This paper provides a brief explanation about the nature and
importance of fairness analysis to economic studies through a simple
deconstruction of the meaning and role of fairness in our everyday economic
life. It could serve as an introductory discussion to the cultural transition
from empirical investigation to rational analyses for social studies including
economic studies.
1. 1. A brief background
Market economy is a game driven by interest based free
wills. Like in any other games played by people across the world around
history, fairness is not only admirable but also demanded by most players in
the game. Even those who do not respect the fair rights of others would also
demand not to be treated unfairly when they cannot control the game. Therefore,
the fundamental spirit of the game of market economy is fairness. However, if we examine the meaning of fairness very
carefully, we might find that ironically the meaning of fairness is far from
clear to people around the world. Even though equipped with supercomputing
power and advanced database technology, when people are attempting to simulate
the fair competition in a market economy, it is not clear to the society as a
whole what exactly the meaning of fairness is; when people are predicting the
market demand based upon the consumption of existing inventory, it is not clear
to economists what is the real driving force of the demand down to personal
purchasing decisions besides historical knowledge and a faith in the marketing
power; while people are calculating the
costs and profits of various products in the market, it is not only
mathematically but even philosophically not clear what might be the long term
consequence of a very profitable market economy upon the life of the society as
a whole.
If we attempt to anatomy any social standard of fairness, we
might find that people have been constructing their standard with many specific
conditions only for a given subject. For example, a state-wise math test is
assumed to be fair in the sense that no student would know the questions in
advance and everyone is allowed the same length of time using similar tools to
answer the questions during the test, plus the environment for all is roughly
the same. Those are the conditions on which the fairness of the test is
constructed. However, if we deconstruct the foundation of this fairness of test
by looking outside the isolated testing area and examining the fairness in the
real life open society, then we might find the test is not really fair as
people might have imagined. First but not the last, no matter how carefully the
questions are selected, it could not possibly cover all the teaching patterns
in all the classes of the state, and thus some students might be more familiar
with the subjects than others simply because their teachers gave them more
exercises on the subjects by accident. There could be much more to consider
that would make the test not fair as they are supposed to be. Would this type
of unforeseeable unfairness matter to the students? Of course it would, in this
way or that way. But since this kind of unfairness seems unavoidable, people
would tend to attribute it to something called luck. However, not all the unlucky things are truly unavoidable. For example, if two test centers located in two
different places, one is quiet but one is noisy, and one is with comfortable
inner atmospheric condition but one is freezing during the winter, then even
though people could still extend the meaning of luck to their locations, it might not be the kind of luck that people cannot change it.
Since the influencing factors involved in an open market
system would be much more than in a single test event discussed above, the
function of fairness would be much more dynamic and its impact upon whomever
live and work in the economic system would be much stronger; yet the meaning of
fairness for market economy is also not as clear as most people might have
thought so far. Since fairness is not only the assumed precondition of a market
economy but also the goal of any serious economic theory (at least in
principle), the lack of understanding of fairness would no doubt be manifested
in theoretical endeavor on economic issues. While scholars are struggling to
promote more effective as well as fairer economic solutions, they might
actually help to create polarized and thus ineffective market environment due
to the lack of understanding of fairness as have happened many times during the
history. Therefore, a better understanding of fairness is warranted in order
for us to work for a fairer economic system. However, once we start to investigate
the meaning of fairness more carefully we would soon realize that fairness is
not just a simple social standard, but indeed a fundamental driving force behind
all human social activities, including economic activities. To acquire a full
appreciation of what fairness is would involve a dynamic analysis of the
interaction of social elements (persons, organizations, and abstract cultures)
in a way similar to what natural scientists have been doing for the past few
centuries but (unfortunately) without the handiness of a formal mathematical
2. 2. The role of fairness
As we just saw in that math test example, to have a better
understanding of fairness might involve a deconstruction of specific conditions
in question for researchers and then bring in a full scale social and cultural
inquiry. On the other hand, however, judgment about fairness always starts from
very specific issues which might have immediate consequences in real life, such
as corporate promotion, social wealth distribution, job opportunity decision,
etc. More importantly, human awareness of the fairness issues in various events
of their life would create some urges for them to say something or to do
something for the change of what they might considered as unfair; or even if
they don’t feel the courage or don’t bother to take the trouble to meddle in
the unfair business of others, they would still choose to do whatever
considered to be fair to themselves when possible. From this we could see the
duality of fairness: fairness as the
result and fairness as the driving force. Because of this duality while fairness
functions as a judge of the game of life it is also a player itself in the
game. More precisely, fairness is not simply a concept of political or moral
standard of a society but also a fundamental force of everyday life similar to
the natural force Newton[1] studied three centuries ago.
When we drive a car running on a highway, no matter how
expensive the car is and how powerful the engine is, as we know according to
our modern scientific knowledge that, it is being pushed forward by the same
friction force between the tire and the ground; besides, what is moving along is
a colossal assembly of large quantity of tiny parts and each tiny part is being
pushed (or dragged) forward by the total force from its neighboring parts or is
undergoing chemical and electronic interactions. Similarly, even though there
might be so called great social powers or very splendid moments in this world, if
we keep deconstructing the factors that build the social powers or create the
big moments, we might always reach the very same interactive forces between
human beings, and those interactive forces are all regulated by the same principle
of fairness behind just like the interaction between material parts are
regulated by the same Newton’s laws at macroscopic scale.
