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欧债危机--与一位希腊教授的交谈 2011-11-21 11:09:00


Q: What's your opinion on Greek debt situation?

A: I thought you would ask. Well, this looks to be a direct consequence of the crony social capitalism. People just spent the money, because it was there, now the debt is due.

Q: There were talks about how the Olympics might be to blame.

A: Not really, if you look at the debt, the vast majority of it was accumulated after 2004, after the Olympics.

Q: Infrastructure?

A: That’s the sad part, there really isn't much infrastructure being built after 2004, in that sense, the money on Olympics was well spent.

Q: What about Prime Minister Papandreou? I recall there was a Prime Minister Papandreou before, in the 80s.

A: Yes, there was one, but this one is the son of the former. 

Q: Oh, can he do something about it?

A: I don't think so. He was dumb enough and chose to become the Prime Minister in 2009. If that's any indication, there won't be a solution coming from him.

Q: Then what would be the solution?

A: The Germans and French cannot let Greek go default; they hold too much Greek debt, I guess they will accept some percentage of loss, and put stringent conditions on the Greek finance.

Q: Would Greek exit from the Euro zone?

A: That's too high a price to pay, Greek will become a third world country if that happens. 

Q: So what would you do if you are the PM?

A: Well, good thing that I am not. 


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作者:twalker 留言时间:2011-11-22 06:14:39


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作者:德州渔夫_2010 留言时间:2011-11-21 18:14:28
Well, the conclusion is no solution at all.
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