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What happened on Jan 6th of 2021 is nothing short of an earthquake to the world democratic political system.

It shaken people’s belief that democracy is vast superior to the totalitarian dictatorship around the world.

It is an attack on the political civilization of the enlighten human history of European descendents.

It is an attack to the hope, aspiration and good dream of peace loving people all over the world reaching for the beacon of light out of the abyss of dark endless torture of totalitarian regimes on the globe.

Because this coup attempt happened in the United States of America.

It happened in the heart of world democratic temple, under the dome of congress of the United States.

It is an extreme of shame to infamy!

It is a betrayal to the solemn oath for this President to protect the sacred constitution of the United States!

In the free world of democracy, you may have different opinions, different political views and you may vent them by all peaceful means, by association, by press, by demonstration, by petition etc. But, you must take them legally, you cannot, will not, must never, resort to violence. You cannot  try to destroy this system of democracy, you cannot attack the institution of our political civilization. Protecting the system or destroying the system is of the fundamental difference dealing with the different political system: democracy or totalitarianism/autocracy.

Knowing this separation and appealing to judicious approach is of the hallmark of enlighten people, of the fundamental educated masses and of civilized society.

Otherwise, you are not good people, you are not a good contributor to the society but a destructor, an enemy to civilization of democracy.

To restore our democratic reputation around the world, to save human political civilization, to spread out truth value of loving freedom, equality, independence, human rights, we must punish this traitor of Donal Trump. We must warn any future president of the United States: if you betray your oath, you become a demagogue, you fool the people, you will suffer the consequence yourself. As Abraham Lincon said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.

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作者:中国现代哲学家学会 留言时间:2021-01-09 12:47:54

"of" has 63 meanings (Oxford Dic), this one "of somebody" is the same meaning as without of, but more emphatic or of classic use if i am not wrong, e.g. "that bitch of somebody". I am more feeling bad for lack of appropriate expessions.

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作者:中国现代哲学家学会 留言时间:2021-01-09 12:25:18


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作者:俞先生 留言时间:2021-01-09 12:19:59


We must punish this traitor of Donald Trump这句话里,那个of是多余的,而且不该这样写。我知道你的意思:我们必须惩罚特朗普这个叛徒。但是,这个英文句子里的意思是:我们必须惩罚特朗普的这个叛徒。好像有个人背叛了特朗普,现在要惩罚这个背叛了特朗普的叛徒。这是美国人理解的意思。正确的写法应该是:We must punish this traitor Donand Trump.这是你要写的意思。

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