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“心动女生(男生)” 的 英译 2011-09-08 14:11:07

“心动女生(男生)” 英译

如何才能传神地译出“心动女生”(或“心动男生”) 的韵味?

在网上见到一些例子,均不太令人满意, 如: heart beat girl

经过一番搜索,加上润色, 我暂时做以下倡议:

The girl (or boy) who tugs my heartstrings (动人心弦的姑娘或小伙)


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作者:jimmy 留言时间:2011-09-09 07:30:31
老一穆, “牛!”-- 根据您的建议,查得定义如下:

Definition of HEARTTHROB
1: the throb of a heart
2a : sentimental emotion : passion b : sweetheart; also : a usually renowned man (as an entertainer) noted for his sex appeal <teen heartthrobs>

定义2b = sweetheart, 简洁无比,谢谢!
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作者:老-穆 留言时间:2011-09-09 05:08:33
一个字, heartthrob。
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作者:jimmy 留言时间:2011-09-08 16:45:10
谢谢白帆, 所列词条是很贴切的。
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作者:白凡 留言时间:2011-09-08 14:43:10
<b>Childhood sweetheart</b>


Childhood sweetheart is a reciprocating phrase for a relationship (but not a partnership) between young persons, traditionally of the opposite sex (girlfriend / boyfriend) occurring in their formative years (school age). This may come about by an extension of friendship, physical attraction or develop from natural affinity.

The relationship is usually platonic and lasts a short to medium period of time. This experience forms the basis of subsequent future relationships later in childhood and/or adulthood. Usually, an individual will have up to only one childhood sweetheart as this term is indicative of a milestone in the growth, development and maturity of a young person. In ideal circumstances, the term applies mutually to both parties and corresponds both ways, hence the plural being childhood sweethearts.

The relationship may involve romantic love or may be an extension of a close friendship. Often, intimacy by way of kissing will occur in order to show affection. This is in addition to hugging / cuddling, holding hands, etc. The term first love may also apply in certain situations.

Occasionally in later years, these friendships are 'rekindled' following separations or passing of their adult partners which lead to a later life marriage, union etc. These instances are notable as they are made popular by media coverage.
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