[博主声明:不得转载,一些学名还不是完全查证清楚,丢不起人呵。] 抱歉这一帖无论怎么编辑都是冲出界外,删掉了许多图和描述也修正不回框架之中,只好这样放宽银幕了。 一直喜欢各种水果,从小时候在南方探亲背了个大菠箩回到北方开始,经历了许多水果美 味,后来还特地从版纳真地带了个巨大的菠箩 (6~8斤?) 给一位未曾谋面的教授品尝 (当然不象下图那么巨大)。 You have reached your maximum guest watch list limit of 10 items. Please remove some items from your watch list in My eBay if you want to add more. This item has been added to your guest watch list in My eBay. 大菠箩 Circa 1940 real photo postcard. 说明里面介绍说这两图都是实际菠箩照片,看来应该是真有这么大的大菠箩。不过,还是难以相信。 这篇文章连查带写地经过了了很长时间,许多图片资料来自网上,采用之后原始出处图片却关闭掉了,结 果很快就无法显示。好处是它给了我时间去植物园博物馆了解实物。我们所能经历的世界有限,世界却从来没有变小。 我在各种旅途中采用我父亲的建议,"没尝过的水果和当地食品一定争取去品尝",这种观点,的确帮助不小: 当一个古巴小贩强调的他车上的热代水果我不会喜欢而买下来直接大吃时,两人的心里都充满了欢乐。 这里整理了一些少见的可食用水果,其中也有非食用的,或者是水果的变种和菌果。图都是从中外各网站上搜索来的,感谢那些原作者! 挂一漏万,还得不断添补,错误之处欢迎赐教。 你可能没见过的水果和 山果 汤安 今天,新的瓜果已经不容易发现了,多数稀有品种只是因为受到生长地区的限制而不为外界所知。不过,下面图中的花,就是在科学杂志发表的在中南美洲新发现的 一种Gurania果实的花。说明还有未知的新的种类。即使是植物学上已知的水果,我们又知道其中多少呢? 看完本文,也许大家就可以知道其中不少了。 Rare gurania Finding a gurania in bloom in a world of green is about as exciting as running into a flashy passion fruit flower. I discovered this one only two days ago close to the old roundhouse, which was destroyed a few years ago by a falling rubber tree. The plant is a vine belonging to the cucumber family, Cucurbitaceae. There are different species but the ones I've seen seem to be the same. In reality, I've never seen many of them, maybe an average of two or three a year. This flower was only off the ground 12 inches or so but I've seen them high up in the trees. An anonymous reader of the blog remarked that this may be G. eriantha. Sicence: Gurania makoyana: to understand if the plants have coevolved with their insect parasites, fruit flies that belong to the genus Blepharonuera (Diptera). Researchers address this question by comparing phylogenies (trees) that we build using data from DNA. Research on this project involves travel to field sites in Central and South America. 热带出产最多的陌生水果 Tropical Fruits 印尼Salak果 Salak (Salacca) 蛇皮果, a species of palm tree native to Indonesia and Malaysia. It is a very short-stemmed palm, with leaves up to 6m long; each leaf has a 2m long petiole with spines up to 15cm long. 蛇皮果,东南亚水果 拉丁名:Salacca Reinw,印尼(以及马来西亚和新加坡)名: Salak。棕榈科, 蛇皮果属,非乔木。其植株与东南亚草本油棕榈类似,叶自根部丛生,高3~ 4米,果实丛生于根部叶腋处。 叶柄密生尖刺。果皮外密生毛刺。蛇皮果的果肉是白中带黄色,但是咬下去是很爽脆的感觉。在不同的地方, 所产的品种略有差异,一定要选色 泽深亮熟度好的来买,有些会有不大愉快的气味,而肉质很乾硬,非常 的酸涩。印尼峇里岛产的蛇皮果是最好, 肉质甜中带酸,不会苦涩,也不会很乾硬的感觉,果肉饱满像苹果 一样的爽脆,果核也比较小,带有点点淡淡 的香气。据说蛇皮果还有美容的效果,所以最近也有用蛇皮果做 的保养品。 Snake Fruit [Buah Salak (Salacca Edulis)]Tree The fruit grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown scaly skin. 