美国《新闻周刊》1976年发表社论《历史上最后一位巨人》 | 来源: 中华网论坛 | 作者:最可爱的人 | 时间:2012年8月26日 | 内容摘要:毛泽东是人类历史上最伟大的军事家和政治家,是几千年不世出的旷世天才。20世纪的中国历史是毛泽东一手铸成的。而那一个世纪的世界历史如果没有毛泽东,也必将会是完全不同的另一面貌。他唤起了整个东方人类和新兴世界的崛起。 1、毛泽东是人类历史上最伟大的军事家和政治家,是千年不遇的旷世天才。 20世纪的中国历史是毛泽东一手铸成的。而那一个世纪的世界历史如果没有毛泽东,也必将会是完全不同的另一面貌。他唤起了整个东方人类和新兴世界的崛起。全不同的另一面貌。他唤起了整个东方人类和新兴世界的崛起。 毛泽东天姿英发,文韬武略,胆识过人。在整个人类历史上,毛泽东都是一位无与伦比的人物。世界历史上从来没有任 何一个政治家,能够凭借几乎一无所有的政治资源,白手起家,在二十八年之间,纵横捭阖,缔造了世界上最大的一个政党,一支战无不胜的军队,一个伟大的国家; 从而成为世界上人口最多、地域广阔的中华大国的至高无上的神圣领袖。 世界历史上也从来没有任何一个国家的领袖,敢于如此地蔑视包括两个超级大国在内的整个工业化世界以至包括联合 国。而面对整个世界的报复、封锁和堵截,他最终迫使世界不仅向之低头,而且为之喝彩,为之鼓掌!当1972年中国使团高傲地带着自己的原则和理念重返联合国的时候,中国人所得到的正是全世界这样的掌声! 2、毛泽东是一个神话。 自1946—1949年间他所指挥的第三次国内战争,双方用兵之数量,其战争规模之宏伟,超越了20世纪包括两次世界大战在内的全部战争,也超过了人类战争史上的一切战争。 毛泽东的军事指挥艺术出神入化精妙绝伦。相形之下,西方之兵圣凯撒、亚历山大、汉尼拔和拿破仑,不过如同小丘而 已。所谓运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外不足以状其妙。他实际是运神思于方寸之间,而操胜负于万里之外!其军事指挥艺术之高超,其政治、军事及意识形态整体运 用配合之巧妙,超过了人类历史上一切最伟大的军事家。 毛泽东驾驭历史操纵人类的能力几乎来自天赋。如果我们不是由于曾身历其境,我们会象后代一样对神一样的毛泽东不可思议不可想象和不能置信。 毛泽东的个性和人格魅力是无穷的。他具有卓越的艺术天赋、最深刻的直觉灵思和极其广博的人文知识。在对待人的问题上,他关注的始终是群体的“人民”即所谓“大多数”人类权利的普世价值。他永远站在世界上社会上穷苦大众、“弱势群体”即被侮辱与被损害者的那一边。 在生活中,毛泽东极具人情味、幽默感。他知道世上没有不散的筵席,“万岁”只是一句空话,“四个伟大”不过是小人违心的阿谀奉承。他嘲弄自己既有虎气也有猴气,他相信自己早晚也会被人打的粉碎——不过粉碎而已,有什么了不起? 在政治上,他冷酷无情。只要政治斗争需要,他就会毅然斩断一切情缘、粉粹任何障碍和形成障碍的个人,不论他们是旧日袍泽还是老战友,文化大革命中尤甚!“如果需要无情,那就无情!”“既做狮子又做狐狸。”在政治权谋上,他不过也是一位马基雅弗利之术的运用者。 3、黑格尔说过:仆妾眼中无英雄。 但是,那并非英雄不是英雄,而是因为仆妾只是仆妾!英雄也有失误,伟人也有弱点,伟人也有隐私,伟人也有人性。但是,伟人仍然是伟人! 托尔斯泰说:一个道德完美的庸夫仍然是庸夫,一个浑身弹孔的英雄仍然是英雄。 全部历史所昭示于人类的,就是人类永远会犯错误。个人会犯错误,群体也会犯错误。领袖会犯错误,政党会犯错误,国家会犯错误,民族也会犯错误。一部人类历史就是不断犯错误的历史!因此历史永远是曲折的历史。为了摆脱某种错误,结果所陷入的可能又是另一种错误。 历史不过是无数错误的叠加而已。历史的终极正义,正是在无终极的无数错误的积累中,才逐渐呈现的。 4、20世纪是人类历史上充满传奇戏剧性的一个伟大世纪。列宁、斯大林、毛泽东是这个世纪中卓越拔立的三位真正的传奇英雄。 这个世纪的头十年以1917年10月社会主义革命开始,在60年代后期以中国的无产阶级文化革命而达到一个震撼全球资本主义体系的最高潮。但随文化大革命的失败,乃以九十年代全球社会主义体制的全面崩溃,转向新资本主义和新帝国主义的全球化运动。 但是,历史远未终结。马克思、列宁、毛泽东留下的精神和政治遗产,包括文化大革命的遗产,仍然会被人们不断地思索和研究下去。 5、毛泽东晚期思想的根本之点在于,毛泽东认为:“社会主义”并不是一个静止无矛盾只需要向前发展经济的平静社会。这个社会作为一种过渡形态,它既存在着向前,向更高级社会形态进步的可能,也存在着向后倒退和复辟,倒退回半殖民地和原始积累的野蛮资本主义的可能。 毛泽东认为,社会主义社会内部仍存在着极其深刻复杂的矛盾和斗争。这种矛盾中既包涵着阶级斗争和阶级对抗的内 容,也包涵着统治阶级与被统治阶级的矛盾和斗争。而其根本主题,则是内外资产阶级及其政治代表与多数人民大众的矛盾。对这种矛盾,如果统治阶级、执政党处 理不好,则发生动乱、暴动或革命是随时可能的。因此,社会革命不会终结,历史永不终结。 我们可以预言,如果在未来某一天中国也终于出现戈尔巴乔夫、叶利钦式的右派政变或以“自由主义”为名义的内外资产阶级和买办势力的联合专政,那么,以毛泽东的名义,中国工人阶级和贫苦农民大众的联盟和革命造反运动就一定会前仆后继地再度发生。 毛泽东已看到这一点。他说:“中国如果发生反共的右派政变,我断定他们是不得安宁的,很可能是短命的。” 因为毛泽东已经把他的革命精神和革命意识形态深深地熔铸进了中华民族的灵魂和政治文化中! 6、英国名史家罗斯在论述拿破仑时曾指出: “尽管遭受了惨重的失败,他在治理国家,焕发人民才智和运用战争艺术等方面,完全是超群绝伦,伟大之极。 他的伟大,不但在于他那些最出色的业绩具有永恒的重要性,而更在于他的始创性以至在完成所有这些业绩中投入了雄伟非凡的力量——这种力量,使得遍布他后半生征途上的那些巍然屹立的纪念碑,虽然饱受狂风暴雨的摧残,却还是宏奇壮丽! 屈处奴役之下的民族不可能有这样的成就。人类毕竟不以最高的荣誉授予那些谨小慎微、知难而退、毫无建树传于后世的庸碌之辈,而是把它授予胸怀大志、敢作敢为、功勋卓著、甚至在自己和千百万人同遭大祸之际还主宰着千百万人之心的人。” 毛泽东正是这样一个奇迹创造者。 