那位我多次提到的Dialect在挣扎了一阵子之后,终于发出了觉悟的呐喊:“爱因斯坦对时间的看法是错误的。我们的现代理论陷入了困境。(Einstein was WRONG About Time. Our Modern Theories are in Trouble.)”【[1]】我感觉Dialect这次的大胆反抗应该与我过去一年多里给他的视频的评论有关。 读者会问:给他的视频留言的有成百上千,他又没有向我致谢,凭什么我会感觉他的觉悟与我的评论有关呢? 我的答案是:因为我没有看到任何其他人指出过他的错误,我只看到我一个人一直在(正确地)指出他的错误。 比如,三周前(8月24日)在题为“To Master Physics, First Master The Rotating Coordinate System”的视频【[2]】中Dialect还在宣传广义相对论,而我给他留言道:“To Master Physics, First Understand Physics. That is the way to avoid mathematical pollution.”。 在他6月8日的题为“How Superposition Causes Length Contraction -- And Explains the Principle of Relativity”的视频【[3]】下面我留言道:“1) You are just repeating what the late Jefimenko did more than a decade ago. 2) If you want to say SR is wrong, then just say it..... do not timidly imply it without speaking it out loud. 3) If you do think SR is wrong, then my suggestion: do not even try to step into the swamp of so-called relativistic mass.... that relativistic mass is not real. Accordingly, do not try to maintain the principle of relativity as the first postulate of SR....that principle is very wrong.... 4) If you still feel SR is somewhat correct, then you are wasting time. All in all, if you feel that you need to wake up, just get off the bed, do not stay half wake.”在给该视频留言后,我紧接着写了一篇题为 “难道他是。。。。?”中文博客文章【[4]】,更加详细地分析了给视频中的几个严重的错误。 在他2月3日的题为“Matrix Theory: Relativity Without Relative Space or Time”【[5]】的视频下面,我留言道:“Sad to see your struggle of futile trials, with sympathy though......the only substantial progress you have made in this video is to admit the existence of the so-called "background"......but then you tried hard to confuse it with the Lorentzian ether assumption......Making Einstein's postulate unreal while making what Lorentz called by himself as assumptions to be real cannot save your trouble......Well, while you resist to wake up, the world is still moving on......The sail has passed the STR more than one year ago while we are still watching you struggle in the swirl.......” 在他的2023年11月18日题为“Einstein's Relativity contains a HUGE Loophole. Its Implications Can't Be Ignored.”【[6]】的视频下面我留言道:“good job...but too late and too weak....the one-way constancy of speed of light is NOT just "unverifiable" but has been systematically disproved in "The Fall of Special Relativity and The Absoluteness of Space and Time" more than one year ago, and was summarized in "When philosophy is disparaged" one year ago......as a result, the one-way constancy of speed of light is replaced by the revised postulate of speed of light in vacuum.”。 在他的2023年8月5日的题为“What Time Dilation ACTUALLY Is In Relativity (Hint: It has nothing to do with time)”【[7]】的视频下面我留言道:“What you missed in the closing remarks is this: The Postulate of the Constancy of Speed of Light in Vacuum is Wrong because that postulate suppose the speed of light in vacuum is the same to all observers......The speed of light in constant in vacuum itself, but not to all observers and you need to make this clear! Now if we forget your closing statement at the end of the video, I can give you this credit that you are smashing special relativity by rebuking the so-called time dilation in this video......if you do not agree with my take of your video, could you come out to clarify it? ” 他回复道:“Thanks for watching! The postulate of the invariance of speed of light, according to the Einsteinian interpretation, means the speed of light is constant for all observers, when those observers are measuring it in a vacuum. So if you have two observers in a vacuum traveling at different velocities, they will measure the same speed for any beam of light. Of course, as Veritasium points out in an excellent video, measuring the speed of light is an impossibility, which makes Einstein's postulate an measurement assumption, not an empirical reality.” 