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攪拌乳海(Churning of the Sea of Milk) 2008-01-28 06:52:57

攪拌乳海Churning of the Sea of Milk

A superb Churning of the Sea of Milk lintel from Preah Theat Baray in Srei Santhor.

關於攪拌乳海有非常多的作品,這是個印度教創世ㄉ故事,和埃及神話一樣世間都是起源於 \"混沌之海\" ,蠻有意思ㄉ~~~



在印度教,Samudra manthan 或攪拌乳海(Churning of the Sea of Milk)是往世書(The Puranas,音譯:普拉那,梵語是「古老」的意思)中最有名的一幕,故事出現在《毗濕奴往世書, Vishnu Purana》、《摩訶婆羅多, Mahabharata,是印度最大,也是世界最長的史詩》和《Srimad Bhagavatam》經典中。

故事開始於當渾沌初開,眾神之王因陀羅(Indra)騎著祂的坐騎大象拜訪一位聖人 陶爾梵剎斯 (Durvasas) Durvasa獻給Indra花環來榮耀祂,沒想到Indra拿了花環隨手擺在大象的前額上,剛好放在大象的鼻子前,大象受不了突然來的香味,燥動中甩下花環踐踏。

聖人覺得受辱粉生氣的詛咒因陀羅和眾神(Adityas, 諸天),從此因陀羅諸神以下三界力量日漸萎縮。當然,阿修羅(Asura often translated as \"demons\", but more accurately described as \"Anti-Gods\" 非天)又開始趁機作怪,諸天兵敗如山倒,只好向創造神梵天(Brahma)求助,梵天說攪動乳海煉製不死甘露(The Dew of Life, Amrita)就可以恢復神力。但衰弱的眾神,根本沒有力量完成這項浩大的工程,只能以煉成長生不老的甘露後大家分享為誘餌,找死對頭阿修羅幫忙。


於是諸天便與阿修羅商議聯手進行攪海煉藥的工作,相約以七頭蛇王 Vasuki(也叫做Naga)為絞繩,纏住曼荼羅山(Mount of Mandara) 作為攪動乳海的軸,眾神和眾阿修羅分持蛇王的兩端,一拉一扯間轉動曼荼羅山攪動乳海煉製不死甘露(The Dew of Life)


The Churning of the Sea Milk, anonymous 19th Century Punjabi painting

Samudra-manthana: Panel from Ganesh Lena, Ellora, ca. 11th cent. AD. Deva and Da_nava churn the ocean, using the Va_suki, the serpent as the rope and Mandara, the mountain as the churning rod. Deva hold the tail and the Da_nava the head of the serpent. From the churned ocean emerge ambrosia (amr.ta) and other treasures.


但是,一把山放在海上,它就開始下沉,毗濕奴(Vishnu)變身為祂第二個化身 Kurma -- 一隻巨龜(Tortoise),趴在山底托起曼荼羅山。當經過一千 年攪拌宇宙之海 ( Sea of Milk ), 便攪發出 Amrita ( 長生不朽之精華 ) 生命自此開始。

Scene from the Hindu myth  \'Churning of Ocean of Milk\' depicted on the bas reliefs of the 12th-century temple of Angkor Wat, Cambodia.

在吳哥窟主廟第一層............著名石雕壁畫長廊(Galleries of Bas Reliefs) 東廊浮雕的頭 5 ,左側是多頭且巨身的阿修羅Ravana抓著的蛇頭,指揮其身後的是92名有馬與大象的阿修羅大軍一字排開合力攬著蛇身與對面猴王Hanuman在尾部指揮帶頭88 位天神拔河。蛇王的身軀纏繞著 Mandara , 中央山底下支撐ㄉ的龜與山上坐著ㄉ是毗濕奴的化身。因為這樣的拉扯力量 ,攪動了乳海。於是乳海開始波濤洶湧起來,由海中生物如魚、龍、鱷和海龜等的翻滾來表現海浪的翻騰,愈接近畫面中心點就翻勝的愈劇烈,這些小生命皆被震碎了。而在乳海翻騰的過程中,造就了許多新的人物誕生,如象Airavata、馬Ucchaissravas。而翻騰中所產生的水泡變成了眾仙女Apsara,其中第一個泡沫則是化成保護神Vishnu的妻子Lakshmi。整個浮雕生動精采,令人目不暇給,每個人物栩栩如生,著實令人佩服工匠的工藝。

The captain of the Asuras Bali upholds the naga king Vasuki\'s head in the bas-relief portraying the Churning of the Milk Ocean at Angkor Wat.
巨大的多頭魔鬼 Ravana,  他拿著 七頭蛇( Vasuki ), 正在指揮 92 位阿修羅
( Asuras )

猴神哈奴曼Hanuman在尾部指揮88 位天神拔河(哈奴曼就是吳成恩寫西遊記時孫悟空的原型)。 再看看浮雕上方,出現了Aspara仙女飛來跳舞,就是甘露要出現時,阿修羅神看得心花怒放,一時不察就讓神把甘露搶走,善神就因此贏得了這一場比賽!