色泽深亮熟度好的蛇皮果 Buah Salak (Salacca Edulis) Salak The pulp is edible. The fruit can be peeled by pinching the tip which should cause the skin to slough off so it can be pulled away. The fruit inside consists of three lobes, each containing a large inedible seed. The lobes resemble, and have the consistency of, large peeled garlic cloves. The taste is usually sweet and acidic, but its apple-like texture. 马来西亚 苦酸果 'rotan' ( Calamus ornatus) Malaysia The fruit of the well known 'rotan' ( Calamus ornatus), non-seasonal. The rotan fruits have scales on the outside and the pulp have an extremely sour to bitter taste. The rotan or rattan is a very versatile product of the rainforest jungle creating a huge rattan furniture export industry for Malaysia. It is worthwhile to note that seeds of the rattan may take 1-6 months to germinate. 长梗杧果 The seasonal Ong Balem 它跟杧果(Mangifera indica)是一个属,吃起来应该一样。 马来西亚 'Ong Balem' meaning the Balem Fruit ( Mangifera pajang) in Melanau is available mainly in December every year. They taste generally sweet when ripe. Young balem fruits are eaten too as salad in which case it is usually eaten with the well known shrimp paste called 'Belacan'. Manilkara zapota Common name : Sapodilla, Ciku (Malay), 人心果, lamoot-ละมุด (Thai) Family : Sapotaceae Babaco果 (五棱番木瓜) Tamarillo (Tree) Tomate 树蕃茄 树 蕃茄,中国南方也有,我在云南从文山到版纳都见过和品尝过,味道类似蕃茄,似乎更甜,但水分较少, 十分耐储藏。A small, attractive, half-woody, evergreen or partially deciduous, shrub or small tree. The fruits are juicy and sub-acid, they are eaten out of hand, added to salads, used in preserves, jams, jellies etc. The mature fruits resemble a hen's egg in size and shape and, in the West Indies, ripen from October to January. The seedlings grow rapidly and generally produce the second year. Will grow indoors with warmth and bright light. blue tomatoes 蕃茄里的稀有品种,包括极其稀少的黑蕃茄, 蓝蕃茄 Curious fruit resemble elongated tomatoes or a pair of red horns. Obviously salt tolerant, it would make an attractive specimen plant for a coastal garden in a warm climate. Toga Striped Eggplant 难看可吃的Toga 茄 果 Dillenia indica (eadible) This evergreen spreading tropical tree is up to 60 feet tall. It has beautiful white fragrant flowers, toothed leaves and globose 3-4" edible fruits with small brown seeds. 番石榴里面的鸡番果 Chilean Guava 介于火龙果和仙人果之间的 Cereus peruvianus 仙人掌果 营 养和口感都不错,但是甜度不太够。 Night Blooming Cereus, Peruvian Apple, Column Cactus. Cereus peruvianus is a large erect, thorny columnar cactus. It is an unexplored, underutilized cactus, grown only as an ornamental plant, even though it produces attractive, edible fruits. The nocturnal flowers remain open for one night. The fruits are thornless and vary in skin color from violet-red to yellow. The flesh, which is the edible part of the fruit, is white and contains small, edible, and crunchy seeds. 