根據新王國時期(ca. 1600-1045 BCE)陰間書(Amduat)的記載,Amduat 能被解釋為 "是在地獄中的歷程(That Which Is in the Underworld)",在日落之後死去的法老必須進入冥界而且與太陽神 Re 融合一起搭乘太陽船,經歷從薄暮到破曉經歷十二個小時的夜航,穿過地獄的旅行到達來世再次新生。
更多的船陪伴太陽神經過這第三個小時這稱為 Osiris之水(the Waters of Osiris) 的區域,在上排,狒狒、狐狼頭的 Anubis和其他的神為太陽光的到來而欣喜。坐著的 Osiris 是地獄的統治者,出現在下排一群鳥頭神之前。手中握著的刀子,他們已準備好對付潛藏在地獄中並威脅妨礙太陽神前進的敵人。
旅程的障礙開始出現,一條曲折的路徑阻擋 Re 下降到the Land of Sokar ,這邊水已經乾凅,而太陽船要被拖過一個沙漠。這船,現在有蛇頭在船頭和和尾部,就像有蛇一般的魔力能輕巧滑過沙漠。在地獄的深處,這區域是全然黑暗到連太陽神都是看不見的。在中排,朱鷺頭智慧神的 Thoth將太陽之眼交給交給獵鷹頭神 Sokar 保護,其他的神則準備好對付太陽神的敵人。
Detail from the 5th hour of the Amduat - the sun crosses 'over the secret cave of Sokar' sealed with the head of Isis. Inside the cave the god Sokar holds a multiwinged serpent which represents choas. The cave is guarded by the god Aker.
Sobek The ancient Egyptians believed that the water of the Nile came from Sobek's sweat and that he was the god of all bodies of water. So as the lord of all the wet regions, Sobek was worshipped big time wherever there was water. He was especially important at locations right on the Nile, in the delta, and around oases. Sobek also had a role as a fertility god-- he made all the plants green. The number of crocodile sightings was supposedly an indicator of how successful the farmers would be that year: it was said that the more crocs in the water, the greater the flood, and the more bountiful the crops. http://republika.pl/hufu2/strona2/inskrypcje.htm
7th Hour of the Amduat - top register Osiris sits (while ringed by the Mehen snake) while a god with cat ears punishes enemies. In the middle register the Apophis snakes attempts to bloke the route of the solar bark, but it has already been rendered harmless by knives and ropes.
Section from the 11th hour of the Amduat, tomb of Thutmosis III. At the beginning of the upper register, is a double-headed god ('Ruler of Time'). At the side, Atum between two wadjet-eyes. He is grabbing a winged snake, which probably represents time. The scene refers to the task of seizing exactly the right moment for the 'morning renewal'
最後第十二個小時是是太陽神的再生的時刻。日出的過程發生在“環繞宇宙之蛇”的體內,中排:12男與13女拖曳著太陽神的渡船,穿通過環繞世界的蛇(the snake known as the "World Encircler" 。 Shu,他正在把太陽高舉向白日的天空幫太陽離開黑暗,Osiris的木乃伊仍舊停留在地獄中。上排中,諸神為著太陽神再次新生的時刻而歡呼。而上欄的女神與肩上口吐火焰的蛇在做最後驅逐Apophis的動作。
12th and final Hour - the middle register depicts the sun god rejuvinating himself as well as his entourage before he enters the body of a snake, then he transforms into a scarab and then climbs on the arms of Shu into the sky.
In the top register (left), Tuthmosis III and his mother Iset stand in a barque, in the bottom register Tuthmosis III is followed by his wife Meryetre, his late wives Sitiah and Nebtu and finally his daughter Neferetre.
One example of the significance of the tree in the Ancient Egyptian religion is its existence in the myth of the death of Osiris. In this tale, Osiris, after his brother Seth locked him in a chest and threw him out to sea, was wound inside the trunk of a tree, which provided a vessel for the dead ruler in which he could be reborn. In another example, the new reigning ruler had his or her name written on the leaves of an acacia tree, making the new ruler's name last forever. The latter example shows that the acacia tree was a thing that possessed a magical character that allowed it to forever keep intact the legacy of whoever's name was written on its leaves. http://egyptologypage.tripod.com/Original%20Pages/religion.html
在古埃及 -- 陵廟介紹 "哈塞布蘇女王陵廟(Temple of Hatshepsut, 1520 B.C.)" 提到
哈塞布蘇是埃及史上第一個奪取男人帝位的女人,在埃及歷史上有其一定之地位。哈塞普蘇女王是十八王朝的杜德摩西一世(Tuthmosis I, 1504-1492 B.C.)之女,二世的妻子及妹妹,三世的姑姑。其上還有兩位兄長,當兩位兄長都因故去世後,二世(Tuthmosis II, 1492?479 B.C.)這個妾所生的兒子必須娶哈塞普蘇為妻才能登上王位,當年她才12歲,二世20歲。然而二世體弱多病,在他們結婚六年以後,哈塞普蘇已開始與他共掌政權。二世沒多久即去世,指定由其子杜德摩西三世(Tuthmosis III, 1479-1425 B.C. 是二世的妃子所生)繼任,然其年紀尚小,乃由哈塞布蘇攝政。