美国“众议院1月6日事件特别委员会”现任副主席伊丽莎白·林恩·切尼(Elizabeth Lynne Cheney)由于反对Trump,昨晚以“压倒性优势”落败。在本年度共和党初选中输给了有特朗普背书的政治新人哈里特·哈格曼(Harriet Hageman) 自 2017年以来,伊丽莎白·林恩·切尼 (Elizabeth Lynne Cheney) 一直在美国众议院代表怀俄明州。她是前副总统迪克·切尼 (Dick Cheney) 的女儿,曾主持众议院共和党会议,这是众议院共和党领导层中的第三高职位,并且有可能成为众议院议长。 在1月6日美国国会大厦事件之后,切尼支持对特朗普进行第二次弹劾。 2021年7月,她被选为1月6日事件的众议院特别委员会成员,两个月后被任命为副主席。 切尼以超过 68% 的选票赢得了 2020年的选举。然而,特朗普总统同年以超过 70% 的选票赢得了怀俄明州。当切尼后来反对特朗普时,她所在州的许多共和党人被逼着在两者之间做出选择。结果却是被纽约时报称之为的“怀俄明州切尼家族的两代王朝”的终结。 这就是民主的本质。 1991年美国赢得波斯湾战争后,乔治·H·W·布什总统的支持率飙升至90%。第二年,他输给了比尔克林顿。 1945年5月盟军击败德国后,温斯顿丘吉尔可能是有史以来最受欢迎的英国首相,支持率为 83%。两个月后,他像山体滑坡似的失去了连任。 Liz Cheney loses to candidate endorsed by Donald Trump. Elizabeth Lynne Cheney has represented Wyoming in the US House of Representatives since 2017. The daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, she chaired the House Republican Conference, the third-highest position in House Republican leadership, and was presumably on a path to serve as Speaker of the House someday. Then, after the January 6 event on the US Capitol, Cheney supported the second impeachment of President Donald Trump. In July 2021 she was chosen for the House Select Committee on the January 6 event and was named its vice chair two months later. As a result of her opposition to the former president, she was defeated last night in a landslide, losing the Republican primary to Harriet Hageman, a political newcomer who was endorsed by Trump. Cheney won election in 2020 with more than 68 percent of the vote. However, President Trump won Wyoming that same year with more than 70 percent of the vote. When Cheney later stood against Trump, many Republicans in her state felt forced to choose between the two. The result was the end of what the New York Times called “the Cheneys’ two-generation dynasty in Wyoming.” This is the nature of democracy. After the US won the Persian Gulf War in 1991, President George H. W. Bush’s approval rating surged to 90 percent. The next year, he lost reelection to Bill Clinton. After the Allies defeated Germany in May 1945, Winston Churchill was likely the most popular British prime minister of all time with an approval rating of 83 percent. Two months later, he lost reelection in a landslide.