巧克力藤角 NEW HYBRID CHOCOLATE VINE plant 巧克力藤角果,它跟后面讲到的真正巧克力树 Chocolate Tree接的cacao beans不是一回事。 四物果 [釋迦果] Annona Squamosa Sugar Apple ? 估 计这个种的名称有问题,釋迦果应该是聚花果,本种似 乎是下面的Sibut四物果的一种。 Sibut果 (四物果?) Kerdas ( Genuak ) 有手掌大小的一种好吃不好闻的 果实,吃的是里面的种子, 它可以直接吃,也有各类罐头产品。 Jering 椰菱果 没吃过,有一 种夹面包的甜酱就叫Jering酱 An edible, usually sweet and fleshy fruit. 没 见过,但是绝对可食用的美丽果子。 Exotic tropical fruits look and taste very different to apples and oranges 这个肯定是稀奇水果了, 不知道叫什么。 Ubaia. Eugenia patrisii 'Lorver' pitanga (Eugenia uniflora) fruit 嘉賓果 藤樱果 單子蒲桃(嘉賓果) Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae) Common Names : English: pitanga, Surinam cherry, Brazilian cherry, Cayenne cherry, Florida cherry Portuguese: pitangueira vermelha, pitangueira, pitanga-do-mato, pitangueira miuda, pitangueira comum, pitanga rósea.Spanish: pitanga, cereza de Surinam, cereza de cayena, pendanga, cereza cuadrada, guinday, guinda.French: cerise à côtes, cerises-cotes, cerise de Cayenne, cerise de pays, cerise carée. Dutch (Suriname): Surinaamsche kersh, zoete kers, monkie monkie kersie. Guraraní (Paraguay): ñanga-pirí Origin and Distribution . South America from Venezuela and Guayana to southern Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. It is cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics. Botanical Synonyms There are about 19 botanical synonyms for Eugenia uniflora, including Eugenia microphylla, Myrtus brasiliana, Plinia pedunculata and Stenocalyx uniflorus. Description:Large shrub to small tree, reaching 25 feet (7.6 m). Multiple thin trunks and densely branched, with smooth bark. Leaves opposite, glossy green, 1.5 to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. New growth reddish. Perfect axillary flowers, solitary or in groups of up to four. Fruits round, ribbed, red or dark purple, around 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter, with a thin peel, juicy, sweet,edible. Brazilian Surinam Cherry 巴西樱桃 (Eugenia uniflora) 英文名:Surinam cherry, red Brazil cherry. 别名:扁樱桃、八角樱桃、番樱桃、红果仔、红果子、毕当茄、棱果蒲桃、巴西红果、苏利南莓。 科属:桃金娘 金虎尾果 亮叶金虎尾 (Malpighia glabra) barbados cherry 英文名:Acerola 阿西罗拉 针叶樱桃 Acerola cherry(西印度櫻桃)學名: Malpighia glabra 科別: 黃褥花科 亮叶金虎尾(Malpighia glabra) 原产美洲热,印度。属金虎尾科常绿小乔木,树型优美,生长快速,花果期长达9个月及6个月。果实富含维他命C,台湾广为栽种,采摘果实加工成保健食品与化 妆品,闻名全世界。亮叶金虎尾是极佳的环境绿化树种,可以修剪整型,栽作绿篱,制成盆景及盆栽兼采果。性喜高温多湿、阳光充足,耐半陰,需水量適中,可在 夏季以嫩枝扦插或種子繁殖。 属种及产地:针叶樱桃是阿西罗拉樱桃(英文 Acerola cherry)的中文称谓。原产于热带美洲西印度群岛加勒比海地区,故又有西印度樱桃(West Indies cherry)的叫法。阿西罗拉为黄褥花科(Malpighiaceae)常绿灌木或小乔木,学名为Malpighia glabra L. 。 营养成分构成:针叶樱桃从1946年被发现每100克含有1800~4000毫克超高量之维生素C后,引起科学界极大关注。经科学家多年深入研究,针叶樱 桃营养成分构成:水分70.6%、蛋白质0.32%、脂肪0.13%、糖类3.8%、维生素C、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素A、烟碱酸、核黄素、铁、 磷、钙等,其中除含维生素C外,每100克果实中还含维生素B1为28毫克、维生素B2为79毫克、维生素A为1832IU(IU为国际单位)、烟碱酸为 340毫克。 