我又回复道:“You just touched the critical defect of the philosophy behind special relativity.....as I mentioned in an earlier comment to this video that it is a confusion between the issue of CALIBRATION with the essence. How you measure the speed is something that can be calibrated which is not the essence of speed...... What we need now is the revised postulate of speed of light in vacuum that you can find online, which states that [The speed of light is constant in vacuum which is not attached to any specific material object, and its value is given by the Maxwell formula c = 1/√(ε˳µ˳), where εo is permittivity in vacuum and μo is permeability in vacuum.]” 我又接着说:“Why don't you just spell it out: no time dilation and length contraction due to kinematic motions in nature at all? Your language used to end the video is too vague......you have been doing this vague business all along in all your relativity related videos so that it is hard for critics like me to hammer or affirm your statements with one clear shot , but in the meantime those who are not of critical might still think that you are upholding special relativity. What you missed in the closing remarks is this: The Constancy of Speed of Light in Vacuum is Wrong! Now if we forget your closing statement at the end of the video, I can give you this credit that you are smashing special relativity by rebuking the so-called time dilation in this video......if you do not agree with my take of your video, could you come out to clarify it?” 与之相应地,我又写了三篇与之相关的中文博客文章【[8],[9],[10]】。 讨论 只要他们承认爱因斯坦的时间观是错的,他们就要承认过去这两年半里我得出的如下结论: 1)E=mc2 是错的,正确的是E=mc2 /2 【[11],[12]】 2) 德布罗意波长公式错了,正确的是我给出的λ = 2(v2/c2) h/p = 2(v2/c2) h/mv 【11,12】 3)广义相对论的度量张量不是张量【[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18]】,因此广义相对论的场方程错了,所有按照这个场方程得出的公式,尤其是有关黑洞和宇宙膨胀的公式,都有问题。。。。只有在低速,比较不大的质量的环境下,那个场方程才近似成立。 4)狄拉克方程有问题了【[19],[20]】 5)薛定谔方程有问题了【[21],[22]】 6)量子场论出问题了 【[23]】 7)μ子的衰变与碰撞有关【[24],[25],[26],[27]】,因此杨振宁的弱相互作用理论就要被打上问号,从而他的规范场论要被打上问号,从而中国科坛和政坛会因此而出现一片。。。。 8)所谓量子缠绕手限于光速的论调将被否定 (记不清我在哪篇文章中讨论的了J,大家可以自己去查) 9)量子力学在很大程度上凉了,包括夸克在内的基本粒子理论有可能需要重新审视。。。。那个撞了十亿次才出现十的负二十二秒的希格斯粒子的合理恐怕也会被打上问号【[28]】。。。。 另外,考虑到20世纪物理学在很大程度上早已超出了学术的范畴而是一个政治问题【[29],[30]】,当学术界真正能够承认狭义相对论的时间观错了的时候,许多其它的与狭义相对论时间观没有直接关联的错误也可能很快得到承认,其中最重要的之一可能是会承认海森堡测不准已经被打脸了【[31],[32],[33],】,还有我之前讨论的有关广义相对论还有其它一些与狭义相对论没有直接关系的问题【13,14】,以及薛定谔猫的逻辑缺陷【[34],[35]】等等也会相继得到承认。。。。 结束语 从三周前还在宣传广义相对论到两天前(我今天才看到)终于大声呐喊出“爱因斯坦对时间的看法是错误的。我们的现代理论陷入了困境。(Einstein was WRONG About Time. Our Modern Theories are in Trouble.)”,Dialect终于迈出了他的人生的一大步。尽管对于整个人类文明来说他这已经只是一小步了(因为自两年前我就已经推翻了狭义相对论,并系统地否定了相对论的时空观【11,12】),但仍是非常可喜的一步,因为这代表着在我单枪匹马对抗主流学界两年半之后,Dialect背后的那股强大的维护相对论的势力终于开始内讧了! 其实,早在我于2022年初开始检讨并推翻狭义相对论之前好几年,Dialect就开始对狭义相对论进行反思了,不过他的出发点是想要维护并完善狭义相对论,也就是要对狭义相对论进行修修补补。尽管如来自大洋对岸的某网军小头目(也算是我当初在科大参加研究生杂志的战友)过去两年里反复对我发出的威胁中说的那样,对相对论的质疑属于在上世纪就有了的政治上的错误,感谢上帝的带领,过去两年半里我对狭义相对论系统性的推翻以及对于与狭义相对论相关的包括广义相对论和量子力学在内的20世纪物理学之系统性的反思和批判是前所未有的。 我之所以这里要强调我过去两年半里所做的推翻狭义相对论以及对与之相关的20世纪物理学的批判是前所未有的主要有两方面的原因: 其一,要将一切荣耀归于上帝。过去两年半里除了意大利的那位Didier Viel先生曾给我提供过些许帮助之外,我基本上是单枪匹马一人独战连带着网军和科普在内的整个主流学界,而这过程中的每一步(包括在需要的时候就出现了Didier的相关帮助在内)都有来自上帝对我的直接带领。 其二,尽管在上帝的带领下我是第一个系统推翻狭义相对论并系统批判与之相关的20世纪物理学问题的,而且我推翻狭义相对论的工作首先是发表在中文网站,我系统反思批判20世纪物理学的文章也都基本上是首先在中文博客发表然后才将其中一些整理成英文文章,但遗憾的是,华人社会在这次人类物理学的重大转折关头,再一次地落在Dialect他们代表的西方人的后面!