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  您想把生活中曾有過的 "感動" 留在哪? 我幸而擁有許多感動,那怕在46億年的分子演化中,它只是 …
Rob Gonsalves 2008-07-27 07:20:08


Rob Gonsalves 是加拿大的「魔幻現實主義 magic realism」畫家。他的父母羅馬尼亞吉普賽人在羅馬尼亞到處流浪,在15年的儲蓄後舉家遷往加拿大,然後他在1959年出生於加拿大安大略省多倫多。童年期間,喜歡由不同材料畫出他豐富的想像力,12歲時開始運\用透視這種方法來畫製建築物。在接觸了 Dali Tanguy的作品後,他開始了超現實主義繪畫,接著Magritte的手法和 Escher precise perspective illusions 都影響他之後作品「魔幻現實主義」的風格。他後來從事建築,畫畫只是他業餘活動,於1990年在多倫多戶外藝術展覽 ,得到熱烈的迴響後,Gonsalves 才全力投入畫作。

雖然 Gonsalves 的作品常被歸類為超現實的,但因為作品是從思想的自覺蓄意計劃而來的圖像而不同於其他畫家。他的靈感大部份來自於外在的世界,使用經過精心佈置的幻覺描述人的動態世界,他將魔幻的意識轉化為現實的場面,結果是形成這所謂的\"Magic Realism\",透過孩子們的想像力,他的作品描繪在夢想和現實間,將現實和想像的境界無縫的彙流在一起,創造了驚人的視覺探索的想像力和可能性,鼓勵我們相信內心的渴望,跨越過去相信是不可能心靈的界線,從新看到所有的可能性。也許是更準確的說,他不只是個畫家,事實上他還仍是個建築師?

Rob Gonsalves
充滿奇思異想的「不可能圖形」,當他和Sarah L. Thomson合作的《Imagine a Day》,Sarah L. Thomson用文字建築起人們心底通往Rob Gonsalves作品的幻想通道,這絕配為讀者開啟更廣闊的思維空間。此書贏得了2005 Governor General\'s Award in the Children\'s Literature




Governor General’s Award for Illustration went to Rob Gonsalves’ paintings for Imagine a Day, published by Simon and Schuster. His surreal paintings for Sarah L. Thompson\'s text are a voyage into the realm of the imagination which takes the viewer from the realm of the everyday into that of the possible, allowing children to expand their view of the world around them. In 2003 Rob Gonsalves\' Imagine a Night was a finalist for the award.


Imagine a day when your swing swings you higher than the highest treetops. Imagine a day when you can ride your bike up a path of falling leaves into the very tree they are falling from. Imagine a day when you release a handful of blue balloons into a cloudy, gray sky to create a postcard-perfect day. Imagine a day when the ordinary becomes the extraordinary...a day when anything is possible.

Imagine a Day(幻想有一天)》在一連串的想像中拉開帷幕,告訴你每天什麼事都可能發生。


imagine a day... when you can dive down through branches or swim up to the sun.


Imagine a day... a book swings open on silent hingers, and a place you\'ve never seen before welcomes you home.


Imagine a day... when you don\'t need wings to soar.

Imagine a day... when your house enfolds you like a nest, rocking gently in the autumn wind.
幻想有一天…… 你的房子象鳥窩那樣環抱著你,溫柔的搖曳在秋風中。

imagine a day... when the peace of a forest and the strength of a mountain become a cathedral for your heart.



幻想永遠說不完,白日夢讓人忙碌,夜晚自然不會閒著。Rob GonsalvesSarah L. Thomson 的夢想精靈在夜色中無聲地滑行


Oops….. Imagine a Night

In June of 2003, Simon & Schuster introduced North America and Canada to Imagine a Night, Gonsalves\' first hardcover book featuring sixteen paintings. Due to the success of Imagine a Night, Simon & Schuster released a second book, Imagine a Day, in 2004. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Gonsalves



Imagine a night when you can ride your bike right up the stairs to your bed.


Imagine a night... when a farmer plays a lullaby on his fiddle, and his field of sunflowers begins to dip and sway to the rhythm.


imagine a night... when you can\'t sleep, and so you jump high enough to soar over a quilt of fields and forests

 imagine a night... when snow white sheets grow crisp and cold, and someone whispers, \"Follow me.\"















Rob Gonsalves Screensaver  http://www.dowscreensaver.com/item.php?id=1766



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作者:gege 留言时间:2008-07-31 14:00:56
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作者:ebola 留言时间:2008-07-30 18:34:07
<a href="http://blog.creaders.net/ebola/user_blog_diary.php?did=23632">too Gege</a> reply #32008-07-18 00:57:55

讓我們準備杯咖啡等待好友,看他們哪天回來和我們喝一杯~ :)


你可是讓一沱WW博主想煞了 :)
<img src="http://blog.creaders.net/ebola/upload_file/20080730182856.jpg">

這是我需要的劑量 ↓ :P

<img src="http://blog.creaders.net/ebola/upload_file/20080730183004.jpg">

<img src="http://blog.creaders.net/ebola/upload_file/20080730183115.gif">

<img src="http://blog.creaders.net/ebola/upload_file/20080730183136.gif">
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作者:ebola 留言时间:2008-07-30 18:23:24
Robert Gonsalves
Work, Wit, Recommendations
Contact me
mail "at" robertgonsalves.com
phone at (323) 395-5151 cell or (323) 656 - 1665 home
• <a href=” http://gonsalves.googlepages.com/resume2”>My Resume</a>
• <a href=” http://gonsalves.typepad.com/”>My Blog</a>
• <a href=” http://gonsalves.googlepages.com/portfoliolinks”>Portfolio</a>
@ <a href=” http://www.robertgonsalves.com/”>http://www.robertgonsalves.com/</a>
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作者:gege 留言时间:2008-07-30 10:02:45
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