针叶樱桃是目前种植的植物中维生素C含量最高的,每100 克果中维C含量达2445毫克,是柠檬的35倍,草莓的17倍,也比被认为维生素C极高的番石榴高11倍,是名副其实的“维生素C之王”,同时还含有维 A、维B1、维B2、铁、钙等元素,维生素C是维持人体生命不可欠缺的重要成份,它能够防感冒,防坏血病,改善人体抵抗能力,对美容以及癌症有一定功效。 因此,开发利用针叶樱桃前景广阔,而且也十分必要。 功效:具有抗氧化作用,可防止 胆固醇在动脉上沉积,避免血液凝结成块,以降低动脉硬化 发生的机率。亦可阻断某些荷尔蒙的不良活动,抑制引起发 炎的酵素活动,还可以抑制微血管增生。 Leucaena leucocephala Common name : Petai Hutan (Malay ), Krathin- กระถิน (Thai) Family : Fabaceae Leucaena leucocephala 银合欢果 terkenal dgn nama Buah Jentik-Jentik Pulasan 葡 萄桑 (山红毛丹) Pulasan 这名字源自马来语「Pulas」,既「扭转」的意思。欲剥开果实,只需往反方向扭转即可。葡萄桑外皮有类似软刺状的物体,远看会让人误以为是大型的杨梅, 触摸时有塑胶般的手感,果肉比红毛丹甜且多汁。 由于属季节性果实, 葡萄桑则不做商业种植,属「可遇不可 求」类的水果,对那些曾品尝过的食客来说,葡萄桑可算是热带水果中的「梦幻之果」。 Buah lahung, buah lahung 红毛丹(Rambutan),又名 毛荔枝、韶子、毛龙眼,无患 子料韶子属,有36个种,系热带多年生常绿果树。果肉爽滑,甜 酸适口,除鲜食外,还 可制果干、果酱和酿酒。 dengan biji 一种宾朗椰果类的植物接的果 实,越南店里$3一磅,吃起来跟福建台湾出的油甘子 一 样,里面是树果核,不太有甜味,但是口感还行。 鹅 莓 Grossularia 鹅 莓生长在气候较冷的地 区,比如欧洲北部,北美北部。欧洲鹅莓(Ribes grossularia)和美洲鹅莓(Ribes hirtellum)是现代鹅莓品种的两个祖先。鹅莓颜色各异,有白色,青色,粉紫色,紫红色,黑紫色…… 此 外,奇异果(kiwi fruit)曾被称作“鹅莓”,前身就是中国的猕猴桃(kiwi fruit,kiwi berry)。猕猴桃外国称“中国鹅莓”,民间称阳桃。 刺儿李鹅莓 直译为刺儿李,别名灯笼果。 也有翻译为醋栗、醋栗莓的,实际上与醋栗不同, 只是醋栗的近亲,同属于醋栗属植 物。鹅莓与醋 栗很容 易混淆,一个简单的辨别办法就是,鹅莓的枝干上有刺。有时,甚至果子上都长刺;又译刺莓,因为Gooseberry的果实都躲在茂密 的绿叶底下,披着细 毛,长在大量针刺的枝茎之间,采摘不易。虎耳草目茶藨子科醋栗屬,丛生小灌木;果实绿色或黄色,多汁,味酸 甜。每100克果实含有 200毫克维生素C,含 量高出其它水果好几倍,仅仅次于猕猴桃位居第二。同时内含的生物黄酮,具有软化血管、降低血 脂和血压、补钙和增强人体免疫力、抗癌等 作用。 醋栗 (Currant)玉米粒大小,比鹅莓小多了。 醋栗属于另一类浆果,虎耳草科醋 栗属。醋栗 产于北方地区,主要产地包括欧洲中北部,亚洲北部 和北美。醋栗属植物种类繁多,平时常见的醋栗 可以分为红醋栗,黑醋栗和白醋栗。红醋栗(Ribes rubrum),味道比黑醋栗略酸,更常用来制作果酱和烹饪。红醋栗的主要产地包括比利 时,法国, 德国,荷兰,意大利北部和西班牙北 部,在亚洲和北美洲北 部也有相似的品种。黑醋栗(Ribes nigrum),在欧洲有着悠久的药用历史,英国和德国的草药医生利用黑醋栗来缓解发烧,促进食欲, 还用作收敛剂和利尿剂。第二次世 界大战时期,像柑橘一 类富含维生素C的水果,在英国出现了可 怕的短缺。英国的气候不适合种植柑橘类水果,因此英国政府便鼓励全国 广泛种植黑醋栗。在乌云 笼 罩的战争年代,黑醋栗 为不列颠人民提供了可靠的维生素来源。白醋栗味道比红醋栗甜,适合鲜 食,其外观 晶 莹剔透,颇像精致的玻璃球。 Nanking Cherry: Prunus tomentosa NanKing berry (南京樱莓?) Hardy Kiwi: Actinidia arguta 脆 绿奇异果 不大,跟中国秦岭产的狗枣弥猴桃有些类似,好吃。 Achee fruit 阿蕲果,生的时候有一种名叫牙买加毒的毒 性,估计吃了肚子会痛而 起的名。 The ackee, a fruit brought to the Caribbean from West Africa during the slave trade, is only edible when it is exactly ripe. Underripe or overripe ackee causes a reaction known as Jamaica poisoning, which can be fatal. Despite the dangers, many in the Caribbean eat the fresh fruit on a regular basis. Canned ackee is available in parts of the US, but it is illegal to import the fresh fruit. Ackee (pronounced "ack-key") is the national fruit and dish of Jamaica Like reggae, Bob Marley, Red Stripe beer and Blue Mountain coffee, ackee is quintessentially and unmistakably Jamaican.Every Jamaican at home and abroad longs for a Sunday breakfast of ackee and saltfish (ackee sauteed with salted codfish or baccalao,onions and