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窃国阴谋(二) 2020-12-27 09:05:34

文章非本人所撰,信息来自塞斯.霍尔豪斯的同名视频《The plot of steal America》,这是第二部分。

Right now, big media, big tech, big government and even celebrities are breaking us with the narrative that Biden won while censoring all evidence of fraud and concealing the very real truth that our nation is facing its greatest threat since the American Revolution.

Because as our founding fathers knew too well, the moment we longer have free speech and a free press to keep our government in check, we no longer have a democracy.

I am gonna level with you now, Anyone who has escaped communist China, Russia, Cuba or North Korea can see the writing on the wall. In 1963, The communist goals to overthrow the united states were entered into congressional record. They stated: Capture one or both  of the political parties, Infiltrate the press, Gain control of key positions in radio, tv, and motion pictures.

After this election, it’s pretty clear these goals have been achieved, and the more you look into it the more you see that all roads lead to china, or more specifically, The Chinese Communist Party, the CCP.

Guess who owns a massive chunk of Hollywood, including AMC theaters and legendary film studios. You got it, the CCP.

Guess who pays millions of dollars to mainstream newpapers including the wall street journal and the new york times to publish their propaganda, the CCP.

And guess who’s given the biden family billions of dollars? Yes, the CCP.

Now do you see why Biden is the media’s darling? On the contrary, Who’s been the biggest thorn in the CCP side?

Who stood up to their abusive trade policies and slapped them with billions of dollars in tariffs?

Who dismantled their stranglehold on manufacturing and brought American factories and jobs back home?

Who stopped the pillaging of US intellectual property?

Who put serious penalties in place for violating religious freedomw?

And finally, who had the guts to call a spay to spain and rightfully point a finger at the CCP for concealing a virus that has crippled our entire world?

President Trump!!!

Now do you understand why they hate him so much?

They’ve been coming after America, coming after you and I for decades, and their plan was basically complete. That is until President Trump got in their way.

Right now, we’re in a battle for our republic.

The enemy is already inside the gates, Even those we thought we could trust have turned on us. They’re not fighting with guns and bombs. No, but with words, ideas and narratives. Because what they’re fighting for are our minds.

In 1956, Communist leader khrushchev said: “We will take America without firing a shot, we do not have to invade the US, we will destroy you from within.”

I hope you can see now that the invisible enemy is communism and the most deadly rirus is the Chinese Communist Party.

It sneaks into a country through the vices of corrupt politicians, businessmen, and people with power and influence.

It rips through cities and towns, bodies and minds, leaving no stone untruned, no soul untouched, in a trail of death and destruction in its wake.

It sows its seeds by convincing us that lies are truth, evil is good, and hatred is love, that division is unity, and that our enemies are each other. Man versus Woman, Rich versus Poor, Black versus White, Left versus Right. It takes root when we feel helpless, afraid and alone.

It erases our history and slanders our forefathers and teaches our children to hate themselves, their families and their country.

It ridicules our beliefs, undermines our values, and attacks our way of life.

It even demands that we kneel down in shame.

But we will not be ashamed, It can’t pull the wool over our eyes anymore, because we know who we are.

We fought to escape tyranny.

We bled to end slavery.

We revere the brave men who died to secure our freedom.

We welcome people of all races and religions.

We love our neighbors.

We help the poor.

We cherish our families.

We work hard for what we have.

We unite in times of hardship.

We know good from evil and truth from lies.

And we know that our rights don’t come from the government but from god.

And we will fight to the death to protect those rights.

The time ahead is critical, We the people need to call upon our president to defend us from enemies, foreign and domestic, and uphold his oath.

For the time being we still have free press and free speech at our fingertips, but if we don’t grab hold of them now, we’ll lose them forever.

Independent honest media companies like OANN, Newsmax will guide us out of the darkness, while mainstream media will only drag us further down.

It’s time to stop giving them our money, our attention, and our minds. Unlike their facebook pages, Unsubscribe from their emails, Unfollow them on twitter, Delete their apps and stop visiting their websites.

Support the countless patriots who’ve gone through hell in high water to get this information to you.

Unlike their content, unsubscribe to their channels, unshare their videos, unspread their message, stop using google search.

Google is censoring every result and robbing you of your right to know the facts. Start using DuckDuckGo and compare them, you’ll be shocked.

Get off twitter and facebook and switch to parlor.

Join millions of patriots who have already turned their backs on these toxic companies who dare silence our voices.

Join the millions of patriots who are standing up and rallying across the country, demanding justice and rejecting communism.

Our enemies snuck in during the night and tried to use the media to lull us to sleep while they stole our country. But instead they awoke the sleeping giant.

We see them for who they are now, And they’ss never be able to fool us again.

They tried to trigger a great reset, but instead, they triggered a great awakening.

We will not look back five years from now and tell our children that we did nothing as our nation was stolen.

We will tell them that we fought for and won our freedom just like our forefathers in 1776.

America is the last bastion of freedom in the world, we are the only remaining threat to the CCP virus. If we fall, the world will fall. But we will not fall.

It’s time to stand with our founding fathers and to invoke the power of we the people and the power of god.

We are the patriots. Join us.

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