尽管Mother Teresa曾经非常直接了当地告诉民主党候选人希拉里·克林顿不应该支持“堕胎”(the nun persisted, taking the abortion issue directly to Hillary’s face);希拉里·克林顿自己说“She wanted to talk to me;Mother Teresa was unerringly direct.She disagreed with my views on a woman’s right to choose and told me so” 但是希拉里·克林顿从未改变她支持“堕胎”的立场。 《National Catholic Register》(全美天主教半月刊)指出,“可悲是, 希拉里·克林顿变得更加狂热地支持‘堕胎’,支持重新定义‘婚姻’,支持越来越扩张的同性婚姻议题,(has become far more fanatical for‘abortion rights’,and for redefining marriage and the ever-expanding ‘LGBTQ’agenda)” 《National Catholic Register》不无遗憾地指出,“— and at the expense of religious liberty — than Mother Teresa could have foreseen. Or maybe she did foresee it. Maybe the little nun saw it coming. Maybe she perceived that Hillary Clinton was poised to one day have an even greater impact.” 以上文字出自文章《How Mother Teresa Challenged Hillary Clinton on Abortion》(written by Paul Kengor);这里是原文链接:http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/how-mother-teresa-challenged-hillary-clinton-on-abortion。有兴趣的朋友可以点击/阅读/作参考。 有位名叫Jim的读者在评论中指出:希拉里·克林顿曾经是自称要把自己的著述献给撒旦的索尔阿林斯基的忠实学生......(Hillary Clinton is a devoted student of Saul Alinski, whose book dedicated to Satan himself.) 另一位名叫的Joan的读者说的好,“(天主教徒)凭什么要鼓励把选票投给支持‘堕胎’的候选人(希拉里·克林顿)呢?Why would any Catholic in good standing encourage anyone to vote for Abortion Candidate.”