tomatoes), served with fried plantains, johnny cakes (fried flour dumplings), boiled green bananas or yellow yam, and a slice or two of Jamaican hard-dough bread. Preferrably freshly picked ackee, of course, which is more flavorful and has a smoother more buttery taste; but canned ackee or frozen fresh ackee can be almost as good.The ackee has an interesting history, diverse non-culinary uses, and the distinction of being a gastronomic delight with chimeric features: mouth-watering breakfast staple, and.....lethal poison, if prepared improperly. Ackees have high nutritional value and the exportation of ackee canned in brine is an important revenue earner for Jamaica and Haiti. Jamaica is the only Caribbean island in which the ackee is very popular, it is found in the other islands of the Caribbean, but is not consumed. Prunus lyonii fruit 加州土著印地安 人的水果, 看名字是跟樱桃一样是属于李属(Prunus)的好吃水果。 Prunus lyonii, a native to the Catalina Islands so technically this is a California native. Its a large shrub or small tree growing 15-20′, drought tolerant once established and hardy to around 15 degrees. Evergreen, large leaves, this is a very attractive functional shrub that can be used effectively as a screen. The fruits were an important source of food to California Indians. Musa balbisiana, 这个不用说,原始香蕉就得这么边吃边吐核 A wild banana, an ancestor of today's bananas The banana may be one of the first crops to be domesticated by man. They may have evolved along with the earliest settled agriculture and may therefore be some tens of thousands of years old. Banana is now one of the most popular of all fruits. Although it is viewed as only a dessert or an addition to breakfast cereal in most developed countries, it is actually a very important agricultural product. After rice, wheat and milk, it is the fourth most valuable food. In export, it ranks fourth among all agricultural commodities and is the most significant of all fruits, with world trade totaling $2.5 billion annually. Yet, only 10% of the annual global output of 86 million tons enters international commerce. Much of the remaining harvest is consumed by poor subsistence farmers in tropical Africa, America and Asia. Pequi (Caryocar Brasiliensis) Pequi Oil (Caryocar Brasiliensis) is from a Brazilian edible fruit and has a “unique combination of essential fatty acids and is highly emollient, making it an effective moisturizer for products intended to heal dry and cracked skin, eczema and psoriasis. It can also be used in the production of specialty soaps intended to aid skin conditions. When used in hair care formulations, pequi oil helps smooth the hair cuticle to increase smoothness, shine and decrease frizziness.” – OCA Brazil Sumac, Sugar; Sugarbush 因为甜得可口,连果带叶子和花都可以吃,或者做饮料。 