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美重大决定送香港官员上绞刑架全球猎杀! 2020-09-19 12:23:10

九月十九号 亲爱的战友们 

刚上完班农战斗室的节目 哎呀 真是挺好 

咱们的好哥们儿朱利安尼刚才是第二档 第一档是我

哎 太多好消息了 太多了 然后 我告诉我自己 

一定要搂住 搂住 搂住

香港的勇士们 你们将迎来一个新的不同的世界 

刚刚得知的消息 美国政府要有行动 


已经做出了重大决定 重大决定 可能啊 我希望

会把香港政府的官员很快送上绞刑架 全球猎杀!



原因是什么 战友们知道吗 

是因为有香港的勇士们大陆的勇士们 我们的战友们

秘密拍摄的现场实况录像 送给了相关部门

经查实后都是真实的 包括关押上万香港人的地点

强奸 轮奸 埋人 包括警察鸡奸 轮奸的实况证据

战友们 不是不报 时候未到 上天在看着呢



中国的共产党组织 当你有一天


你就知道 你的那个潘多拉盒子

只不过是一个尿罐子而已 只能淹死你自己

潘多拉盒子 武汉P4实验室 

你以为你有了这些 你就可以征服了世界 

你以为你控制了P3 P4 你就可以征服世界


你在埃及 你在其他国家

你在叙利亚 建成的实验室 你就可以征服了世界










有个香港女孩叫陈彦霖!在最花季的年龄被习近平杀了! – 中国新闻中心

请你一定写上为了香港被屠杀的孩子们!! - 万维论坛


美國制裁香港的精妙時間與手段| 林保華| 立場新聞

Rural Nevadan claims to own only guillotine in US | Local | elkodaily.com

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-09-19 14:10:00

The Chinese government intentionally manufactured and released the COVID-19 virus that led to mass shutdowns and deaths across the world, a top virologist and whistleblower told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday.

Carlson specifically asked Dr. Li-Meng Yan whether she believed the Chinese Communist Party released the virus "on purpose." "Yes, of course, it's intentionally," she responded on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."







Yan的评论与美国国家过敏和传染病研究所所长兼白宫冠状病毒顾问Anthony Fauci博士的观点相抵触,后者此前曾怀疑这种病毒是人为制造的。他在5月告诉《国家地理杂志》:“如果您观察蝙蝠中病毒的进化,那么现在已经非常非常强烈地倾向于对这种[病毒]进行人工或故意操纵-突变方式自然地发展了。”


福克斯新闻(Fox News)早在7月份就对Yan进行了报道,当时她为中国涉嫌企图压制有关该病毒处理信息的尝试大声疾呼。由于中国封锁了海外专家在该国进行研究,因此在与中国医疗机构广泛的联系网络中,严试图收集有关该病毒的更多信息。





严说,她是世界上最早研究这种新型冠状病毒的科学家之一,逃离了中国,目前担心遭到报复。据称,她在2019年被大学/世卫组织参考实验室的主管Leo Poon博士要求,对2019年12月底从中国大陆传出的类似SARS的奇怪病例进行调查。

福克斯新闻的Barnini Chakraborty和Alex Diaz对此报告做出了贡献。

Yan said more evidence would be released but pointed to her own high-ranking position at a World Health Organization reference lab as a reason to trust her allegation.

"I work[ed] in the WHO reference lab, which is the top coronavirus lab in the world, in the University of Hong Kong. And the thing is I get deeply into such investigation in secret from the early beginning of this outbreak. I had my intelligence because I also get my own unit network in China, involved [in] the hospital ... also I work with the top corona[virus] virologist in the world," she said.


"So, together with my experience, I can tell you, this is created in the lab ... and also, it is spread to the world to make such damage."

Yan's comments conflicted with the opinion of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and White House coronavirus adviser, who previously cast doubt on the idea the virus was artificially created. In May, he told National Geographic: "If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats, and what's out there now is very, very strongly leaning toward this [virus] could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated — the way the mutations have naturally evolved."

Other scientists have panned the idea that COVID-19 served as a sort of bioweapon or was released by a lab.

Fox News previously reported on Yan back in July, when she blew the whistle on China's alleged attempts to suppress information about its handling of the virus. With a vast network of contacts in Chinese medical facilities, Yan attempted to gather more information about the virus as China blocked overseas experts from conducting research in the country.

Her revelations fueled ongoing complaints that the Chinese government failed to tell the world early on about the virus' threat. Specifically, she believes the Chinese government ignored research that could have saved lives. The State Department did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.

In response, her former employer, the University of Hong Kong, criticized her account. A press release noted "that the content of the said news report does not accord with the key facts as we understand them."


