今天开始看那本How would you move Fuji. 开始的一个问题,一场网球淘汰赛有127个选手。当然就有63对外加一个。下一轮的时候就会有63对选手。问总共需要多少场比赛可以决出胜者。当时的第一答案是126,因为去掉一个选手需要一场比赛,那么去掉126个选手就需要126场比赛。可是,到底自己觉得太简单了,就决定用复杂的方式计算。每两个人需要一场比赛,就是63+32+16+....+1,最后答案还是126。唉,为什么要简单问题复杂化呢?其实,在这类问题当中,通常都是要复杂问题简单化。
另外一个有趣的问题,why does a mirror reverse left and right instead of up and down? 真的要动脑筋想一想。虽然花了一点时间,总算想出答案了,Because you are not standing on the mirror.
People who can resolve puzzles under stress make better employees than those who can\'t. 这是我的很大的弱点。很多问题我觉得自己也许可以在正常状态下解答出来,可是在有压力的情况下,我就没有这个信心了。
引用其中的一句:Get over your fear of trick questions. You will probably be asked one or two. They are not exactly fair, but they are usually asked to see how you handle a difficult situation.
Microsoft\'s people contend that it does not matter that what school you attended, where you worked before or how you dress. All that matters is your imgination, logic and proble-solving ability.
非常有意思的一本书。今天先看到第14页的最后一段。 |