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窃国阴谋(一) 2020-12-26 13:29:46

文章非本人所撰,信息来自塞斯.霍尔豪斯的同名视频《The plot of steal America》,这是第一部分,明天把第二部分搞出来。

2020 has been a year like no other,

Everything we know, everything we trust and everything we’ve come to rely on has changed, so how could we expect the US election to be any different.

Mainstream media are telling us the race is over.

Biden won, time to move on, nothing to see here folks, but in your gut, you know something is just not right.

From the strange patterns on election night, to the weeks of suspense, to the election fraud that evaporates faster than Biden’s memory, it just doesn’t add up.

Stay with me, and you will see just what is going on behind the scenes in this election and why the greatest threat we are facing right now is not an invisible enemy invading our bodies but one that’s invading our country and our minds.

Welcome to Man in America, I’m your host Seth Holehouse

Let me ask you,

How do you know what’s happening in the world right now?

How do you know what’s going on in this country, or in your city?

I am gonna go out on a limb here and assum you probably turned to mainstream media which includes social media. Perhaps you watch Tucker in the evenings or read New York Times Sunday morning or check Facebook on your lunch break, So how do you know what’s going on in the US election, What did you think on the election night when historically red states and battleground states were stalled while blue states were immediately called for Biden, or when Fox called Arizona when so many votes to allow, of course, for Biden.

And how about the late-night ballot dumps that were somehow all for Biden, and the batches of pristine mail-in ballots are all for Biden, and then there were the burst water pipes and the power outages and the computer glitches, and issues with sharpes pens and lost USB drives that somehow all for Biden, and then we have the hordes of dead voters once again all for Biden. The dead people really did vote for Biden? I fact-checked it and what are the odds that all the last-minute changes to an election process in voting laws in the name of COVID also favored Biden, and how about all the counties with more votes than eligible voters or where they got more mail-in ballots than they even sent out. In Pennsylvania, they sent 1.8 million mail-in ballots and got back 2.5 million. And last but not least, we’ve got dominion, the voting system with ties to socialist Venezuela that was programmed to manipulate votes for Biden while sending our data to China, Iran and Russia. And when the system crashed because of the Trump landslide, bey battleground states simply decided to stop counting and head on home.

When did this ever happen before in US history? This is just the tip of the iceberg. Every one of these reports should be serious grounds for investigation. Thousands of poll workers, postal workers, election officials and honest Americans---the Republican and Democrat have come forward with photos, videos and first-hand stories afformed by sworn affidavits documenting massive voter fraud. Social media has been flooded with them yet mainstream media keeps asking “Where is the evidence?”

“Once everyone is gone, the post is clear. They are going to pull ballots out from underneath a table. Watch this table, Do you see the gentleman in the red, He just pulled one out. So what are these guys doing there Separated from all the other ballots and why are they only counting them whenever the place is cleared out with no witnesses?”

“Where is the evidence?”

“I am here with Elli in his Wedding and we are taking the trash out and we want to show you guys what we found in the trash can at the (inaudible) which is a polling place. Donald Trump… Donald Trump…Trump…X7, and there is more ballots in this trash. But we will say we did find 1 Biden. “

“where is the evidence?”

(In Pennsylvania Senator listening)

“Can you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for Biden and how much for Trump?” (Rudy Gulliani asked)

A: “Close to 600,000, I think our figures are about 570,000 that all those spikes represented over time.”

Rudy: “For Biden?”

A: “correct.”

Rudy: “And how much for Trump?”

A: “I think it was a little over 3200.

Now oI’ hold on,

Didn’t they just drag us through a baseless 4-year witch hunt in a Russian election interference over far less evidence. And isn’t it their job to be digging for evidence?

Wouldn’t Nixon have gotten away with watergate if the media didn’t dig for evidence?

Not only aren’t they digging for it right now, but they are burying it in a giant game of guacamole along with their comrade over Facebook, Twitter and google.

OF course, they have their fact-checkers debunk everything first. These arbiters of truth who have more conflict of interest in flavors of icecream in Nancy Pelosi’s freezer. Even President Trump’s tweets are so called fact-checked and censored and his press conferences were interrupted and cut off.

“Ok here we are again in the unusual position of not only interrupting the President of the United States but correcting the President of the United States.”

Think about what this means? The President of the United States of America is being censored by US companies. This whole thing reeks of corruption, and not just corruption but treason.

It’s such a joke, I would be laughing if it wasn’t so serious. But it is serious, because let’s assume for a moment that just a fraction of xx are true. If mainstream media and social media didn’t let you see or even talk about them, how would you even know?

Think about it, if our election was stolen and our government was overthrown and yet they kept it all hidden, how would you know?

If mainstream media can completely control public opinion and the flow of information including from our President does the truth even matter.

And what if I told you, that every single one of our mainstream media, including fox, is being used as a tool to manipulate public opinion and steer the outcome of the election, perhaps a year ago, you might have called me a conspiracy theorist, but considering we’ve all been living in a Twilight zone lately, you are probably starting to realize that anything’s possible.

Just try to wrap your head around this, how did the media so accurately predict the long delays in counting votes and red morath before the blue waves, and why did they spend months downplaying the risks of mail-in ballots while sowing the seeds of Trump would claim voter fraud and refuse to concede?

Did they have a crystal ball?

Why did Hillary Clinton tell Biden not to concede under any circumstances all the way back in the summer?

(Hillary Clinton:) “You know, Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances.”

Why did they spend the last four years using every possible tactic to undermine Trump’s presidency and the most relentless smear campaign the world has ever seen, and why did every single mainstream media rush to coronate Biden and cement him into the public mind.

Now you do understand why he told voters “ I don’t need you to get me elected”.

(Joe Biden:) “ I don’t need you to get me elected. “

It never mattered that he hid in his basement all summer. It never mattered that only 5 people turned up to his rallies. And it never mattered that he couldn’t even string a sentence together. It never mattered that the majority of Americans chose President Trump on Novermber 3rd, and it doesn’t matter that the fraud is more obvious than the stains on Monica Lewinsky’s dress, because when you control every single chanel of information, nothing else matters.





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作者:巴黎老高 留言时间:2020-12-26 13:48:52

(Joe Biden:) “ I don’t need you to get me elected. “

哇,连我都懂! 太黑暗,乔这老狗日的好阴险。

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