(一) 《The Cross: The Heart of Christianity 十架:基督信仰之核心》 【聖經《1 Corinthians》 2:1-5 《哥林多前書》第二章1~5節】 When I came to you, brothers and sisters,I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I came to you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling. My speech and my proclamation were not with plausible words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God. 至於我(保羅),弟兄們,我從前到你們那裡去,並沒有用高妙的言語和智慧對你們傳講神的奧秘。因為我已下定決心,在你們當中,只知道被釘十字架的耶穌基督,其他一概不知。而且,我在你們那裡的時候,又軟弱,又害怕,又戰戰兢兢; 我說的話和我講的信息,都不是用智慧的說服力,而是以聖靈的大能為憑證, 好讓你們的信心不是憑藉人的智慧,而是憑藉神的大能。】 * * * * * * * * The cross has become the symbol of Christianity, but it’s so much more than a mere piece of jewelry worn around the neck. The crucifixion of Christ is a central doctrine of our faith, and understanding it correctly is essential for eternal life. In fact, Paul was convinced the cross was the most vital subject he could address. 十字架已經成為基督信仰的象徵,但它不僅僅是脖子上戴的一件首飾。基督耶穌被釘十字架是我們信仰的核心教義,正確理解它對“永生”至關重要。實際上,保羅深信十字架是他應該極力強調的要害主題。 It’s important for us as believers to understand what happened on the cross—then we too can be thoroughly convinced of its supreme significance. It was not simply the execution of a Jewish man. 作為信徒的我們,重要的是要了解十字架上發生的事情,以致我們可以完全相信它的至高無上的意義;那絕不僅僅只是一個猶太人的生命被處決那樣簡單。 Although the Jews and the Romans viewed the crucifixion as the execution of a criminal, God saw the death of His Son as the perfect atoning sacrifice, which allowed for the justification of sinful mankind. 釘十字架被猶太人和羅馬人視為對罪犯的處決,但是,上主卻把(耶穌基督)聖子之死作為那”完美的贖罪祭“,作對為人類“背離上帝之原罪的正義辯護”。 What transpired in that event was the solution to mankind’s biggest problem: sin and our resulting alienation from God. The crucifixion is the divine transaction that saves us. Only the blood of Christ can cleanse us from sin and reconcile us to the Father. (耶穌基督)被釘十字架是解決人類最大的問題“背離上帝之原罪”的方法。被釘十字架是拯救我們的神聖“贖價-救贖”。只有基督的寶血才能潔淨使我們背離上帝的“原罪”,並使我們與上主父天重新和好。 Nothing else is required to pay for our salvation. To be saved, all we must do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins. 不需要對上主基督耶穌的“神聖救贖”支付任何“贖價”;得救贖唯一須作的就是,接受主耶穌為我們的“背離上帝之原罪”所作的犧牲,皈依相信主耶穌基督。
(二) 《God’s Plan of Crucifixion 上主耶穌基督被釘十字架的“計劃”》 【聖經《Acts》2:22-36 《使徒行傳》第二章22~36節】 You that are Israelites,listen to what I have to say: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders, and signs that God did through him among you, as you yourselves know --- this man, handed over to you according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of those outside the law. But God raised him up, having freed him from death, because it was impossible for him to be held in its power. For David says concerning him,“I saw the Lord always before me,for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken;therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced;moreover my flesh will live in hope.” 各位以色列人啊,請聽這些話:這拿撒勒人耶穌,神已借着這人在你們中間所施行的大能、奇事、神跡,向你們證明祂是誰,這是你們自己知道的。祂按照神所定的旨意和預知被交了出來,你們就借着不法之人的手把他釘在十字架上,把祂殺了。神解除了死亡的劇痛,使祂復活,因為祂原不能被死亡所困。 大衛論到祂說:“我看見主常常在我面前,因為祂在我的右邊,我就必不被動搖;因此,我的心快樂,我的舌頭歡喜,我的肉身也安居在盼望中。” * * * * * * * * Who was responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion? Though both the Jews and the Romans played a role in putting Him on the cross, God was the one who had already planned His Son’s death as atonement for mankind’s sin. “耶穌被釘十字架”,向誰追責?儘管猶太人和羅馬人都扮演了將他釘在十字架上的角色,但上帝才是那位將“聖子之死”作為人類罪孽贖價的永恆計劃者。 Peter made this very clear in his first sermon, and he also affirmed it many years later in his first epistle, saying of Christ, “He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God” (1 Peter 1:20-21). Even before creation and the entrance of sin into the world, God already had a plan in place for the redemption of those who would believe in Him. 彼得在他的第一次講道中就很清楚地指出了這一點;很多年後,他也在他的第一書信中重申了這一點。他論道基督:“基督是神在創世之前所預知的,卻在這末後的時候才為你們顯現。你們借着他,相信那位使他從死人中復活又賜給他榮耀的神,好讓你們的信心和盼望都在於神。”(彼得前書第一章20~21節)。甚至在創造之初和原罪進入人類歷史之前,上帝就已經制定了計劃來救贖那些相信他的人。 The Father’s plan for the crucifixion of His Son was motivated by the sinful, hopeless condition of mankind, His love for us, and His justice. 為了(救贖)人類之原罪,無盼望(救人類脫離死亡),為了上主之愛人類,為了上主之正義,聖父制定了“聖子被釘十字架(獻上贖罪祭)”的永恆計劃。 God could neither ignore our sin nor simply decide to forgive us, because those options would be unjust, and He cannot act contrary to His nature. 上帝既不能無視我們的罪過,也不能輕易地寬恕我們,因為這不合上主之公義屬性。 The cross was God’s way of fulfilling His predestined plan of salvation. Now all who trust in Christ can be forgiven and receive eternal life. Have you done this? 十字架是上主實現他預定的救贖計劃的方式。現在,所有相信基督的人都可以被寬恕,並獲得永生。你信了嗎?