我相信我应该是把有关condo owner 为何必须购买保险的理由说清楚了。现在我再提供一份公司内部邮件,供大家参考。 A lot of agents have been asking why OWE (overland water endorsement) is required for high-rise condo. Below is another example for this, see email below. This email was issued by the property management to all the condo unit owners of a high-rise condo building being built in 2003 in downtown Toronto. The management is advising all owners to request this coverage from their broker due to recent claims on heavy rain storm this month in Toronto. Water entered into the units caused by sudden accumulation of rain water.
Another example is that if the building was flooded, some common area was damaged and several units are damaged. The board of directors might decide not to file a claim due to frequency of previous claims for this building or their policy already had a high deductible for flood/water damage. They might ask all unit owners being involved in the damaged area to share the loss. If your condo policy does not have OWE, contingent coverage or loss assessment coverages will not respond.
这个邮件说的还不是condo owner要不要买保险的问题,而是具体到要购买overland water endorsement这个附加险的问题。大家可能不知道保险公司的水患,有上水、下水和地面水三个不同的种类。以前没有分这么细的时候,就上下水两种,现在这个地面水从上水中分出来,定义更明确了,而且大部分保险公司都开始采用这个新概念了。
下水是sewer back up (专指从下水管道涌上来的水,一般是污水), 上水指的是地面以上房屋内的水(比如水龙头忘关了或没关紧或忘关门窗雨水从门窗进入屋内等),地面水指的是地面上从房屋外面来的水,包括市政水管破裂、洪水、冰雪融水等。