這是在我的《 《鐵娘子》獲得了奧斯卡獎》中,提到過的一篇文章。 他們付出的代價 兼歡迎余杰(二) 老錢 01/21/2012 前不久(一月十八日),在168上,曾經有過一篇短文,是一位筆名為江南翠湖 的網友轉發的,題目是《轉載: 代價》。不是太醒目,大家都不太在意。我也沒注意。一個朋友打電話告訴我,這篇很好,讓她非常感動,建議我一讀。我就點開進去了,是英文的。其標題是“THE PRICE THEY PAID”。我讀了,確實很讓人深思,很叫人感動。她還建議我將之翻譯過來。本來,就我的英文水準而言,我是不具資格來做此翻譯的。 前年,余杰到訪亞城時,我寫了《老錢:歡迎余杰》。現在,在余杰再次來到美國之際,讀了他的“去國”聲明,看到了他兩年來的經歷,我滿腔悲憤,正不知說什麼為好。現在,我就抖膽把這段文字翻譯出來。借花獻佛了。僅以此,作為我對余杰的再次歡迎,也是對劉曉波,陳光誠,艾未未,譚作人,高智晟,胡佳,。。。,等等,以及其他,據說有二百多位,一旦有風吹草動,一旦“維”不“穩”時,按照“維穩”的既定方針,就有可能被“活埋”處理的仁人志士們的敬意(見余杰的《我的去國聲明 》)。 在人類追求自由,民主,平等的歷史長河中,美國的獨立宣言是舉世聞名,永彪史冊的。在這個宣言上簽字的是有56個人。他們為人民,為歷史,為美國立下了不朽的功勳。為開創一個史無前例的新時代,新國家,他們永垂史冊。可是,他們是什麼樣的一群人?他們自己得到了什麼?這就是這篇短文《代價》要告訴我們的。 下面的藍字是我的譯文,我把英文原文附在下面,如有翻譯錯誤,歡迎批評指正。或者說,就叫拋磚引玉吧。 他們付出的代價 美國的獨立宣言是有56個人簽字的。你有沒有想到過,此後,這56個人都是什麼樣的遭遇? 其中,有五個簽署人被英國人當作叛徒抓了起來,受盡酷刑致死。還有12個簽署人的房子遭到搶劫和縱火。有兩個人的兒子作為軍人在獨立戰爭中獻身。另有一人的兩個兒子都被捕了。這56人中的9人在獨立戰爭中,由於受傷和艱苦嚴酷的環境而獻出了生命。為了簽署這個獨立宣言,他們付出了生命、財產、和神聖的榮譽。 這究竟是一群什麼樣的人啊! 他們當中有24人是律師或是從事與司法相關的職業。有十一人是商人,有九個人是農場主和擁有大片土地的,他們都是受過良好教育的富人。他們在獨立宣言上簽字時,都很完全清楚地知道,被英國人抓住是要殺頭的。 來自弗吉尼亞的Carter Braxton是一個富裕的墾荒者和貿易商人,看着英國海軍把他的商船擊毀。他賣了他的家園和財產來還債,最後死於貧困之中。 Thomas McKean被英國人到處追捕,他不得不帶着他的家人不斷遷徙。他在國會供職,沒有任何薪金,同時他的家庭始終在東躲西藏中度日。他的財產被搶走,得到的儘是貧困。 商販走卒,地痞流氓,搶走了Ellery,Clymer,Hall,Walton,Gwinnett,Heyward,Rutledge 和Middleton等人的財產。 在Yorktown的戰鬥中,Thomas Nelson Jr.,得知英軍將軍Cornwallis 占據了他的住宅作為司令部。Nelson 只是平靜地促求George Washington/華盛頓將軍向之開火。因此,Nelson的房子夷為平地,後來,Nelson 也在破產後的貧困中去世。 Francis Lewis 的家園財產也都被毀掉了。敵人/英軍囚禁了他的妻子。沒幾個月後,他的妻子死於囚禁中。 為了獨立事業,John Hart 在妻子臨死的時候,不能守在妻子的身邊;他們的13個孩子四下逃散。他的田園和磨坊被荒廢了。以後的一年多時間裡,他生活在樹林間,山洞裡。回到家裡時,他已經一貧如洗,失去了妻子,失去了孩子們。僅僅數周之後,他自己也死於貧困潦倒和楸心之痛中。 Norris 和 Livingston 等人也經歷了同樣的痛苦遭遇。 這就是他們為美國獨立作出的犧牲。 他們都不是那樣青筋暴烈,呲牙裂眼的有仇必報的造反者,革命家;也不是那種善於搖唇鼓舌,聲嘶力竭的鼓動家,宣傳家。他們都是修養極佳,教育良好的謙謙君子。他們自身的生活,原本富裕穩定。但是,他們更追求,崇尚自由。他們高風亮節,如玉樹臨風,挺拔高大,寧折不彎。他們發誓:“為了支持這篇獨立宣言,我們堅決信賴上帝的庇佑,以我們的生命、我們的財產和我們神聖的名譽,相互保證,共同宣誓。。。”正是這些不惜自己身家性命及榮譽的人,給了你和我這個自由獨立的美利堅/America! 過去的歷史書籍往往忽略了這些在獨立戰爭中發生過的細節。當時,我們還是大英帝國的臣民。所以,我們不是在反對一個“入侵的”大英帝國,而是在對“自己”的 政府作戰!