Sumac, Sugar; Sugarbush Sumac - Rhus ovata HABITAT: Dry rocky slopes below 2,400 feet, in oak woodlands and chaparral. RANGE: California and Arizona. EDIBILITY: Fruit and Leaves The fresh fruit can be soaked in warm or cold water for 10 to 30 minutes to make Indian Lemonade. The leaves can be boiled to make an herb tea. 龙宫 果 龙 宫果 (Longkong),无患子目楝科兰撒(或榔色木)属果实,又名黄皮。外形 像大颗的龙眼,黄皮,果肉似山竹,口味则与龙眼 相近,也 有点像柚子,剥开皮里 面是蒜瓣状的一片一片的果实。龙宫果是从英文的音译过来的。外 型与龙眼类似,连英文的名称也很像(龙眼叫Longan)。吃法也很类 似,即都是要先把外壳 给拨开来,然后吃里面透明的果肉。但龙眼是一整颗果肉,内部有一粒种子;而龙宫果比较像是橘子,里面是一片一片的,类似在吃超大粒的 柚子果粒。 花 桃, 拉 丁 名:Amygdalus davidiana 蔷薇科 桃属(狭义桃属,广义李属)估计不做成密饯是吃不成了。 新水果,还没正式名称 (叶子和果形出不了蔷薇目,看起来叫它"苹果布朗"错不远。) This new fruit has somevery unique attributes that sets it aside. 延边苹果梨 苹果梨 巴彦淖尔盟 以 吉林苹果梨,河套苹果梨和甘肃陕南苹果梨的出名。延边苹果梨主产于吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州。果形扁圆,果面带有点状红晕。酷似苹果,故名苹果梨。延边苹果 梨系由1921年从朝鲜引种6棵梨的接穗,与今龙井市桃源乡小箕村的耐寒山梨嫁接而成的。陕西苹果梨更象是"梨苹果",透着梨黄色和一丝丝苹果红, 秋季路过阳平关车站可不要错过它。内蒙河套苹果梨系北方寒温带地区名贵果品之一,在河套种植已有30多年历史,因其外形又称“丑梨”。巴彦淖尔盟的苹果梨 品质好、长势旺,平均单果重204克,最大果重850克。果皮呈黄绿色,肉质细嫩清脆,果汁含量多,糖分高,有香味,且皮质好,耐贮藏,贮后风味佳。 akebia fruit immagini Pawpaw, Asimina triloba Akebia fruit and Pawpaw,这 两个看上去象是木通果,应该很好吃。 American Custard Apple, West Virginia Banana, Indiana Banana. Deciduous tree growing to about 30 feet. The fruit is 3"-5" long and is almost black when ripe, with a highly aromatic flavor. The fruit tastes like mix of papaya and banana and is often called an Indian banana. The name pawpaw comes from the Arawakan Indian name for the papaya. Grows as far north as New York and southern Ontario, out west as far as Nebraska and Texas, and south to Florida. Rose Hips Rose Hips (Rosaceae Rosa) also called hipberries come from the rose plant. They are what is left after the rose petals fall off. Oil infused with Rose Hips offers many benefits to the skin. In addition to hydrating the skin, it helps reduce the appearance of scars, and helps nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals. Rose Hips are great for those with dry, sensitive, aging, or wrinkled skin. Many claim that Rose Hip oil helps reduce the appearance of scars left behind by acne. One cup of fresh Rose Hips has the equivalent amount of vitamin C in 60 oranges. Rose Hips also contain a high amount of natural tretinoin, a form of Vitamin A. Tretinoin has been known to reduce and protect the skin from damage caused by the sun. It also aids the skin in producing collagen and new skin cells. Rose Hips provide strengthening for hair as well as conditioning properties. 金 樱子 学 名:Rosa laevigata Michx. 英 文名:Cherokee Rose 科 名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae 金樱子吃起来向是"浓缩了的干梨",好的品种还是很入口的。