我的微信软件装在一个没有号码的手机上,因此需要用wifi连接,但我家里没有供我用微信的wifi,所以我通常到马路边用电话公司的wifi hotspot连微信。但这样做的一个问题是外面阳光太强时会影响我看视频,所以我常站在路边的树后面连微信。 几天前当我站在一棵松树后面用微信时,一白人男子牵着一条小斗牛犬在我不远处的小行人道上走过。不一会儿,我突然发现该男子走回来了,正站在我的右前方看向我背后,我扭头一看,那只小斗牛犬正在我右后方看着我摆出进攻姿态喘着粗气。当我和该狗四目相视时,它把头扭开了,等它把头扭回来时,又喘着粗气看着我,当时我隐隐觉得什么地方不对劲。狗主人这时把狗拉开了,他们没走几步,该狗又转过身来看着我摆出进攻架势,当我再次看到它双眼时,它又把头扭开了,狗主人又拉着狗往回走,没两步,狗又掉转身对我摆出进攻姿态,这时因为松树枝挡住了它的脸,我就微曲双腿,弯下腰绕过树枝看着它,这时我才发现我刚才隐隐感到的不对劲是什么问题了:这狗有一对红眼球! 狗主人最后拉着狗走开了再也没回来。我上网问了一下Bing的AI bot狗是否可以有红眼球,我得到的答复是:正常的狗不会有红眼球,除非有人给狗装了隐形薄膜或人工植眼手术(见附录)。 这件事让我学到三点:1)正常的狗是不会有红眼球的;2)即便在白天车来人往的马路边,也要小心可能有不叫的狗在主人的伴随下悄悄地跑到你的身后喘着粗气摆出进攻的姿态;3)居然会有人给自己的宠物狗装红眼球隐形薄膜或人工植眼手术。 。。。。。。 附录. AI 的回复 Oh, I see. You are asking if a dog can have red eyeballs as a normal trait, not as a sign of a disease or condition. The answer is no, dogs cannot have red eyeballs naturally. The normal color of a dog’s eyeball is white, with some variations depending on the breed and coat color1. The only way a dog can have red eyeballs is if they are wearing contact lenses or have some kind of artificial implant. However, these are not recommended for dogs, as they can cause irritation, infection, or damage to the eye1. Dogs do not need to change their eye color for cosmetic reasons, as they are beautiful the way they are. Why are you interested in dogs with red eyeballs? Do you have a dog or want to get one? What kind of dog do you like?