"Specifically, Dr Yan never conducted any research on human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus at [the University of Hong Kong] during December 2019 and January 2020, her central assertion of the said interview."

Yan, who said she was one of the first scientists in the world to study the novel coronavirus, fled China and currently fears retaliation. She was allegedly asked by her supervisor at the University/WHO reference lab, Dr. Leo Poon, in 2019 to look into the odd cluster of SARS-like cases coming out of mainland China at the end of December 2019.

Fox News' Barnini Chakraborty and Alex Diaz contributed to this report.

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-09-19 12:45:26

Pakistan and China have entered a secret three-year deal to expand potential bio-warfare capabilities, including running several research projects related to the deadly agent anthrax, a report by The Klaxon said, quoting multiple intelligence sources. Speaking to India Today from Sydney, the Editor-in-Chief of The Klaxon, Anthony Klan, said that the experiments were a serious 'concern' and exposed the nexus between China and the Pakistani military.Geeta Mohan New DelhiSeptember 16, 2020UPDATED: September 16, 2020 04:02 IST Anthony Klan, Editor-in-Chief of The Klaxon. (Photo: Twitter / @Anthony_Klan)

Pakistan and China have entered a secret three-year deal to expand potential bio-warfare capabilities, including running several research projects related to the deadly agent anthrax, a report by The Klaxon said, quoting multiple intelligence sources.


Speaking to India Today from Sydney, the Editor-in-Chief of The Klaxon, Anthony Klan, said that the experiments were a serious “concern” and exposed the nexus between China and the Pakistani military.

“There have been experiments carried out since 2015 with five different high level pathogens. The studies are being conducted in Pakistan. A lot of the Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists are working on Pakistan soil with Pakistan’s defence agencies which raises very serious concerns among the intelligence agencies,” said Anthony.

According to the report, China’s now infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology has signed the covert deal with Pakistan military’s Defence Science and Technology Organization (DESTO), to collaborate research in “emerging infectious diseases” and advance studies on the biological control of transmitted diseases.

据The Klaxon(新闻媒体)引征多家情报来源的报道指出,巴基斯坦与中共达成了一项为期三年的协议,旨在提升其潜在的生物战能力,其中包含运行几个致命炭疽制剂项目。The Klaxon的主编安东尼.克兰在悉尼向《今日印度》报道,这些实验令人深度担忧同时也曝光了中共与巴基斯坦军方之间的勾联。


The Klaxon主编安东尼.克兰在悉尼向《今日印度》报道,这些试验令人深度担忧同时也曝光了中共与巴基斯坦军方之间的勾联。“从2015年起有五种高致命性病菌的试验已经在巴基斯坦开展。研究也同时在进行过程中。许多中共武汉病毒研究所的科学家正在巴基斯坦本土工作并与巴国防机构积极合作,引起情报界高度关注”,安东尼表示。













“如多方情报所担忧的,你可以用技术来清除冠状病毒,同时也可以很容易将其武器化。这发生在巴基斯坦境内,完全由中共所资助”, 安东尼表示。他补充说:“我们都知道这些病毒对于没有具备处理能力的巴基斯坦实在是太危险了,BL3和BL4(生物安全3级和4级)是众所周知的最高安全级别,然而,并未得知巴基斯坦有BL4级的相应设施。

情报表明,包括印度次大陆的国家都向The Klaxon表示他们深切担忧这个涉及到中共在他们边境测试生物试剂并试图最小化“引发国际社会谴责的风险”的行为。一个高级情报消息表明国防科技组织(DESTO)也参与到隐秘生物武器计划下的各种与炭疽相关的军民两用研究项目。

据报道,由武汉和巴基斯坦科学家所试验的五项研究结果已经在科学杂志上发表了论文,每种都涉及到检测及动物传染病的病原体的研究。研究包含了西尼罗河病毒(West Nile Virus),中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(Mers Coronavirus),克里米亚-刚果出血热病毒(Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus),血小板减少症病毒(Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Viru)以及基孔肯雅热病毒( Chikungunya Virus)。


据高度可靠情报透露,中共正通过武汉病毒研究所在巴基斯坦测试致命生物制剂并为巴方科学家提供广泛的操控病毒及生物信息学的培训, 以丰富和充实他们所谓潜在的攻击性生物战计划。巴基斯坦有可能将此技术用于发动生物战争,或因贫乏的设施设备条件导致致命病毒的意外泄露。更进一步,有生物武器化和生物恐怖主义蔓延的危险,安东尼.克兰说,“令人担忧和恐惧的是,一旦这些病毒从实验室意外泄露出来,将对社会造成多么大的打击, 未来这些病毒及技术的武器化带来不可想象的后果。鉴于巴基斯坦不稳定的局面,这些担忧都有可能变为现实。中巴双方的否认,并不能抹去笼罩在世界人民头上的生物武器化及生物病毒恐怖主义的阴霾。”




Despite fierce denial from Pakistan and China, there is enough proof according to the report that a lot of the research can be tied to Pakistan.