當經過一千 年攪拌宇宙之海,第一個煉出來的卻是一種稱為Halahala能讓萬物窒息的致命毒藥,在眾生的祈禱\中,濕婆一口吞下毒藥,他的妻子 Parvati 情急之下掐人救夫,讓毒藥把濕婆的喉嚨變成青色的,所以濕婆又叫做 \"青喉者\" Nīlakantha (nīla = \"blue\", kantha = \"throat\")

Lord Shiva - Who Drank The poison during the Samudra Manthan (Churning of The Ocean) and was called Neelkanth (One with a blue neck)




攪著攪著,之後,各種寶物( ratnas )從乳海湧現:
   第一ㄍ從海底創造出來ㄉ東東就是 Desire (Kama)
其後攪出了天女 Sura,是為穀酒女神

   Kalpavriksha, the wish-granting tree
   Parijat, the divine tree parijat
然後是CHANDRA (the moon 一彎新月),大自在天取來作為額頭的裝飾,戴在濕婆神頭上的新月更顯光芒,也就照亮了世界的夜空;
然後是Uchhaishravas,七頭長耳天馬;  AIRAVATA(the four-tusked elephant),
然後是後來成為妙毗天之妻 的幸運\與美的女神吉祥天 (Laksmi)

最後終於天醫川焰 (Phanwantari) 手托不死甘露出現


Mohini, western Chalukyan, 西元10世紀作品



不過在諸天飲甘露時, 有個叫 \"羅喉\" (Rahu) 的阿修羅變成諸天形貌混進去偷喝,結果被眼尖的日神蘇利耶 (Surya) 與月神旃陀羅  (Chandra) 瞄到,急忙向妙毗天(毗濕奴)打小報告, 正當羅喉把甘露吞到喉嚨的時候,毗濕奴的神盤飛到,當場就把羅喉的頭割了下來(好狠,一口ㄉ不給喝   —﹏—||| )。不過羅喉身體雖然死了,但因為頭喝到甘露而得永生,大叫一聲,飛到空中,成為黑暗星,死掉的身體則化為計都星 (Ketu, 就是哈雷彗星),皆為不祥之星。


Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets


因為恨告發他的日月二神入骨,從此 Rahu 隨時追著日月,一追到就把日月吞食,這就是為日月蝕的由來。


來源:  http://www.hindu.dk/5/h/h1as.htm 



雖然日月神不小心被Rahu追到時會被Rahu吞下去,但因為羅喉只有頭而沒有肚子,所以日月被它吃進去穿過喉嚨就又掉出來,以至於日月蝕總是暫時  ~~ D

Surya (the god of sun drives in chariot with seven horses. His charioteer was Aruna (the Garuda’s brother). Rahu (a Surya’s enemy) sometimes swallowed the sun however as rahu had got hole in his neck Surya always came outside.

Rock carvings of the gods Indra and Surya in Bhaja, India.
Surya (the god of sun drives in chariot with seven horses. His charioteer was Aruna (the Garuda’s brother). Rahu (a Surya’s enemy) sometimes swallowed the sun however as rahu had got hole in his neck Surya always came outsideSurya是印度教神話中ㄉ太陽神,駕著七頭馬車 (希臘神話的太陽神阿波羅也駕著太陽馬車,只是沒印度神話的多頭特色….)。





Symbolism of Samudra manthan

  • The Devas and Asuras represent the positives and negatives respectively of one\'s personality. The participation of both the Devas and the Asuras signifies that when one is seeking bliss through spiritual practice, one has to integrate and harmonise both the positive and negative aspects and put both the energies to work for the common goal.
  • The ocean of milk is the mind or the human consciousness. The mind is like an ocean while the thoughts and emotions are the waves in the ocean.
  • Mandhara, the mountain symbolises concentration. The word Mandhara is made up of two words Mana (mind) and Dhara (a single line) which means holding the mind in one line. This is possible only by concentration.
  • Mount Mandhara was upheld by Lord Vishnu as a Kurma (tortoise). The tortoise here symbolises the withdrawal of the senses into oneself (just as a tortoise withdraws its head into its shell) as one practices mental concentration and meditation or contemplation.
  • Vasuki symbolises desire. Vasuki used in the churning of the ocean denotes that the Devas and the demons held desire (to seek immortality) as a rope and churned the mind with the help of concentration and withdrawal of the senses. Desire, if not controlled will overpower and destroy an individual.
  • The Halahala poison symbolises suffering and pain (counter-reaction of the mind and body) that one undergoes at the beginning of spiritual sadhana (practice). When the mind is subjected to intense concentration, the first thing that comes out of the process is intense suffering and great inner turmoil. These must be resolved otherwise further progress is not possible.
  • Lord Shiva symbolises the ascetic principle. His role in this story as the consumer of poison suggests that one can deal with the early problems of spiritual life by cultivating the qualities of Lord Shiva, namely, courage, initiative, willingness, discipline, simplicity, austerity, detachment, compassion, pure love and asceticism.
  • The various precious objects that come out of the ocean during the churning stand for the psychic or spiritual powers (Siddhis) which one gains as s/he progresses spiritually from stage to stage. The seeker should be careful about these powers as they can hamper her/his progress unless s/he uses them judiciously, not for selfish gains but for others\' welfare. This is the reason why the Gods and demons distributed these objects as they did not want to lose sight of their original aim which was to gain immortality.
  • Dhanvantari symbolises health and signifies that immortality (longevity, to be correct) or spiritual success can be achieved only when the body and the mind are in a perfect state of health.
  • Mohini symbolises delusion of the mind in the form of (or originating from) pride. It is the pride of achievement to which the asuras or the demons succumbed and thus lost sight of their goal. Pride and egoism are the last hurdles one has to overcome in spiritual life before experiencing self-realisation.
  • The Amrit symbolises the ultimate achievement of the goal of self-realistion.




10 vishnu incarnations ( http://www.dollsofindia.com/vishnu.htm )

毗濕奴最著名的10ㄍ化身,其中有動物、有人、有神、也有佛陀,一個年代接一個年代,Vishnu「從祂的居所降臨」(這是梵文 avatar的根本意思),通常先以較「低等」的物種形象顯現,然後再「進化」到較高級的物種,依序反映了各種生命在地球上的演化過程。





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