也許,你現在能看清了,為什麼我們的先賢們極其憎恨那些鎮壓他們的軍隊,而竭力要在憲法修正案上保證人民擁有槍支武器的權利(保障人民有權反抗 一個壞政府的暴政)。 坦白地說,當我得知這些歷史細節時,我止不住地熱淚滾滾。我們也許以為我們擁有的自由是與生俱來的,理所當然的。我們不該這樣認為。(這是我們的先賢們拼了自己的身家性命,為我們掙來的。) 安息吧, 簽署獨立宣言的56位先驅先賢們。 (我的譯文完,下面是英文原文) THE PRICE THEY PAID Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured. Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward. Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Rutledge, and Middleton. At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The owner quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt. Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months. John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates. Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Target shooter’s notes: They gave you and I a free and independent America. The history books never told you a lot of what happened in the revolutionary war. We didn't just fight the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own government! Perhaps you can now see why our founding fathers had a hatred for standing armies, and allowed through the second amendment for everyone to be armed. Frankly, I can't read this without crying. Some of us take these liberties so much for granted. We shouldn't. Peace my friends. (英文原文完,下面是我的話) 現在,我們知道了,這簽署獨立宣言的56位先驅先賢們,他們都是富人,不是窮人;更沒有“貧下中農、工人階級的覺悟”:“打天下就要坐天下”。相反,像華盛頓等那些美國的先賢們一樣,他們打了天下,還要拒絕“坐天下”。更沒有讓自己的子孫一代一代地有可能世襲特權,葬送先驅們以生命為代價換來的民主與自由! 他們不僅僅要拒絕自己來“坐天下”,還要寫下光輝的歷史文獻,創立憲法,立下法規,不讓今後想要“坐天下”的,想當皇帝的人,有可能捲土重來;不讓帝王將相,專制獨裁的歷史, 有可能在這片新大陸上重演!沒有民主自由就沒有法制,沒有法制就是特權社會、獨裁體系,特權與獨裁必然導致腐敗猖獗、災害泛濫,民不聊生,。。。他們特別擔心政府做壞事。為此,他們特地在憲法修正案上保證人民擁有槍支武器的權利,保障人民有權反抗壞政府。他們是一批傑出無私,目光遠大,思想深邃的先哲賢者。 與他們相比,那些號稱要“解放全人類”的人中,由此而“坐天下”的人,只是一捧糞土。他們才是高崇入雲霄的峻岭, 令人敬仰。 讓我們接過那些號稱要“解放全人類”的人的話來說吧:無數的先烈先賢們在我們的前頭英勇犧牲了,讓我們繼承他們的精神,堅持他們的理念,。。。 在Google 上搜索“wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians”,或者其他這篇短文中的關鍵詞,很容易找到許多文章,都給出類似敘述。例如: http://www.rogerknapp.com/knap/quote.htm#theprice http://keelynet.com/4th99.htm www.mhkeehn.tripod.com/pricepd.pdf |