Hillary有一條競選口號,叫作“Stronger Together”;然而the term “Stronger Together” is in itself a huge contradiction & hypocritical LIE(矛盾與虛偽)!
The U.S. Democrat Party's entire political strategy is based on “identity politics” which by its very nature divides the voting population into groups based on their race, gender, age etc. etc., and then it pits the interests of one preferenced group against the interests of another societal group or groups. There is no national togetherness in this strategy, and it results in the election of a president who really only works on behalf of those people/groups who voted for him/her often to the detriment of those belonging to other groups who didn't support him/her and the country as a whole.
Barack Obama is clearly such a president, and Hillary Clinton is on record as saying that her presidency should be seen as a an extension or 3rd term of the Obama presidency.
有人說得好:Hillary was Obama that before Obama was Obama;他們將帶領美國走向墮落。看看那些為Hillary搖旗吶喊的都是些什麼人吧: