老钱注:虽然这是发生在我们Local的事情,但是,对生活在北美华人中产阶级,都是可能在当地遇到的。 一个沥青厂,将矗立在我们身边?! 老钱 11/01/19
事情是这样的:我们Fulton郡的邻居Forsyth郡,已经立案: 要在SR141旁,紧邻JC市的地点建立一个Asphalt/沥青搅拌厂!
Asphalt/沥青的致癌危险性,应该是众所周知的了(见后面的附录)。 毋用置疑,这是一个关切到我们三个郡的民众(包括Gwinnett郡,特别是紧邻的St.Marlo社区以及其他几个沿着McGuinnessFerry Rd上的几个相当新的社区),最少说也是方圆十哩之内的人们的切身利益的重大严重issue!JC的方圆直径才不过5哩!
因为这是公共事务,已经是民众讨论了。没有任何隐私,没有任何版权问题。所以,我立刻打包向亚城社区各大群转发,广播了。 谢谢《JC市政群》里的,各位“先闻先知先觉先议”的民意达人们! 首先,大家要立刻竖起耳朵来,睁大眼睛来关切,到底是怎么回事?然后是,怎么办?!
再来看看这个工厂/Manufacturing的地址。如这张地图,是正在竞选JC市议员的Mr Kemp Altom提供的。如图所示, 这个厂址就在GraniteLn上,也就是SR141/Peachtree Pkwy的路边。
很容易Google Map一下,就可以看得更清楚。SR141的正对西面就是Deer Lake小区。东面一哩/Mile就是St Marlo。北面不到两百米就又是一个密集的小区。南面就更加靠近了,是一个联排栋的小区。。。
据说考虑到环境和民众反应,这还是新的改选的地址,是边远的“人烟稀少”的地区!从原来的Laura Spring,改到Granite Ln。“fartheraway from any residents than the current plant is located. The new plant willbe quieter and utilize more environmentally efficient advances”,见附录三。
1. 需要改选地址,考虑到环保,这就是不证自明,不打自招的“有危害性”。 2. “边远/farther away from any residents”,其实是以邻为壑!现在的Fulton,Forsyth和Gwinnett三郡已经是大亚特兰大地区的欣欣向荣,蓬蓬勃勃地高度发展,人口稠密的地区了。哪里还有人口稀少? 3. 而且这个新地址,如上面地图所示,东南西北四面都是Forsyth郡自己的密集居民区。再南面就是JC市的繁华商业和医疗区域。
一,吴明 转发的关于Asphalt的信息: 工厂生产沥青,那个规模和浓度是普通铺一薄层沥青无法比拟的,搞不好到时候每天开窗就闻到芳香烃的味道,不要抱怨房价下跌哟! 2017年10月27日,世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构公布的致癌物清单初步整理参考,沥青、职业暴露于氧化沥青及其在盖屋顶过程中的排放在2A类致癌物清单中,铺路时职业暴露于直馏沥青及其排放物、做沥青砂胶工作时职业暴露于硬沥青及其排放物在2B类致癌物清单中。 沥青及其烟气对皮肤粘膜具有刺激性,有光毒作用和致癌作用。我国三种主要沥青的毒性:煤焦沥青>页岩沥青>石油沥青,前二者有致癌性。沥青的主要皮肤损害有:光毒性皮炎,皮损限于面、颈部等暴露部分;黑变病,皮损常对称分布于暴露部位,呈片状,呈褐-深褐-褐黑色;职业性痤疮;疣状赘生物及事故引起的热烧伤。此外,尚有头昏、头胀,头痛、胸闷、乏力、恶心、食欲不振等全身症状和眼、鼻、咽部的刺激症状。
二,Hao 转发的关于Asphalt的信息:
三,段颖哲 转发的来自Forsyth的信息: SouthForsyth 的朋友转发: Here isthe response I received from the Commissioner: Hi andgood morning thank you for writing. I’m not sure if you knew but there iscurrently an asphalt plant that has been operating there for many years. This move will update and create a new more efficient plant, whichwill be located farther away from any residents than the current plant islocated. The new plant will be quieter and utilize more environmentallyefficient advances which the old plant did not have. Iunderstand your concerns, but this relocation will improve the situation. It isimportant to note that this is a relocation farther away from residents, not anew plant where there was none. The M1zoning has been in place for many years and the asphalt plant has beenoperating for many years. There isa public participation meeting tonight at Lanier tech conference Center at 5PM. CW Matthews the builder will be there to answer questions about the newtechnology advances and how this is better than the old plant. Thanks again Ilook forward to seeing you there. Dennis T.Brown | Commissioner, District 2 ForsythCounty Administration 110 E.Main Street, Suite 210 | Cumming, Georgia 30040 (678)353-4070 TVForsyth | Comcast Channel 23 and AT&T Channel 99
四,Cool Bubble转发的信息: 转发: Forsyth county 要在Johns Creek 附近建沥青厂 空气 水源都会受严重影响 可致癌风险 大家仔细阅读签名反对下月就要表决了 请大家签名反对: http://chng.it/LWR4ZT8BsV
五,Mr.Kent Altom 在我们群里发的的微信 It is no coincidence that this plant expansion is located at theedge of Forsyth County where it impacts fewer of its own residents and more ofthose across the county line in Fulton County (Johns Creek) and even those inGwinnett County. Since Day One of thiscampaign, I have said that Johns Creek is too insular and greater communicationand cooperation with adjacent cities, Fulton County, and neighboring counties(Forsyth and Gwinnett) are needed. Atthis eleventh hours, with an issue originating across a county line, it may beimpossible to stop a larger, more productive (24/7/365) plant from beingconstructed, but we as residents of Johns Creek must reject the notion that JohnsCreek will forever be “caught flat footed” when situations like this onepresent themselves. If elected as yourPost 4 city council member, I will begin immediately to reestablish lines ofcommunication and an attitude of cooperation with adjacent cities andneighboring counties. Know that I amimpressed with the way this WeChat group immediately took to identifying thisissue of concern, researching the potential harmful effects of asphaltproduction, and sharing knowledge with one another, etc. I have high hope in what we can accomplishtogether and I would be honored to represent your interest on our city council.