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  您想把生活中曾有過的 "感動" 留在哪? 我幸而擁有許多感動,那怕在46億年的分子演化中,它只是 …
upside down illusion 2008-04-02 07:14:41

An upside-down image – is one of the most beautiful and funny optical illusions. You look at it and see a rather sensible picture. But if you turn the picture at 180 degrees, than instead of the expected turned over image you will see rather different picture!



The word TEACH reflects as LEARN







donkey or seal











A Turkic Pasha and a sea-captain




prayer or pirate



Jesus vs. Satan Illusion  By: Harpo.


這張也粉cool! ,相當陰陽對應,上下顛倒中圖與字 Jesus Satan互變


 Reversible faces 








By: Roger Shepard, 1990

At the top of the picture you see happy faces, at the bottom the faces are sad. If you turn the picture around you\'ll get the same effect.

Mind Sights: Original Visual Illusions, Ambiguities, and Other Anomalies. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.



How Many Faces?


How many faces do you look at everyday?
how many faces do you see everyday?


Everyone tends to put on many different faces to cover the real face benath. This conceptual artwork depicts how human fail to see the many faces they look at everyday. The concept of look being simply absorbing the image of the physical view in front of your eyes. The concept of see being able to understand, feel and emote with what is presented to your eyes.  How many faces do you see in the artwork above? \"

It was intended to portray 3 faces with different emotions. You might be able to see more.\"







Gustave Verbeek\'s Inverted Illustration Illusions



Gustave Verbeek(1867-1937年)20世紀初葉的報社漫畫家,具荷蘭血統,出生於日本長崎,父親Guido Verbeck是比利時籍傳教士,他的童年在日本渡過,然後到巴黎學藝術,為歐洲一些報紙作插圖和漫畫。


1900年搬到美國為一些重要的雜誌(Harper\'s, Saturday Evening Post)工作,入境處將他的名字錯拼為 \"Verbeck\",從此他的職業生涯,作品簽名就兩個通用。


數年後,他進入 New York Herald,他發表了他至今仍是廣受歡迎、令人難以置信的六格連環漫畫, The Upside Downs of Little Lovekins and Old Man Muffaroo (1903-1905) 這作品最引人注目的獨特之處,就是每週的六格漫畫,插圖多了倒置的額外字幕,前半部和一般漫畫相同,但看完後,將漫畫上下顛倒,居然還有下半個故事!在視幻覺 upside down這領域中,他絕對是個經典代表。



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustave_Verbeek  有他的介紹及相關連結

http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~alan030/GL/Verbeek/   有他的其他作品



這系列的全名是 \"The Upside Downs of Little Lady Lovekins and Old Man Muffaroo\",這兩個角色被設計成當你正著看是 Little Lady Lovekins,倒過來時角色就變成了 Old Man Muffaroo





您看到 Muffaroo 在小島旁邊被大魚攻擊。可是,當將圖倒過來,獨木舟變成了鳥的鳥嘴,魚都變成了鳥的頭部,島變成鳥的身體,樹木變成牠的腿..... Muffaroo 變成被大鳥兒叼走的 Lovekins






Verbeek 的作品給我們帶來驚喜,而這份巧思值得經驗及靈感的栽培。



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作者:ebola 留言时间:2008-04-03 06:59:18

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作者:gege 留言时间:2008-04-02 19:07:39
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作者:榛子*桃 留言时间:2008-04-02 12:18:12
Verbeek 真是鬼才。
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