维生素C的宝库。 错香蕉 Banana Poka 这个籽多,叫它"错香蕉"似乎有道理。 Banana Poka (Passiflora tarminiana): Look out for the vines! There’s an old saying in the world of popular nutrition: “If it tastes good and looks good, it must be bad for you.” This old chestnut certainly holds true in the case of the Banana Poka (Passiflora tarminiana). Although it has large, beautiful flowers that attract pollinating insects and photographers in large numbers, and bears large, tasty banana-like edible fruit, this woody vine is one of the most aggressive and destructive of Hawaii’s many invasive plant species. The Banana Poka isn’t really common on Maui yet, but it is well established on Hawai’i, the Big Island, and also on Kaua’i, where I first encountered it (see photos above). Noni's Sanskrit name is Ayushka.诺丽 果(Noni) 是Morinda Citrifolia 的俗称。 Morinda citrifolia Nonu/Nono, Noni - a world-famous medicinal fruit. Germination rate around 90%. Fresh seeds right from the fruit! Ume Double Pink apricot 几千年前,生活在现 今 法属玻里尼西亚群岛(大溪地)的人民人民就发 现 一种遍布该地的小型开花灌木灌木"大溪地NONI树,其果实具有富饶人体细胞体细胞之成份,有强身的效果从而取用,被誉为植物之后、上帝的恩赐。当地人用 Noni果树保健身体已有二千多年的历史。诺丽果主要生长在 南太平洋太平洋群岛,在世界其他热带地区也可 找 到变种、变异的诺丽果。成熟的果实具有强烈的臭味,因此又被称为“乳酪果”或是“呕吐果”,果实虽然味道难闻又有苦味,不过在作物欠收 食物缺乏的荒 年,仍然可以做为救荒的食物。新 鲜 或煮过的果实在某些太平洋岛屿也被当地人拿来当做主食食用。 东南亚与 澳洲原住民会以鲜果沾盐生食或是将果实加入 咖哩内一起煮 食。种子也可以食用,在食用前要先用火烤过。 生物学家罗夫. 海尼克(Dr. Ralph Heinicke)1957年在研究生物碱的过程中获得一个重要发现,一种旱性酵素对于人体细胞的活 化、修复和再生不可或缺,他将之命名为“赛洛宁(Xeronine)”并申请专利。 确认了 赛珞宁的重要性之後,海尼克博士便开始寻找其原料的来源,结果他找到了------------NONI果。 不看壳,跟血橙很象 白 草莓 白泡莓 秦岭白泡草莓[Fragaria pentaphylla],看到如蜂房一样剔透映着纯洁蓝白色彩的它, 总会有童话感觉。吃起来跟 草莓区别很大,风味高雅细腻,种子深红美丽,它也许是大自然中最美丽的果实。当年拍了不少照片,写它时竟然查不着网上象样一点的照片。"养在 深 闺人未识"呵。 Pinit菲木莓 (Rubus fraxinifolius) Specimen : Wild shrubs Observed habitat : Clearings / open places in pine forests, open to half-shaded places and riverbanks.Place of observation : Sagada, Mountain Province.Local name : Pinit Trade name : Atherton raspberry.Botanical name : Rubus fraxinifolius.Family : Rosaceae..Height : About 2 meters Leaves : Leaflets elliptic to ovate or lanceolate, odd-pinnate, margins serrated or serrulated or minutely incised, deep green, heavily veined.Flower : Small, white or pinkish, 5 petaled with numerous stamens.Fruits : Aggregate numerous drupelets, green to red orange; Supported by tepals; Tastes bland to sweet-tart, a little gritty in texture.Traits / Habits : Cold tolerant; Evergreen perennial; Prickly; Shade tolerant; Upright, trailing or climbing shrub.Promoted use : Backyard planting; Hedgeplant; Homegardens; Ornamental shrub; Potted; Research for varietal improvement.Other uses : Fruits edible, may be eaten raw or added into salads, also suitable for making jam and preserves.Origin : Southeast Asia (including the Philippines) to Australia.Conservation status : Not threatened in the Philippines.Resource : Full text of “Flora Malesiana” http://www.archive.org/stream/floramalesiana112stee/floramalesiana112stee_djvu.txt 其实仔细看,与枇杷是有区别的,枇杷不是这样分开长的 这是芒果的亲戚,庚大利gandaria 其有点象芒果,但核可实用,紫色的,果树也像,但不是芒果 外形象枇杷。 