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On Thursday, January 13, 2022, 06:02:05 PM EST, Vess Velikov <vessvelikov@gmail.com> wrote:

Here is a simple device driven by absolute velocity (there is actually no such thing, but I'm using the phrase since you used it, as shorthand for "relative to the ground" instead of "relative to the device") to go faster than the thing pushing it.


Anyway, why worry about if I am lying or not, since the last few centuries of the scientific method have given us an excellent tool to tell apart the truth from the lies: the experiment? Why not simply perform the experiment to reveal what the truth is? This is an extremely easy experiment. 


On Fri, Jan 14, 2022, 09:38 Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com> wrote:

Rediculous......["relative to the ground" instead of "relative to the device] violates the thermodynamics second law that you thought you are defending....



On Friday, January 14, 2022, 02:57:07 PM EST, Vess Velikov <vessvelikov@gmail.com> wrote:

What's the violation?


On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 2:46 PM Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com> wrote:

If you or any of your fiends can read Chinese, this link tells you how your theory violates the thermodynamics laws: https://www.haiwai.com/blog/p/1934379


On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 11:02:42 AM EST, Vess Velikov <vessvelikov@gmail.com> wrote:

Sorry, I don't know anyone who reads Chinese. But if "relative to the ground" is a thermodynamics violation, then what are we seeing with the little Lego gear toy in the video?

And why do you have all this resistance against performing the extremely easy experiment to test the basis of your proposed perpetual motion machine? Since it holds this amazing potential for humanity, why aren't you pressing forward with full steam into getting this thing built?


On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 1:24 PM Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com> wrote:

I am sorry to see they hired such a logically confused person like you. It is you who should present a experiment to me! I don't need to give you any extra experiment since the Blackbird and all other existing DDWFTTW vehicles are the best experiments that have been done for me as I have pointed out in my writing.

You are the one who proposed a theory that would violate the thermodynamics laws and claimed that it could be done. SO you need to prove with an experiment that you can break the thermodynamics laws to extract energy from the wind speed relative to ground instead of relative to the vehicle!!!!!!!

Next time your boss should hire someone who at least can have a sober logical reasoning and know the difference between Lego and wind to send emails around to bother others.


On Thursday, January 20, 2022, 02:45:32 PM EST, Vess Velikov <vessvelikov@gmail.com> wrote:

The Blackbird/DDWFTTW experiments showed that they work in wind. Your claim is that they work in no wind (after an initial motoring/push), and this experiment has not been done.


On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 3:59 PM Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com> wrote:

You are bad in logical thinking, but good at lying. I never said that they will work without wind. I said they would work in the wind relative to the vehicle, not relative to the ground!

You are such a liar and your boss is so evil to hire a liar like you to send stupid lying emails around as if the whole world is as stupid as you assumed and could be easily fooled around by your stupid lies!



On Thursday, January 20, 2022, 05:06:01 PM EST, Vess Velikov <vessvelikov@gmail.com> wrote:

By "wind" I meant "wind relative to the ground." OK, change my sentence to be:

The Blackbird/DDWFTTW experiments showed that they work in wind relative to the ground. Your claim is that they work without wind relative to the ground (after an initial motoring/push), and this experiment has not been done. (Actually, it has been done many times showing the opposite result of your claim: as soon as the wind relative to the ground disappears, the vehicle stops working).


On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 4:12 PM Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com> wrote:

The difference between your claim and my analysis is that your claim violates the thermodynamics laws and my analysis conforms the basic laws......I can give you a suggestion helping you to be less stupid: go to buy a ticket and take a trip by air airplane, and try to ask the pilot if there is no wind relative to the ground, will the plane be pushed by air or not.

On Thursday, January 20, 2022, 05:17:28 PM EST, Vess Velikov

In my 6000 hours of logged flight time in 50+ different airplane types, I'm quite familiar with the requirement of wind relative to the airplane for it to function. But the airplane is a different vehicle from the DDWFTTW cart, which requires wind relative to the ground. (And their function with zero wind relative to the cart, has been demonstrated by probably at least a dozen different people's treadmill experiments on Youtube.)

