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Economy of the United States of America ----转自维基百科 2013-04-18 19:11:40

Economy of the United States of America



1st (nominal) / 1st (PPP)



Fiscal year

October 1 – September 30



$15.685 trillion (2012) [1][2]

GDP growth

2.2% (Real, Dec. 2011-Dec. 2012) [1]

GDP per capita

$49,601 (2012)[2]
(14th–2011, nominal; 6th–2011, PPP)

GDP by sector

agriculture: 1.2%, industry: 19.2%, services: 79.6% (2011 est.)

Inflation (CPI)

1.6% (January 2012-January 2013) [3]

below poverty line

15.0% (2011)[4]

Gini coefficient

0.477 (2011) (List of countries)[5]

Labor force

155.028 million (includes 11.742 mil. unemployed, March 2013)[6]

Labor force
by occupation

farming, forestry, and fishing: 0.7% manufacturing, extraction, transportation, and crafts: 20.3% managerial, professional, and technical: 37.3% sales and office: 24.2% other services: 17.6% (2009)

[note: figures exclude the unemployed]


7.6% (March 2013)[6]   Decrease(-0.1%)

Average gross salary

$45,230 (May 2011)[7]

Main industries

Highly diversified, world leading, high-technology innovator, second largest industrial output in world; petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining

Ease of Doing Business Rank

4th [8]



$1.564 trillion (2012)[9]

Export goods

capital goods, 27.9%; industrial supplies and materials (except oil fuels), 24.8%; consumer goods (except automotive), 11.8%; automotive vehicles and components, 9.4%; food, feed, and beverages, 8.6%; fuel oil and petroleum products, 7.6%; aircraft and components, 6.1%; other, 3.8%.

Main export partners

Canada 18.9%; Mexico 14.0%; China, 7.1%; Japan, 4.5%; United Kingdom, 3.5% (2012)


$2.299 trillion (2012)[9]

Import goods

Consumer goods (except automotive), 22.7%; capital goods (except computing), 18.7; industrial supplies (except crude oil), 18.4%; crude oil, 13.7%; automotive vehicles and components, 13.1%; computers and accessories, 5.4%; food, feed, and beverages, 4.8%; other, 3.1%.

Main import partners

China, 18.7%; Canada, 14.2%; Mexico, 12.2%; Japan, 6.4%; Germany, 4.8% (2012)

FDI stock

$227.9 billion (2011)[10]

Gross external debt

$14.71 trillion / 98% of GDP (as of June 2011)[11]

Public finances

Public debt

$16.687 trillion[12] / 107.18% of GDP[13]

Budget deficit

$1.09 trillion (2012)[14]


$2.45 trillion (individual income tax, 46.1%; social insurance, 34.7%; corporate taxes, 9.9%; other, 9.3% - 2012)[14]


$3.54 trillion (Social Security, 21.5%; defense, 18.4%; Medicare, 13.2%; interest, 7.3%; Medicaid, 7.1%; other, 32.4% - 2012)[14]

Economic aid

ODA $19 billion, 0.2% of GDP (2004)[15]

Credit rating

Foreign reserves

$151.866 billion (Dec. 2012) [19]

Main data source: CIA World Fact Book
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars


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