嬷嬷咖喱嗯馍馍香 印度尼泊尔料理 --旧金山的小日子系列81 杭州阿立 2023年12月5日 书接上集:
《嘉信理财市场动态晚餐 美酒红白见真章》: https://blog.creaders.net/u/9681/202312/476633.html
2023年12月2日,星期六。晚上去小小阿立家看球。 今天是大学橄榄球各大赛区的冠军赛,重头戏。全美排名第二的蜜大对阵大十赛区的西区冠军,全美排名16的爱荷华大学。 比赛在印第安纳波利斯,中部时间晚上7点。咱们时差2小时,晚上5点。 晚餐小两口说叫外卖,选了一家印度尼泊尔料理(Indian Nepalese Cuisine)。点菜由小两口负责,我们去取。买单当然阿立嫂负责了,她的山姆诗信用卡餐馆有3%的回扣。 餐馆叫《嬷嬷嗯咖喱》(Momo N Curry)。尼泊尔之嬷嬷可能不是容嬷嬷,而是尼泊尔版饺子之馍馍? 餐馆管网有自己的介绍,附在文后。阿立就不赘述了。 下午接到小小阿立嫂短信,外卖4点半可以取。 嬷嬷嗯咖喱到了:
到小小阿立家5点不到。球赛还未开始,先开吃。 原味馕、蒜馕各2份:
黄油鸡(butter chicken):
印度鸡饭(chicken biryani):
羊肉可嘚(Lamb Kadai):
羊肉可嘚(Lamb Kadai)又叫卡拉希魔鬼(karahi ghost),属于印度的玛格莱料理(Mughlai cuisine)。玛格莱料理起源、流行于早中期印度-波斯文化中心(Indo-Persian cultural center)之玛格莱帝国(Mughlai Empire),兼融印度、中亚和波斯美食风味。
阿立注:咱们在蜜州从未吃到过尼泊尔料理。印度料理也没吃到过值得点赞的。唯一一次大赞印度美食,是在曼谷。 闲话休题,看球要紧。 欲知后事如何,请听下回分解。 下集《蜜大三连冠爱荷华鸭蛋 全美琅琊榜状元郎》:
https://blog.creaders.net/u/9681/202312/476824.html 附《嬷嬷嗯咖喱》(Momo N Curry)简介: 餐馆的自己的英文介绍阿立不再翻译了。此处只小结几句: 餐馆老板莫罕哥(Mohan)以及所有《嬷嬷嗯咖喱》的员工都是土生土长的尼泊尔人。莫罕哥及同伴们2011年在马来西亚的科伦坡(Kualampur)开了印度-尼泊尔餐馆《贝特加特餐馆》(Bhetghat Restaurant)。2016年才移民到米国。 餐馆官网简介: Our Journey We started our journey of introducing Indian Nepalese Cuisine in Kualampur, Malaysia in 2011 by opening Bhetghat Restaurant. We migrated to the U.S. in 2016, but the desire to spread the flavors never ended, so we started running Momo N Curry since 2020 and are working hard to make it better than before. Our spices are freshly made that enhances the flavor of our dishes. Every day we get our rewards in the form of Happy and Returning customers. About Momo N Curry Mohan and the entire Momo N Curry family grew in Nepal. We are committed to serving Authentic Nepalese Cuisine to the Bay Area. We all worked from scratch to make sure the customers coming into the restaurant would feel they are at home. The staffs in the restaurant are all family members and this family-owned restaurant is here to excite and surprise you all with amazing Indo-Nepalese delicacies and outstanding service. We strive to provide the best food and best service in town. Our Chef has more than a decade of experience working as the Indian-Nepalese chef and his foods have been highly praised by our valued customers. He can tailor the menu as the need be: be it vegan, vegetarian or any preferences the customers have, he is there to surprise you with specially prepared custom menu. Give us a chance, we will make you knock back at our door again and we will welcome you again with the same smile.