几天前,中国物理杂志B(Chinese Physics B)刚刚又拒绝了我关于薛定谔对其著名方程的推导错误的文章【[36]】。 尾声 尽管Dialect已经开始觉悟并迈出了反抗相对论的可喜的第一步,但是经历长期错误的想象性思维之后,很明显他一时还很难将他的思维方式纠正过来。。。。他在视频中他穿新鞋走老路再次老调重弹那个所谓的无法准确校对钟表的错误观点。如上面我引用的我在2023年8月7日给他的视频留言(参见【9】)中指出的,时钟的校对是没有问题的。。。。 Dialect在这一点上的要害是他的思维仍然停留在狭义相对论的框框中,从而念念不忘狭义相对论中的所谓的时钟无法准确校对的论调。这里我们需要注意两点: 1)当狭义相对论被摒弃了之后,根本不存在速度对时间的干扰问题,因此从原则上来说,不存在因为移动时钟的运动而造成时间差异的问题; 2)尽管从理论上说,运动有可能造成记录时间的仪器发生物理上的微小变化的可能性(当初哈菲尔-基廷怎么没想到他们戴上飞机的原子钟的震荡周期会因为飞机的晃动而被干扰?),但是,如同在热力学中我们可以假设无限慢的过程一样,这里我们也同样可以假设一个无限慢的每一步都无限小的移动过程,从而忽略运动对于时钟的物理特性的干扰。。。。从本质上说,所谓运动对时钟的物理特性的干扰就是一种热力学的过程。。。。
相关链接: 定理和定律背后不同的逻辑与态度 错误理论可以蒙对的启示 逻辑上错误的理论“蒙”出正确结果的原因 现代物理学讲究的是撞运气? 探秘薛定谔方程的推导 如何锁定人类科学? 戏剧性的薛定谔
[[1]]Dialect. (2024) [YouTube] “Einstein was WRONG About Time. Our Modern Theories are in Trouble.” [video] URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRtKSHvT2-c [[2]]Dialect. (2024) [YouTube] “To Master Physics, First Master The Rotating Coordinate System”. [video] URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD9NxA1aV7E [[3]]Dialect. (2024) [YouTube] “How Superposition Causes Length Contraction -- And Explains the Principle of Relativity”. [video] URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94EQpJ4d6YY 【[4]】戴榕菁 (2024)难道他是。。。。? [[5]]Dialect. (2024) [YouTube] “Matrix Theory: Relativity Without Relative Space or Time”. [video] URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B94o-P93ExU [[6]]Dialect. (2023) [YouTube] “Einstein's Relativity contains a HUGE Loophole. Its Implications Can't Be Ignored”. [video] URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff0aofh6urU [[7]]Dialect. (2023) [YouTube] “What Time Dilation ACTUALLY Is In Relativity (Hint: It has nothing to do with time)”. [video] URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKkH4IH-zmw&lc= 【[8]】戴榕菁 (2023)“外星人”终于出来否定狭义相对论或是爱美惧恶综合症的表 【[9]】戴榕菁 (2023)和YouTuber dialect的对话 【[10]】戴榕菁 (2023) 坚持和临门一脚 【[11]】戴榕菁 (2024) 当哲学被藐视之后。。。。(2024版) 【[12]】戴榕菁 (2024) 当哲学被藐视之后正式出版之意义 [[13]] Dai, R. (2024). What Is Wrong and Right with General Relativity. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/120069979/What_Is_Wrong_and_Right_with_General_Relativity 【[14]】戴榕菁 (2024)广义相对论之对与错 【[15]】戴榕菁 (2024)还Soldner一个公道 【[16]】戴榕菁 (2022)找到他们修改爱因斯坦广相假设的原因了 【[17]】戴榕菁 (2022)广义相对论看来也问题重重 【[18]】戴榕菁 (2022) 推翻狭相对广相的主要冲击 【[19]】戴榕菁 (2023) 再谈相对论的质量动量能量—领略20世纪物理学之奇幻 [[20]]Dai, R. (2023) The Faulty System of Relativistic Momentum and Energy. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/368357262_The_Faulty_System_of_Relativistic_Momentum_and_Energy 【[21]】戴榕菁 (2024)探秘薛定谔方程的推导 【[22]】戴榕菁 (2024)戏剧性的薛定谔 【[23]】戴榕菁 (2023)推翻(狭义)相对论意味着什么? [[24]]Dai, R. (2024). Scrutinizing Muons Decay Theory. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/380484161_Scrutinizing_Muons_Decay_Theory 【[25]】戴榕菁 (2024)与μ子有关的一个哲学错误 【[26]】戴榕菁 (2024)关于μ子的两点补充 【[27]】戴榕菁 (2024)那就再补充两点 【[28]】戴榕菁 (2023)希格斯粒子的生成及其它。。。。 【[29]】戴榕菁 (2024)定理和定律背后不同的逻辑与态度 【[30]】戴榕菁 (2024) 错误理论可以蒙对的启示 [[31]]Dai, R. (2024). Attosecond or Copenhagen?. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374740086_Attosecond_or_Copenhagen 【[32]】戴榕菁(2023)看来是实锤了。。。。 【[33]】戴榕菁(2023)假如海森堡被挑战了。。。。 [[34]]Dai, R. (2023). The Genetic Defect of Schrödinger's Cat. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371948820_The_Genetic_Defect_of_Schrodinger's_Cat_Rongqing_Dai 【[35]】戴榕菁(2023)薛定谔猫的跳跃 [[36]] Dai, R. (2024). A Short Survey of the Defects in Schrodinger's Derivation. Retrieved from: https://thefictionworldofrondai.wordpress.com/2024/09/04/a-short-survey-of-the-defects-in-schrodingers-derivation/