Proving that the research is being carried out on Pakistani soil, Anthony said, “It is interesting to know that within these five studies, Wuhan is mentioned, Chinese funding is mentioned and studies on Pakistani soil are mentioned, for e.g. blood serum from thousands of camels and other animals and also thousands of humans. It does not mention specifically where the lab work is done, but mentions several areas.”

“After we first reported this, the Pakistani government came out and said there is no secret about biosafety levels 3 labs which obviously confirmed that it was happening on Pakistani soil,” he added.


The findings of the report also suggest that the entire project is being done between the Chinese government and the Pakistani military which allows them to keep the locations a secret and the operations “covert”.

In fact, the report says that Pakistanis have been used for testing and have participated in the experiments. When asked how the news never got out and did the individuals who participated in such research in secret labs didn’t know, Anthony said, “I suspect not. I suspect that most of these studies have a rural sample size. Lot of them are herdsmen from remote areas. How much would they know of what they are involved in? These people wouldn’t know what the samples were for and what happens with the results of the studies that they have been privy to or have been involved in. It is a real scare. There are a lot of question marks.”

On the sample size used, he said, “Around two thousand to two and a half thousand samples in each of the studies. Some of them were about five hundreds. Overall, there were about seven-eight thousand people and about 4,000-5,000 animals, predominantly camels or usually those that are domesticated or reared for consumption.”


All the research projects are being funded by China under the auspices of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which falls within China’s Belt and Road Initiative, according to the report.

He said, “It is being done under the auspices of the economic corridor under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the US $63 billion fund... It is difficult to get an exact breakdown but the money for each of these studies, when we track, is tied to the BRI initiative in Pakistan. Almost all of it is funded by China so the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute of Virology. A lot of it is a part of the flagship BRI project.”


The biggest worry for the international community is the fact that this research with dangerous pathogens dates back to before the Covid-19 outbreak and the fact that Pakistan does not have the facilities for such viruses. Also, that this is a breeding ground for “biological weapons”.

“You can use technology to wipe coronavirus etc., but it can also be weaponised very easily as has been the concern of many intelligence sources. This is happening on Pakistani soil, fully funded by China,” said Anthony Klan.

He added, “It is happening in laboratories that are not necessarily equipped to handle some of the viruses. We know that some of the pathogens are too dangerous for the facilities that Pakistan operates. BL3 (biosafety levels 3 labs) and BL4 are known to be the most secure. There is no known BL4 facility in Pakistan.”

Intelligence sources, including from the Indian subcontinent, have told The Klaxon they have serious concerns about the secret project, which involves China testing biological agents outside its borders in an apparent bid to minimize the “risk of drawing condemnation from the international community”.

“DESTO has been engaged in various dual-use research projects related to anthrax under a covert biological weapons program,” one senior intelligence source said.

According to another report by The Klaxon, the results of five studies conducted by Wuhan and Pakistani scientists have been published in scientific papers, each involving the “detection and characterisation” of “zoonotic pathogens”.

The studies involve experiments and genome sequencing of the West Nile Virus; MERS-Coronavirus; Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus; the Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus; and the Chikungunya Virus.

There is no vaccine or cure for any of those pathogens, which are among some of the world’s deadliest and most contagious.

As revealed by The Klaxon, highly credible intelligence sources believe China, via its Wuhan Institute of Virology, is testing lethal biological agents in Pakistan and providing “extensive training on manipulation of pathogens and bio-informatics” to Pakistani scientists, which could “enrich a potential offensive biological programme”.

It was revealed China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology had allegedly recently signed a secret three-year deal with Pakistan military’s DESTO to collaborate research in “emerging infectious diseases” and the “biological control of transmitted diseases”.

That Wuhan-Pakistan military tie-up had never been publicly announced or disclosed before, said the report.

Key concerns are that Pakistan could use the technology in bio-warfare, or that deadly pathogens could accidentally escape from inadequately equipped facilities.

Raising concerns regarding biological weaponisation and biological terrorism he said, “There are concerns and the most important threat is what if these viruses escape the laboratories accidentally, how much would the impact be. Secondly, is the weaponisation and potential future weaponisation of this technology. With the instability in Pakistan, the concern is real. China and Pakistan deny it, but the real danger is biological weaponisation and biological terrorism.”

ALSO READ | Covid-19 virus made in Wuhan laboratory: Chinese virologist claims she has proofALSO READ | US issues sweeping new travel warning for China, Hong Kong

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