But it is *your* claim that they work without wind relative to the ground, which has never been demonstrated.

On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 4:21 PM Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com> wrote:

[But the airplane is a different vehicle from the DDWFTTW cart, which requires wind relative to the ground.]?

Does beer flow differently from wine in your body when you get yourself drunk like this during the daytime making daydreams all day long?

On Thursday, January 20, 2022, 05:39:53 PM EST, Vess Velikov

You hold strongly that DDWFTTW carts work without ground-relative wind. This is an extremely easy experiment to perform. Don't you want to perform it, to validate your theory? What is stopping you? Why the hesitation to take humanity on their next step toward free energy?

To:Vess Velikov

Thu, Jan 20 at 6:12 PM

I don't need to prove the known physics and people are familiar since centuries ago. You need to prove the DDWFTTW is different from the known physics, and you need to make an experiment showing that the vehicle can extract energy from wind relative to the ground instead of to the vehicle.







On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 5:12 PM Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com> wrote:

I don't need to prove the known physics and people are familiar since centuries ago. You need to prove the DDWFTTW is different from the known physics, and you need to make an experiment showing that the vehicle can extract energy from wind relative to the ground instead of to the vehicle.




On Thursday, January 20, 2022, 06:29:50 PM EST, Vess Velikov <vessvelikov@gmail.com> wrote:



Widely known and accepted physics for centuries is that perpetual motion machines are impossible, and it is your claim that they are. Widely known and accepted physics for centuries also says that energy only exists in the relative motion between two things. Conventional wind turbines, which are fixed to the ground, extract energy from the ground-relative wind, but it is also the vehicle-relative wind at the same time. So conventional wind turbines can't separate the two ideas.


But a DDWFTTW cart, since it is not fixed to the ground, can separate them! Here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YNjXKpalc0 which is an example of energy extraction from ground-relative wind, but no vehicle-relative wind! So, there is the experiment you asked for. Done.


What I'm asking for, is an experiment to prove *your* claim, which is that a DDWFTTW cart can be powered without ground-relative wind. This is your position, and there is no experiment yet that demonstrates it.


On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 5:45 PM Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com> wrote:

The most basic physics is: vehicles GET energy from wind relative to the vehicle only, not from wind relative to the ground! Your behavior is giving a testimony of the conspiracy theory that there is the DARK FORCE that has been making the story of the impossibility of the perpetual motion machine and that story has fooled the whole world for centuries.....I was surprised and excited to hear that kind of theory from the online show a few days ago.....


Now because of your stupid act, not just the scientific community, more importantly, the media has start to pay attention to the conspiracy theory and look into it to see if there is a DARK FORCE in the world that is even capable of meddling the thinking of the scientific community by controlling the so-called majority opinion! That is going be the BIGGEST news for centuries if the media could prove it to be true. I guess once they confirm it, they should give you a medal for your act to expose the boss behind you who sent you out....


On Thursday, January 20, 2022, 06:59:45 PM EST, Vess Velikov <vessvelikov@gmail.com> wrote:



===" vehicles GET energy from wind relative to the vehicle only"===


In my last email I showed you a video of a vehicle getting energy with zero wind relative to the vehicle.


Anyway, if you think that a DDWFTTW cart can get energy with no wind relative to the ground, why don't you just show the simple experiment to prove it? Why wallow in speculation about conspiracies and dark forces and paid manipulation, when you can simply and directly demonstrate your theory? 

Ronald Dai <ronald_dai@yahoo.com>

To:Vess Velikov

Thu, Jan 20 at 7:03 PM

You are wasting your time here. I will not continue to waste my time to deal with a moron. Go to tell your boss that you failed to fool me, and he will fail to fool the world. This world will see how they have been fooled by someone like you!





在后续的这几段对话中最关键的是我用红色加重体标出的他的那句话【Widely known and accepted physics for centuries is that perpetual motion machines are impossible, and it is your claim that they are.



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