《Who is Jesus? The Teacher or the Truth?》(David Jeremiah,2020-05-17)
《Where is God in the Midst of Suffering and Injustice》(Ravi Zacharias,2020-04-20)
《Did God Allow COVID-19?》(Michael Ramsden,2020-05-17)
【Prayer(lead by Michael Ramsden,2020-05-17):
Dear lord,you love us so much that you jumps into the massy rivers of our lives (in this pandemic crisis);you literally jump into all of this mess in order to lift us up.
(In this covid-19 pandemic crisis),we have no idea of the mortal danger in and the fact that so much of this world especially one where we are struggling even with the weight of our own sin,and that wish we have done wrong we can be in so much trouble,and we can be completely oblivious to it;we could be that close to death,but the amazing thing is that Jesus Christ jumped into this world to pull us out.
Lord,we need the help that you can do for us.
Lord,we worship you,the God in the Bible,who knows our fears,who hears our prayers, who forgives us when we fail,and lifts us when we fail,and enable to give us strength in order to overcome despair.
Lord,we worship you,the God in the Bible who we can turn to in this time(covid-19 pandemic crisis),and who has been referred to;that is why we can be more than conquerors with Christ;because whatever we go through,and however it may end,you are able to lead us through to the other side to be with you.
Lord,you are the source of hope that we can have.
Lord,thank you that you know us and love us and you save us. There full of something that we cannot see nor that is also able/not simply to end a physical life but an eternal life sin;and thank you,you put your arms around us on the cross;thank you,Lord,you are willing to have that transference of that to yourself,and that you are willing to pay the price;not just for what we had caught,but also for what we had done;Lord,you took the full force of all the consequence of that.
Lord,we thank you,for that through your death and resurrection,you offer us a new life in you,and we need that life when we drifted away,we want to come back,or we messing around with things we shouldn’t’t be messing around with,we are so close just losing something you gave us.
Lord,we want turn back to you and say,God,we are sorry;Lord,forgive us,give us the assurance of life.
We pray all of this in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen 】