Owing to the successful work of natural scientists for the
past centuries, we could now appreciate the full scale dynamic complicacy of
material objects and systems around us in natural world; and due to the solid
theoretical foundation of natural science, today when we enjoy our convenience
of industrial artifacts we could have high level confidence of the technology
behind the production. However, on the contrary, we don’t have the same level
of confidence in the data or the interpretation of data from economic studies.
The main reason of this is indeed neither because people don’t take economy as
serious as natural sciences nor because nowadays people don’t invest huge
quantity of capital in potent electronic means to gather and process economic
We might certainly blame the open nature of any realistic
economic system which lacks the controllability that natural scientists might
enjoy in their labs. However, the material world those pioneer natural
scientists were facing to about four centuries ago before Galileo (or Stevinus)
legendarily dropped two metal balls down the Pisa Tower[2] was also very open and uncertain to them, but natural scientists have overcome
the openness and uncertainty and constructed the scientific edifice since then.
There are two important means that have helped them to achieve this: one is the
experiment in controlled environment, another is the abstract analytical thinking
based upon knowledge of interacting forces between material objects. The second
one is even more important than the first one since without abstract analysis,
there would not be much meaningful controlled experiment.
On the contrary, in the domain of social sciences including
economics, so far through the history, the knowledge system has not been
properly reflecting the interactions between the basic units of the system---
human beings. Rather, social theories including economic theories have been constructed
on top of collective concepts like moral standards and legal rights/ penalties
or inhuman numbers of market transaction data. For this reason people are
fundamentally counting on common senses and traditional empirical knowledge to
handle everyday social events without much abstract analysis about the nuances
of human interacting dynamics even though this dynamics would indeed determine
the development of the events. One typical consequence of this lack of dynamic
insight of social mechanisms in economic studies is the obvious detachment of
economic data from the cultural environment from which those data are produced.
Even though not too many nowadays people would naively deny the influence of
political cultural development of a society upon its economic well being,
scholars are not able to relate them together in a sensitive way except for their
personal judgment based on some eye catching big events or some histogram
variation trend. Financial analysts forecast the possible rise and fall of
market prices based on historical data and foreseeable big social or
technological events without much knowledge about what kind of undergoing
cultural movements are causing tomorrow’s rise and fall. It is assumed to be
the responsibility of historians to dig out subtle cultural influence upon real
life political and economic status afterword while nobody really knows or cares
about whether or how historians would do the job correctly. Therefore, it is
not hard to see the reason why supposed sophisticated economic theories
developed by elite scholars in the field could lead to crises in the past.
Knowing the fact that the coarse-grained knowledge about
underlining cultural forces is responsible for deficiency in economic theories
would remind us that we are facing to a similar challenge as people in the age
of Galileo were facing to for the study of nature: how to make a transition
from empirical world into an analytic world. The answer should be to bring
social sciences including economics down to the ground of interactive forces
between basic social units---human beings. Only in that level we might conduct
more sensitive bottom up investigations about human social system including
economic system like natural scientist have been successfully doing towards the
material world. In order to do so we need fairness analysis since fairness is
the key to understand the apparently dazzling interpersonal forces. Even though
we should not unrealistically expect that we might pull out a highly analytical
system for social sciences as the one for natural sciences, we still could make
changes, radical changes, in the study of social problems including economic
problems with the help of fairness analysis.
3. 3. Fairness analysis and the challenges
Fairness analysis is a methodology or a philosophical way to
examine human civilization based upon interactions between human beings with
the help of abstraction of the force of fairness[3].
Because fairness analysis is aiming at general nature of low end interpersonal
interactions, unlike any existing theories of social sciences, it thus does not
depend upon traditional moral standards or political norms; rather it could be
used to analyze or deconstruct existing cultural concepts and social structural
norms such as freedom, leadership and so on across cultural and geopolitical
boundaries. For example, it is a common assumption that free market economy is
fair. Someone might deduce furthermore based upon that assumption that the
bigger the market size is the fairer the market would be since the benefit of
the mechanism of free competition could be fully exploited with a bigger market.
With that kind of mindset people would feel very confused when they saw things
like global financial crises happened during past decades when the market was
tremendously enlarged. But with fairness analysis, we might look into the real
market logic in more details by deconstructing the presumption of fairness in
free market economy. Once we do so we would then realize that the fairness
assumption that people made about the free market economy was not much more sophisticated
than the assumption people would make in the math test example we discussed
above. Through the fairness analysis we might even discover some root cause of
the global financial crisis: while it would inevitably involve some unfair
factors from the real life open world into the assumed fair market system and
those unfair factors would inevitably cause real life economic crises[4]if
they are not properly curbed, people just ignored the existence of these unfair
factors since it had already been assumed that the market was fair because they
were not aware of the importance of fairness analysis.
