譬如,歌手Audrey Faith McGraw的专辑《It Matters to Me》中就是这样唱的,“I don't know what to say,don't know if it really even matters to you;how can I make you see,Oh, it matters to me;Oh, it matters to me;It matters to me”。许多人不是常说,好话得说三遍吗?在一段歌词里,她连唱三句“it matters to me”,说明“这很重要”。
很自然,“BLM - Black Lives Matter”这句话就可以被理解为“黑人的生命很重要”。
(2014-10-06)Iyanla Vanzant sits down with Jay, who has fathered 34 children with 17 different women, in studio for a no-holds-barred discussion. Iyanla has also invited onto the show five other men who are in similar situations.
Iyanla Vanzant随机采访了现场的另外五位黑人男士:你有几个孩子?是和几个女人生的?
最后Iyanla Vanzant统计了一下:6 Men Who Have 87 Children with 50 Different Women,6位黑人男士,同50个不同的女士,生下了87个孩子 ......