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The imperfection of Hegelian ontology

Rongqing Dai, Ph.D. New Jersey Abstract At the core of the Hegelian ontology are pure nothing, pure being, and the instant becoming between them, which were established by Hegel through the quest f…


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Fredrick George Welfarehttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yV/r/LJet2Gkdxzg.png This is a superb example of Hegelese. I doubt that anyone can use such a closed system unless they examine both applications and criticisms of Hegel’s Logic.

Paraphrasing would be a much stronger and more edifying writing style than merely repeating Hegel’s statements. But, without giving definitions - what is logic, or examples, this essay is impenetrable to sensibility and sheds no light on the meaningfulness of Hegel’s thrust.

Ron Dai Thanks so much for providing a typical example of the hypocrisy that has caused philosophy to die!!!!....

In the past years, I have done in depth analyses of why the academic philosophy is dead...I have given many causes, such as the general (surprising) incapability of the academics to read difficult philosophy text, and many others...There is one important cause that I have noticed but have not got a chance to discuss, which is EXACTLY the opposite to what you are criticizing of my style: professional philosophers DO NOT have the good habit of citing the original text, and because of this, there has been a very BAD DISHONEST HABIT of the academic philosophers, which is the random false and fake interpretation of the difficult text that they are INCAPABLE to comprehend! Thank you for coming here to provide an example of promoting that BAD DISHONEST HABIT of misinterpreting the original text without citing the original.

How about a challenge that I bet you are NOT even ABLE to understand this article of mine at all, not to mention the original text of Hegel??!!

Do you want to go through sentence by sentence of this post?...See, I am calling you out...your comment is so typical of the hypocrisy of nowadays academia of philosophy!!! Do you want to take a chance to defend yourself, as well as the whole academia of philosophy??? Let's go through this article and to see if you really understand it, do you have the courage of doing this??? Come on, be brave!

Fredrick George Welfarehttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yV/r/LJet2Gkdxzg.png Ron Dai No, I do not want to go sentence by sentence unless you clarify it with a clarifying meaning, AND address comparisons to critics and supporters.

Philosophy is hardly dead but you do not help by reciting text without clarifications or comparisons.

Ron Dai Fredrick George Welfare Your response is not surprising at all since LOW CAPACITY OF READING COMPREHENSION is typical of nowadays philosophical academics, and many of them are also lacking courage to defend themselves.

Now I give you another alternative to prove yourself: could you tell what is the thrust of the Hegelian Ontology that you seem to defend? Do you understand it at all?

Fredrick George Welfarehttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yV/r/LJet2Gkdxzg.png Ron Dai

I am not here to take a test.

You are putting up quotations and reciting the same thing as the quote which provides no insight into Hegel, philosophy or logic.

You fail to see the important issues: why is logic a beginning point, what is logic? You take Hegel as without any presuppositions when there is obviously a presupposition, namely logic.

You are also unaware of why logic might have been a problem that Hegel and philosophers since then have been discussing - why is logic a problem?

Logic is a problem because it cannot generalize to ethics - ethics cannot be logicized, but any attempt to make ethics logical must be evaluated. Certainly Hegel holds that human institutions are firstly ethical, but to make this claim, the logical is at issue.

Underlying philosophy and logic is the relation of logic to psychology which doubles down on the problematic.

Logic works with natural bodies, objects which can be enframed under causal or means-end instrumental and pragmatic notions. The human subject cannot be so enframed! Thus, critics of Hegel, like those of Kant, attack over the claim of reification or fixity of the human subject without any ethical judgments interceding on behalf of the subject.

Logic works for objects, not for subjects. But I will listen to any refutations!

Fredrick George Welfarehttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yV/r/LJet2Gkdxzg.png Ron Dai You are reacting emotionally not addressing anything I have said.

Of course I read the article, I have also been reading Hegel for 40 years. So I know a little bit.

When you provide a quote you should do something more than reiterate what it says. Put it in ‘your own words’ is a good idea.

I expect any Hegel scholar to connect a quote to what others have said - make a comparison between Hegel and someone else: Marx, Kant, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Popper, Dewey, Pippin, etc etc etc.

Now stop bothering me unless you have a substantive question and not a complaint.

Ron Dai Fredrick George Welfare Please see my response in a separate thread, because someone from FB has deleted my response in this thread (I have the photo copy to prove it)!

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Reply to Fredrick George Welfare...


Ron Dai To Fredrick George Welfare: Obviously, now someone comes to your rescue with technology not with reason...My response to your previous comment was deleted by FB or hacker...before I responding to your last comment, I would like to repost my previous comment that was deleted by FB or hacker (I have kept the photo copy of it as well):

[You are putting up quotations and reciting the same thing as the quote which provides no insight into Hegel, philosophy or logic.
You fail to see the important issues: why is logic a beginning point, what is logic? You take Hegel as without any presuppositions when there is obviously a presupposition, namely logic.
You are also unaware of why logic might have been a problem that Hegel and philosophers since then have been discussing - why is logic a problem?]

Your above words again tells you are even NOT able to read my article....and also again you demonstrated a bad habit of put your own words into the author's mouth because you are NOT capable of reading difficult text, and accordingly you think it is okay for you to say whatever about the meaning of the original text since you even don't need to cite any part of it...

It's so funny to see you start to discuss Logic based on your own assumption about what I talked about in the article......If I am your school teacher, I would give 0 no matter how equolently you would present your very limited knowledge of Logic, since you are NOT talking about the article that you are supposed to discuss!