7、文化大革命最终彻底失败了。但是,毛泽东——这个驾驭中国革命彻底改造了中国之人性和生活的人,这个以人民 战争的形式领导了二十世纪历史中时间最长、规模最大、席卷了数亿人口的伟大国内战争和革命群众运动的人;这个动员了十亿人民,在九百六十万平方公里的土地 上,以超人之伟力,在人类历史上第一次试图营造一个前所未有的最终消灭阶级、消灭剥削、消灭私有制、实现人类终极平等的乌托邦理想国的人;这个打破了雅尔 塔三强瓜分世界协议、打破了冷战的两极格局,从而使中国屹立而起成为世界之第三极的人;这个导致二十世纪后半期的全球地缘政治发生根本改变的人; 这个发起了十字军东征以来最伟大的群众行动、使西方势力被逐出于东方的人; 这个最终把亿万人的思念引向天安门前那块孤独耸立的岩石之后的正方形大厦的人; 必将永远 屹立于人类历史上千古不朽者的最前列! 8、毛泽东去世后,西德总理勃兰特发表的悼词说:“……对一部分人来说他是希望,对另一部分人来说,他是永久的挑战。两种情况都将继续下去,以后一直是如此”。 毛生前多次点名批判过的铁托则说:“毛泽东是巨人之中的超级巨人”。 《毛泽东传》的作者、美国学者特里尔说:“事情总是这么奇怪,五十、六十年代诋毁他最多的政府,1976年却对他的赞辞最多。有些领导人说他是人类历史上一千年才会出现一个的天才。美国《新闻周刊》当天发表的社论标题是《历史上最后一位巨人》。” 没有任何崇拜者会比他生前的对手和敌人,更知道毛泽东存在的意义和份量。当然,至今仍有人躲在阴暗中诅咒他。因为毛泽东仍然是那些人的一个消不去的噩梦。 是的,像毛泽东这样巨大而深刻地影响过世界历史的巨人,是恐怕不会再有了。但他的精神、政治和全部意识形态遗产已永远地存留在中国大地上,笼罩着未来的全部中国历史。 在生前,毛泽东曾经一次又一次地震撼了整个世界。在未来,毛泽东必将成为世界历史中一个永恒的话题——一个神话,一个传奇,一个理想,一个梦境! 世界历史由于曾有过毛泽东而不寂寞。中国正是由于有了毛泽东,中国才仍然是中国。也正是由于创生了毛泽东,中华文明才 再一次向世界最雄辩地证实了它的智慧、辉煌、它的魅力与永恒的生命力! 附:历史上最后一位巨人 原文如下: Walk up to true Mao Zedong in paper in the page "Mao Zedong who attends Ross- Trier is summoned having feeling " But the history strength is lain in history requires that precipitayion , precipitayion queen ability reproduce history truly truly. After Mao Zedong passes away since September 9 , 1976, understanding and explaining to Maoist is always the public opinion hot spot , the eyeball being affecting the world even. The press of nearest Renmin University of China has debuted famous USA scholar Ross · Trier (Ross Terrill) press of classics masterpiece "Mao Zedong conducts " (Stanford University , 1999's) up-to-date printing plate middle version ceremoniously. This this "Mao Zedong conducts " first time be come out on 1981 , be that several hundred kinds west Mao Zedong biography are hit by one of be praised highly most , most best-selling work , be become 8 kinds characters , be spread on a global scale once by translation. But compared with version 1, the new edition has added many new materials , has absorbed the up-to-date achievement that a lot of home and abroad Mao Zedong studies, complete book chapters and sections additions and deletions space reaches more than 1/3, especially flexible depicting changes a maximum to Mao Zedong behind building up a country, the large amount of exquisite , costful photograph applying, makes the history great man unfold before reader's with vivid , moving image. Compared with version 1, the new edition is Maoist lifetime of annotation still mainly from thought , the politics angle, the person floating clouds and flowing water as narrating that and original review of view, make people gasp in admiration; It shows solicitude for individual life and the psychoanalysis especially , the union attaching importance to individuality and the history tableau, lets us touch the "self's inner world" to Maoist true , more all-round , prompter; It is more miraculous to the personage and history circumstances analysis , description to history event is especially concrete , guide reader to show solicitude for the history depth and, careful body odour "story" back times is perplexed , rich emotion of Mao Zedong and the challenge theory is created melting for an integral whole , is that we have described Maoist "true one overall portrait ". Mao Zedong is person , but not god In people's ken, politics and the culture sandy beach lustre which can not submerge the peculiar personage. Finishing reading "Mao Zedong biography " , our as if the dream returns to 20 centuries, has walked into that times , has discovered a true Mao Zedong , has been not upper Mao Zedong of concept but, Mao Zedong who is not apotheosis more. In fact, Mao Zedong absolutely not that great innate leader. On 1911, he has been full of immature longing for to Chinese future , this 18-year-old Hunan youth tentative plan central government actually has been: Sun Yat-sen acts as a president , Kang Youwei serves as Prime Minister, Liang Qichao is Foreign Minister then. Establish Marxist belief and devote into the revolution queen even if in him, be also several ups and downs on politics , experience the flavour failing to the fullest extent. And, the Mao Zedong long range fails to win Muscovite trust of communism revolution centre; Mao Zedong is only a "dyadic Marxist of margarin" in self's eyes, red in Stalin skin Bai Xin , reach no previous real proletarian revolution leader. On the private life, extremely rich human touch of Mao Zedong , sense of humour, pole utensil personality charm. In 1972, when Nixon's China-visiting, Kissinger's assistant Winston · Luode experiences Maoist willpower big and powerful right away once firsthand: But "I believe that I never come across a too such people ", "even if I do not know whom he is, join a cocktail party who has him to be present, he affirms that attracts me over ". that can strength base on he Mao Zedong already melts to become a member of Chinese history Being a American , Trier Sir is from a brand-new angle annotation Mao Zedong , readjust oneself to a certain extent with him in Chinese revolution and world revolution general situation , readjust oneself to a certain extent within history of Chinese society soil, how becomes "riddle Mao Zedong of having revealed a history" then Mao Zedong? Fish for the truth looking for history if needing to find by hard and thorough search really,only when coming