1) Does God exist? (Metaphysics + Philosophy of Religion)
--- 根据对“上帝”的定义决定。如果上帝是“一个人”,那么这个上帝不存在。
2) How can we know that He exists? (Epistemology + Natural Theology + Philosophy
of Religion)
--- 如果我们感到自己能力的某种限制,这种感觉是普遍的,那么一定有其道理。这就是万能上帝存在的理由。
3) Does God have a nature? (Phil. of Religion + Metaphysics)
--- 参见1), 回答:当然了。
4) Does God have properties? (Phil. of Religion + Metaphysics)
--- 同前。
5) Can we gain knowledge about God's nature or properties? (Epistemology)
--- 同前。
6) Is God the source of all reality? (Metaphysics + Phil. of Religion)
--- 同1)。
7) What does it mean to say that God is transcendent over His creation?
(Phil. of Religion)
--- 根据如何定义“transcendent”而定。
8) Is God the source of morality? (Ethics + Phil. of Religion)
--- 是的。
9) What is Morality? (Ethics)
--- 人类(集体)生活的自身价值标准,约束和需要遵守的条件。
10) What is Good? (Ethics)
--- 人类文明发展到高级阶段的性质。
11) What is Evil? (Ethics)
--- 人类文明发展在初级阶段的表现。
12) How can we tell what is Good and Evil? (Ethics + Epistemology)
--- 根据其是否符合人类文明发展的阶段而定。
13) Why should I be moral at all? (Ethics)
--- 因为人类文明是自身发展的必然走向。
14) Are humans just physical entities or do they have an immaterial self?
--- 不仅仅是。是的:它就是个人的思维。
15) Do humans have an essential nature? (Metaphysics)
--- 是的。人类体现的是上帝(非个人)的一部分。
16) Do humans have free-will? (Philosophy of Mind + Metaphysics)
--- 是的,它就是思维。
17) Are humans morally responsible for the things they think, do, intend,
etc.? (Philosophy of Mind + Metaphysics)
--- 是的。人类的文明进化包括自身的责任
18) Does the personal identity of a human persist through change? (Metaphysics)
--- 思维的性质没有变化,其他物质形态在变化。
19) What are the anthropological implications of determinism? (Metaphysics)
--- 人类文明的发展过程是必然性的。
20) If we can prod the brain and produce a physical or even a mental effect,
what implications follow? (Phil. of Mind)
--- 新的“高级范例”会产生,如形象,记忆,梦境,符号,语言等等。但对思维
21) How can God know the future? (Philosophical Theology + Phil. of Religion)
--- 上帝是否知道将来,依据个人是否知道上帝而定。
22) Does God know counterfactuals? (Phil. of Religion)
--- 根据人是否知道上帝而定。
23) Is God within time or outside of time? (Metaphysics, Philosophy of Time/Science)
--- 当然是在时间之外。
24) What is time? (Phil. Of Time/Science)
--- “动”是世界的本质,它在现象界的性质,即它发展阶段的一个性质。
25) Is time a physical entity or a metaphysical entity? (Phil. Of Time/Science)
--- 时间是物理性质。
26) How can humans have free-will and God be sovereign all at the same time?
(Phil. of Religion)
--- 就好像婴儿可以随意行动,而只有大人才知道何时适可而止。
27) Is science compatible with religious belief / Christianity? (Philosophy
of Science)
--- 是的。科学的任务是不断将宗教的教义细致化的过程。
28) What is science? (Phil. of Science)
--- 发现范例的宏观世界的因果规律的学科。
29) Is there only one scientific method? (Phil. of Science)
--- 不是。但最好的只有一个。
30) Do the findings of science imply naturalism or materialism? (Phil. Of
--- 是,但其本身不全面。
31) Which fields of study count as science? (Phil. of Science)
--- 从经验到普遍,从个别到一般,从猜想到证实,从陈述到逻辑和数学,从偶然
32) What theological implications follow from the findings of Quantum Physics?
(Phil. of Science)
--- 科学只适用于上帝造的宏观世界。
33) Is scientism a rational view? (Epistemology)
--- 不是,是极端化的思维。
34) Isn't Evil incompatible with God's being real? (Phil. of Religion)
--- 不矛盾。因为罪恶是人类文明发展的初级阶段必经之路(前述)。
35) Do God's omni-properties make sense? (Philosophical Theology)
--- 当然,否则就不叫上帝了。
36) Can God do anything? Even something logically incoherent? (Phil. of
--- 不会。上帝的意图是通过人的行为来实现的,包括人类的非逻辑部分,它是人
37) What is Truth? (Epistemology)
--- 上帝的万能。
38) How can only one religion be true? (Phil. of Religion)
--- 人类思维的偏执和狭隘。
39) How can one effectively compare different religions or views to see
which one is true? (Phil. Of Religion + Epistemology)
--- 采取盲人模象的办法。
40) Is the trinity a coherent concept? (Phil. of Religion)
--- 是的。
41) How could God become a man? (Phil. of Religion)
--- 人类的想象力的发挥。
42) What does it mean to say that Jesus has two natures? (Phil. of Religion
+ Metaphysics)
--- 没有研究。可能是拟人化的结果。
43) What are miracles? (Phil. of Religion)
--- 人没有意料的奇迹。
44) Are miracles possible? (Phil. of Religion)
--- 当然。
45) Can we examine ancient documents and gain knowledge from them? (Epistemology
+ Philosophy of History)
--- 是的而且必须。
46) Can we know certain truths without evidence? (Epistemology)
--- 是的。证明只与科学方法有关。
47) What role do supernatural experiences or mystical experiences have to
play? (Phil. of Religion)
--- 思维中。
47) Do abstract objects exist (i.e. does the number 2 exist)? (Metaphysics)
--- 是的。是“思在/微观世界”的部分。
48) If abstract objects exist, what is God's relation to them? (Metaphysics
+ Phil. of Religion)
--- 上帝给予人类的一个部分。
50) Do universals exist? (Metaphysics)
--- 是的,在思在中。
51) How to answer the Mind-Body problem?
--- 微观世界与宏观世界的划分。属于“跨界问题”。
52) How to answer the question of material or spirit whom comes first?
--- 属于“跨界问题”,都不是。“动”是宏观和微观世界的真正来源。