N年前的今天,正好是黑人领袖路德金被刺身亡的日子。通过历代人的努力,在法律上,种族歧视已是不允许。但是,除了人们自身的偏见,以及种族亲和力的本能,黑人做为一个整体还是给人很多不好的印象。如何从黑人内部和自身改善,不是轻而一举的事。看来种族融合,离“I have a dream”的境界还有很长的一段路要走。听说现在黑人有自我隔离的趋势,除了传统的黑人教堂,有的还反对强行混合黑人和白人去同一公立学校的做法的声音。据说黑人的民族意识加强,要继承非洲的传统。更有甚者,为了和白人区分开来而加入穆斯林教。这样下去,恐怕要分歧越来越大。最后是民族大混血还是民族大拼血,还真是很难说。
That is why the society needs another Martin Luther King Jr. to make people "a people" rather than divided groups.
The Black Power Movement in1960s has the legacy to emphasize their black traditions, not integration. It is a challenge to the social system,which questions could racial equality be realized in a given dominant/minority group situation.