极其丰产的水果,看本栏目中中国热带作物引进品种的介绍中,台湾有栽培 庚大利 Bouea macrophylla Common name : Kundang (Malay) Family : Anacardiaceae 枇杷不是这样分开长的 这是芒果的亲戚,庚大利 gandaria 其有点象芒果,但核可实用,紫色的,果树也像,但不是芒果 外形象枇杷。 马六甲蒲桃 Syzygium malaccense Synonyms : Caryophyllus malaccensis, Eugenia malaccensis Common name : Malay Rose Apple, Jambu Bol (Malay) Family : Myrtaceae Rollinia deliciosa Biriba - Large yellow fruit with a bumpy surface and soft spines. Tastes delicious, and is described as a creamy lemon sherbet or a lemon meringue pie. Annona purpurea Soncoya, Toreta, Ilama. The fruit is rounded and 6-8", and is covered with a felt-textured brown skin. The surface of the fruit has hooklike projections. The pulp is similar in scent, appearance, and taste to that of the mango. It has many seeds. In Colombia, the pulp is eaten raw or is strained for juice, drunk as a beverage or folk remedy. In Mexico, Soncoya juice is regarded as a remedy for fever and chills. Annona muricata Common name : Soursop, durian belanda (Malay), 红毛榴莲 Family : Annonaceae tidak The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, together with accessory parts, containing the seeds and occurring in a wide variety of forms. An edible, usually sweet and fleshy form of such a structure. African custard apple, mentioned above: scent of a pineapple, taste of an apricot. Common Name: Santol 釋 迦果 Botanical Name: Sandoricum koetjape 各种番荔 枝--釋 迦果 Cherimoyas 澳洲 檀香榴果 Quandong Fruit (Santalum Acuminatum) The Quandong is a truly exclusive native Australian fruit. Found in the dry and semi-dry region of all Australian mainland states, Quandong trees have been classify as belonging to the santalum genus of plants. Ideally tailored to dry environments, the Santalum Acuminatum is known to be a half-parasitic plant.一种少见的果实,檀香科树果 产于澳洲。 BUAH CEPU 钮扣果 Date 椰枣 Date;(椰枣树)date palm 别称: 海枣、波斯枣、无漏子、番枣、海棕、伊拉克枣、枣椰子、仙枣 注意: 在皮与内果实分离的空隙是小虫一类生物的栖息地,食用时应注意是否有虫子。它原产地大约是北非的沙漠绿洲或是亚洲西南部的波斯湾周围地区。很久以来一直是 地中海、红海沙漠地带的主要食品。南美、澳大利亚、南亚各国都有引种,以埃及、伊拉克、沙特阿拉伯和伊朗栽培最多。唐代传入中国。 福建、广东、广西、云南等省区有引种栽。占世界产量的1/3的伊拉克椰枣年产量达400000 吨, 当年中国吃的就是伊拉克椰枣。 椰枣(英文名称:Date):又名波斯枣、番枣、伊拉克枣,是枣椰树(学名:Phoenix dactylifera )的果实,《本草纲目》称无漏子。原植物属棕榈科刺葵属。分布于西亚、北非以及中国的福建、广西、云南、广东等地,目前已由人工引种栽培。生长在热带、亚 热带地区,是一种在西亚和北非沙漠绿洲中常见的绿色乔木。椰枣树树干高大挺直,树叶呈羽状复叶形,叶片狭长,类似于椰树。椰枣树雌雄异株,具有耐旱、耐 碱、耐热而又喜欢潮湿的特点。树龄可达百年。果实产量高,是中东一些国家的重要出口农作物。椰枣的营养价值高,亦被称为沙漠面包。 “Prickly Pear” 也叫“霸王果”或“非洲角瓜”水果仙人掌。 它们比近亲火龙果还要甜 。据说营养价值很高。在涠洲岛不少果肉是深紫色的。 |