back to China, this owns antiquited civilized history for 5000 years country , only possibility produces such a Mao Zedong history great man in country also only the in such. Mao Zedong is that 20 centuries one are rich in the charm revolutionist , that he leads lower PRC is really not one interlude music or song in a film or play of Eutopia theory , is the reconstruction to Chinese society but, have a far-reaching impact on. Be to be inferior despite of that Mao Zedong is one director is more distant than being one traditional ideas rebel , director and fighter, despite of he has such like that fault, but this place charm the preeminent statesman "has controlled a times needing a `superman'" , the new era having opened up Chinese history's, has also changed China's development direction. If 21 centuries are "Chinese's centuries ", Mao Zedong looks upon the quilt as a new's so the golden age founder. Nowhere the history gravitation is absent. Though Mao Zedong leaving us already 30 but his and his comrades has changed Chinese destiny , has also has given 20 century China and world fight to have gone ahead deeply brand, have cast self gigantic person's silhouette on. The present age Chinese must treat the Maoist legacy of history sagaciously , have been an integral whole , have been not allowed to break up because of Mao Zedong already melts with Chinese history, somebody says no wonder like this: Maoist history , self are the Chinese contemporary history that a volume concentrates; Read go by , sum future now having known Mao Zedong , having also only read to have known Chinese , read the thing having known Chinese and Chinese. "Annals of history if warning honor thousand years "! The Xinhua News Agency reporter bend aspiration river , the Li skill peak within a interview record can come to an agreement: "Who also had no way to deny that Mao Zedong comes into being to 20 centuries Chinas and the world, enormous but deep effect and effect; Intense but long-term individual charm and mental strength whose also unable resisting , Mao Zedong own". Mao Zedong criticizes Yugoslavia leader Tito of the Communist Party by name once many times before one's death , Tito acclaims hair "the super giant in one giant" but but after hair passes away. To here, even Sir feels being greatly bewildered: The "thing is always in this way queer , 50 , 60 age calumniates his most government, Ode to him dismisses a maximum but in 1976. Some leaders said he is that human being one genius appears on one thousand years only meeting in history. The editorial title that USA "Newsweek " announced in that very day is "one final place giant in history"". |