2010

Pucker Up!

That was the invitation to help honor the Greatest Generation by participating in USS COD Submarine Memorial's V-J Day Kiss-In.

Victory over Japan Day or V-J Day, is, of course, the day when the Surrender of Japan occurred, effectively ending World War II. The term has been applied to the day on which the initial announcement of Japan's surrender was made in the afternoon of August 15, 1945 in Japan.

Because of time zone differences, it was announced August 14, 1945 in the United States. September 2, 1945 is when the signing of the surrender document occurred.

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945: Japanese representatives on board USS Missouri (BB-63) during the surrender ceremonies.

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945: Japanese representatives on board USS Missouri (BB-63).

There were celebrations in the US and worldwide as seen in photos such as this by Ed Westcott of residents of Oak Ridge, TN who filled Jackson Square to celebrate the surrender of Japan.

In a photo by Ed Westcott, residents of Oak Ridge, TN, fill Jackson Square to celebrate the surrender of Japan.

But there was one photo that captured the jubilance of the nation and the world. Life Magazine published the photo taken in Times Square on August 14, 1945 shortly after the announcement by President Truman occurred and people began to gather in celebration.

Alfred Eisenstaedt went to Times Square and he spotted a sailor "running along the street grabbing any and every girl in sight . . . Then suddenly, in a flash, I saw something white being grabbed. I turned around and clicked the moment the sailor kissed the nurse."

Nurse Edith Cullen Shain claimed to be the woman in the photo but the man was never identified.

The next day, the New York Times published this other view of the same scene but it was not as popular or famous as the Eisenstaedt shot.

1945 V-J Day kiss in Times Square

To celebrate that memorable day and remember the veterans, couples from across the US re-created the famous kiss at ceremonies. The Cleveland ceremony was at the USS Cod.

Keep the Spirit of 45 alive

Keep the Spirit of '45 alive

Veterans in uniform, character actors and the general public visited the USS Cod and took part in the ceremony.

Paul Farace, Curator of the USS Cod, explains the reenactment of the V-J Day Celebration and famous Times Square kiss photograph

V-J Day actors in World War II militay unifroms at USS Cod

Frank Artino as a a Lieutenant, Ann Johnson as 2nd Lieutenant Army Air Corp Nurse and Scott Harmon dressed as a Chief Boatswain Mate

US Submarine Veteran Fritz Hemrich worked the radio

US Submarine Veteran Fritz Hemrich worked the sound system

Sheila Rosenberg on the deck of the USS Cod

Sheila Rosenberg on the deck of the USS Cod

Three USS Cod re-enactors - a Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant Army Air Corp Nurse and a Chief Boatswain Mate explain the re-enactment of the V-J Day Celebration.

Veteran Robert Hetman and his wife Margaret

Veteran Robert Hetman and his wife Margaret

Submarine veteran Jack Paulin with his wife Marilyn

Submarine veteran Jack Paulin with his wife Marilyn

Sheila Barnes and Alan Winkler

Sheila Barnes and Alan Winkler

Re-enactor Frank Artino honors the veterans of World War II
on Victory in Japan Day

The participants used their time wisely - practicing for the big kiss and dancing to Glenn Miller and other hits from 1945.
Michelle Root and Eric Paul Dancing on V-J Day

Michelle Root and Eric Paul

Reenactor Eric Paul said they called his outfit the Navy Cracker Jack, but it is really the dress blues for a Navy enlisted man. His patch says he is a Seaman, 2nd Class Cook - which is appropriate because he is a chef in "real" life.

USS Cod gun

Taking a look in the gun on the USS Cod

Getting "In the Mood"

On the deck of the USS Cod

Awaiting the big announcement

Deck of the USS Cod

The participants were interrupted by a radio broadcast announcing that Japan had agreed to our terms of surrender and that the War was essentially over! They screamed, hugged and threw their caps before breaking into Kate Smith's God Bless America.

The radio announcement and reaction

Singing God Bless America

Singing God Bless America

Celebrations continued and a conga line formed and danced up the gangway of the USS Cod.
Conga line for V-J Day

Finally it was time for what everyone was waiting for - the kiss.

Re-creating the Times Square V-J Day Kiss

Sheila Barnes and Alan Winkler VJ-Day kiss

Sheila Barnes and Alan Winkler

Scott Harmon and Ann Johnson V-J day kiss

Scott Harmon and Ann Johnson

V-J Day kisses

V-J Day kisses

V-J Day kisses on the deck of the USS Cod

V-J Day kisses on the deck of the USS Cod

Michelle Root and Eric Paul were jusged the best kissers

Michelle Root and Eric Paul were judged the best kissers

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