Study of Emma Hart as Circe (1782) by: George Romney Emma Hart (1765–1815) was a former prostitute. She rose to fame as the wife of the diplomat and antiquarian Sir William Hamilton, and the lover of Admiral Lord Nelson. In this cut-down and unfinished painting she is shown as Circe, the mythological sorceress who enslaved men by turning them into animals. Romney was captivated by Emma’s beauty and sexual attraction, and she became his favourite model. He painted her innumerable times in classical and fanciful disguises. Although Romney was considered to be Joshua Reynolds’s main rival in portraiture, he always longed to be a ‘history’ painter. Circe 的意思 \'falcon\',是,太陽神赫利俄斯(Helios)和海中仙女珀耳塞(Perse)的女兒,住在Aeaea島上的一幢美麗的宮殿中。她是之前Jason取金羊毛中,提到的 Medea 的姑姑,也是個法力高強的女巫,做壞事的功力好像也不相上下。
兩個是這位姑娘求愛未遂,把倫家變怪物 (1) Skylla and Glaucus. Glaucus, a fisherman who became a sea diety by eating a plant; when Glaucus, of whom Circe was enamored, professed his love for the beautiful Sea Nymph Skylla, daughter of the Titan Okeanos, Circe turned Skylla into a serpentine sea monster next to the treacherous whirlpool Charybdis; eventually, Skylla was transformed into a rock;
(2) Picus and Canens. Picus, a sorcerous demi-god, son of Cronos, who spurned her love for that of Canens, daughter of Janus; she turned him into a woodpecker;
兩個跟航海的冒險故事有關 (3) Jason and the Argonauts, fleeing from King Aeetes of Colchis after taking the king\'s daughter, the sorceress Medea, and his Golden Fleece; Circe purified them of the spiritual burden of having murdered Medea\'s brother, Apsyrtus, in order to delay pursuit by the king.
(4) Odysseus, who with his crew were sent into uncharted waters by the wrath of Poseidon while returning home from the Trojan War; when his men were turned into swine by Circe, Odysseus resisted her spell with the help of the moly plant (revealed to him by Hermes), and he finally won Circe\'s heart and his men\'s freedom.
Scylla and The Three Sirens (From North) Photo: Bob Carney
Picus and Canens
皮克斯是泰坦神克羅那斯(Cronos)的兒子,也會巫術,善於使用魔藥、咒語咒術。一次瑟西採藥草的途中,遇見了皮克斯(Picus)就愛上了英俊的皮克斯,然而,Picus早已心屬宙斯的歌者女兒坎妮絲(Canens),當場拒絕了她,not imagining what a scorned woman was able to do(不能一竿子打翻一船~女人呀)......... Circe就把 Picus變成啄木鳥。
The Sorceress, 1911 John William Waterhouse Location: Peter Nahum At The Leicester Galleries, London, England 畫布背後寫著《浮士德》中的句子: \'These metaphysics of magicians And necromantic books are heavenly: Lines, circles, letters and characters: Ay, these are those that Faustus most desires. O, what a world of profit and delight, Of power, of honour, of omnipotence Is promised to the studious artisan! All things that move between the quiet poles Shall be at my command: emperors and kings Are but obeyed in their several provinces Nor can they raise the wind nor rend the clouds; But his dominion that exceeds in this Stretcheth as far as doth the mind of man. A sound magician is a mighty god: Here, Faustus, try thy brains to gain a deity.\'
Circe by Wright Barker Original oil in Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, Bradford, England 英國藝術家 Wright Barker (1864-1941) 在 1900年畫的 Circe 就把她形象化成誘惑的代言人,站在海邊家中的台階上,一手拿著七弦豎琴、一手伸展開來歡迎毫無戒心的船員們,而身邊一沱野生動物馴服的圍繞著她。Barker 非常擅長畫動物,左前方這隻夾著尾巴的狼其神情與動作,簡直就是神來之筆。
The Sorceress Circe - fresco, Alessandro Allori (1535-1607) (Florence, Palazzo Salvati) Circe is better known in Book 10 of the \"Odyssey\", written in the 8th century BCE, where Homer describes her as having charms that few men could resist, reaffirming her status as a Goddess: \"In the entrance way they stayed To listen here, insider her quiet house They heard the Goddess Circe Low she sang In her beguiling voice, while on her loom She wore ambrosial fabric sheer and bright By the craft known to the Goddesses of heaven\".
Here\'s a fun bit of trivia. We\'ve all heard the expression \"holy moly\". Moly was the ancient name for a flowering plant that was given to Ulysses as an antidote to Circe\'s potion. We know this plant today as Galanthus nivalis, the snowdrop.
在這幅 J. W. Waterhouse 1891年的作品 \"Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses\", Circe被描繪成自信、有力的形像,下額高抬睥睨台階下,得意洋洋的拿著魔杖輕點著會使男人喝了變豬的藥酒,從在她椅子背後的一面鏡子看到尤利西斯,這非常有效的給人她居高臨下掌權位寶座的印象。