On the other hand, even though fairness analysis would help
social scholars to acquire a dynamic insight of social systems such as economic
systems, compared to natural sciences, there are still two fundamental
difficulties people would not be able to get rid of.
The first difficulty is the lack of controlled experimental
environment. This is not only due to the complexion caused by the openness of
any social system, but also because of the uncertainty resulting from the
responsive nature of any intelligent system. Responsiveness of a system means
it would make a quick self-adjustment in response to ongoing events. For
example, any published trick to teach people to buy good stocks at low prices
would soon be invalidated by itself if it is truly a good trick. Besides,
unlike natural scientists that are testing materials made of inanimate atoms or
observing caged white mice in a lab, social scholars are studying ensembles that
they themselves do fundamentally belong to. Ethics then should be one important
restraint for anyone who attempt to make social experiments without
sophisticated knowledge based planning.
The second difficulty is the lack of elegant mathematical
framework. There are mainly two factors responsible for this problem:
1) the immeasurability of many abstractions involved in
social activities. Unlike most abstractions used in natural sciences such as
mass, temperature and speed which are measurable, many abstractions involved in
social activities such as passion, love, greedy are not measurable or at least
not easy to measure. This does not mean those abstractions do not make real
senses. They do make real senses just like mass, temperature and speed in
natural sciences since all people could not only clearly feel their own
passion, love and greedy at different levels in different time periods in life
but also could clearly perceive passion, love and greedy of different others at
different time. But these abstractions are simply not measurable as mass,
temperature and speed is. Nonetheless, we might still find ways to measure
social economic activities with some abstraction that reflects the dynamics of
human interactions, and one good example is currency and prices measured by
units of currency. Since the dynamics of social activities are constructed on
top of non-measurable human wills, the values of abstractions (e.g. currency)
used to measure social activities would often demonstrate higher instability
and lower predictability than physical objects. For example, the face value of
a bill is much more volatile than the weight of the paper which is used to
print that bill;
2) the nonlinear discrete divergent nature of any social
system including an economic system. Even if we have abstractions (i.e. stock
prices) to measure their values, it would be very hard for us to work out
partial differential equations to precisely calculate their variations based
upon all market data including sales and production as well as stock history.
Or even if we could arrive some type of equations with a selected set of
abstract values for a very specific subject the equations would most probably
highly nonlinear and difficult to solve due to the nonlinear nature of economic
The above mentioned two fundamental difficulties would pose
great challenges for any effort to rationalize economic studies, but they are
not sentences of capital punishment to our goal of transition from the
empirical world into an analytic world for economic studies. They just inform
us of the limits of this transition we might expect in the same way the
thermodynamics laws informed natural scientists of the limits they should
expect centuries ago. But we are still very far away from those limits so that
there are still many for us to achieve before we need to worry much about the
limits just like what natural scientists have achieved during the past few
centuries without the need to worry about the limitation posed by
thermodynamics. These challenges should only make us smarter like what physical
laws have made natural scientists smarter, not restrain us from moving forward.
Being aware of the difficulties of having controlled
experimental environment or elegant math systems, we should tune our mind
toward more realistic and productive efforts when attempting to analyze social
economic systems. Fairness analysis as a philosophical methodology is an ideal
tool to examine social economic systems without the need to set up a closed
controlled environment or a grand system of mathematical equations as you might
find out in the references [3,4] listed in the footnote of this paper.
4. 4. Closing words
Since Adam Smith first published his The Wealth of Nations[5] more than two centuries ago fairness has always been the basic theme of
economics. What differentiate classic economics, economic liberalism, Keynesian economics, socialism, or even
communism are their different interpretations about what is fair and what is
not. However, it might be a surprise to many that when supercomputing
power is extensively applied to do complicated calculations or simulations in
the economic field, the meaning of fairness is still far from clear to scholars
around the world. This might raise a question concerning any effort of the
computation: whether it is calculated to a fair market economy or calculated to
an unfair future.
As a matter of fact, even with all the high-tech utilities
employed in the economic field, human intelligence about economy could hardly
deemed as rational due to its fundamentally empirical nature. The root cause
for this backwardness is obviously not lack of data processing technology or
lack of fund but is lack of abstraction means to analyze full scale social
cultural system.
This paper provides an introduction to fairness analysis
which would help us to revolutionize our social cultural system on this globe. As it might be found from the references [3,4]
listed that I have done some initiative work on fairness analysis in the past
years. But much more needs to be done if we are aiming at a more rational
social cultural system in the future.
[1] The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Isaac Newton, translated by
Andrew Motte, published by Daniel Adee, 45 Liberty Street, NY. 1846
[2] Drake, Stillman
(1978). Galileo At Work. Chicago: University of Chicago
[3] On
Fairness Analysis, R. Dai, URL: http://fairlifebook.wordpress.com/
[4] Chaotic
Order – The Economic Relativity, R. Dai, URL: http://fairnessofcapitalism.wordpress.com/2013/02/05/chaotic-order-the-economic-relativity/
[5] An
Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith, London:
W. Strahan, 1776