So would you please at least for the sake of this discussion to show that you do know how to respect the original text without making random comment which has nothing to do with it???

Would you please at least read the sentences of the article to prove that you are not viewing an article as a picture like those preschool kids would do...I am expecting you to show the least level of competence so that we might conduct a productive conversation here...

Ron Dai Fredrick George Welfare

Now let me respond to your last comment...Again I need to give your thanks first because today have given so many excellent examples to demonstrate the problems of the nowadays academia of philosophy...

You said, [I have also been reading Hegel for 40 years.] ----that is EXACTLY the problem I have been talking about recently, for the past CENTURY, not past week, the academia of philosophy has failed, and it started right from the incapability of reading difficult text....you even cannot prove that you are capable to read my post here, but just putting your own words into my mouth, and then started to criticize my article for whatever your understanding of it in a VERY BAD HABIT of not citing the original sentences!

What you bet on is that the audience would NOT be able to understand the original text either, so they would take whatever you say once you tell them that you have more than 40 years of experience....So please point out which part of my article makes you feel that I don't know the importance of Logic and I don't agree with Hegel for his discussion of Logic?

Ron Dai If you don't dare to get into the details of my post here since it is verifiable to all the audience here and thus it would be too easy for them to judge your mistake once you get into the details, once again, I give you another alternative to prove yourself for the reputation of your 40 years hard work: what is special about Logic that Hegel considered for his ontological discussion?

By the way, the reason I asked the above alternative question is because your following comment does NOT show that you have even READ the original text of the Hegelian ontology at all:
Logic is a problem because it cannot generalize to ethics - ethics cannot be logicized, but any attempt to make ethics logical must be evaluated. Certainly Hegel holds that human institutions are firstly ethical, but to make this claim, the logical is at issue.
Underlying philosophy and logic is the relation of logic to psychology which doubles down on the problematic.
Logic works with natural bodies, objects which can be enframed under causal or means-end instrumental and pragmatic notions. The human subject cannot be so enframed! Thus, critics of Hegel, like those of Kant, attack over the claim of reification or fixity of the human subject without any ethical judgments interceding on behalf of the subject.
Logic works for objects, not for subjects. But I will listen to any refutations!
At first, I did not want to embarrass you by pointing it out, but then I think it would be irresponsible for you and for the audience if I don't tell you this so that you would not make the same kind of mistake in front of your students...after all, I am obliged to your help in providing so much vivid example material for my current fight for a new philosophy!

o    Fredrick George Welfarehttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yV/r/LJet2Gkdxzg.png Ron Dai You are too long winded now.

Just make your claim in one paragraph.

Ron Dai Fredrick George Welfare Poor you...what can I say now? You even have trouble to read my short response here? I really hesitate to continue now...I don't have the habit to embarrassing weak ones...

This is the alternative question I am asking you: what is special about Logic that Hegel considered when he discussed his Ontology?



You are putting up quotations and reciting the same thing as the quote which provides no insight into Hegel, philosophy or logic.

You fail to see the important issues: why is logic a beginning point, what is logic? You take Hegel as without any presuppositions when there is obviously a presupposition, namely logic.

You are also unaware of why logic might have been a problem that Hegel and philosophers since then have been discussing - why is logic a problem?

Logic is a problem because it cannot generalize to ethics - ethics cannot be logicized, but any attempt to make ethics logical must be evaluated. Certainly Hegel holds that human institutions are firstly ethical, but to make this claim, the logical is at issue.

Underlying philosophy and logic is the relation of logic to psychology which doubles down on the problematic.

Logic works with natural bodies, objects which can be enframed under causal or means-end instrumental and pragmatic notions. The human subject cannot be so enframed! Thus, critics of Hegel, like those of Kant, attack over the claim of reification or fixity of the human subject without any ethical judgments interceding on behalf of the subject.

Logic works for objects, not for subjects. But I will listen to any refutations!


You are putting up quotations and reciting the same thing as the quote which provides no insight into Hegel, philosophy or logic.

You fail to see the important issues: why is logic a beginning point, what is logic? You take Hegel as without any presuppositions when there is obviously a presupposition, namely logic.

You are also unaware of why logic might have been a problem that Hegel and philosophers since then have been discussing - why is logic a problem?

这段的特点是他自说自话,在根本没读懂我的原文的情况下,对我的原文进行胡乱指责,我原文中不但完全没有否认黑格尔是讨论逻辑,而且完全围绕着黑格尔对他的逻辑的讨论展开分析的;而他的这段话里最为严重的是,他提到“without any presuppositions”这几个字,因为那不是我的话,那是黑格尔的话。这表明他不但根本没读过黑格尔的本体论讨论,而且根本读不懂我的原文!!!

所以我在后面问他这样一个问题:“what is special about Logic that Hegel considered when he discussed his Ontology?”因为那就是他没读懂的黑格尔那句话的一个核心意思!!!


Logic is a problem because it cannot generalize to ethics - ethics cannot be logicized, but any attempt to make ethics logical must be evaluated. Certainly Hegel holds that human institutions are firstly ethical, but to make this claim, the logical is at issue.

Underlying philosophy and logic is the relation of logic to psychology which doubles down on the problematic.

Logic works with natural bodies, objects which can be enframed under causal or means-end instrumental and pragmatic notions. The human subject cannot be so enframed! Thus, critics of Hegel, like those of Kant, attack over the claim of reification or fixity of the human subject without any ethical judgments interceding on behalf of the subject.

Logic works for objects, not for subjects. But I will listen to any refutations!



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