John William Waterhouse 兩張好奇貓咪開盒盒的故事.......
Pandora, 1896 |
Psyche opening the Golden Box, 1903 |
希臘神話中,普羅米修斯 (Prometheus, 他的名字為的意思意為forethought,即有先見之明),卻選擇留在地上,按照神的形象用泥和水創造出人類 (MEN只有男人) ,後來祂偷天火給人間惹來宙斯暴怒,除了懲罰Prometheus也讓災難也降臨到他所造的男人。
painting by 17th century artist Jan Cossiers
Prometheus 是Iapetus的兒子,最聰明最有智慧的泰坦巨人(Titan),他的名字意思就是 \"forethought\",能夠預知未來。
The Miserable World of Prometheus by Mark Weinstein
宙斯為抵消火給人類帶來的巨大好處, 宙斯決定除了懲罰Prometheus也讓災難也降臨到他所造的男人。便令火與冶金和工藝之神 赫菲斯托斯(Hephaestus, 即羅馬的火神Vulcan,火山一字之由來)仿照Venus的樣子打造出第一個女性,為塑造她成為男士們『天上掉下來的禮物』,喚出眾神贈予她致命的特質。
潘朵拉 則是奉宙斯(Zeus)之命用土和水這兩種元素做出來的第一個女人,是應宙斯之命做為懲罰Prometheus偷天火的傑作。
Eva Prima Pandora by: Jean Cousin d. ? , 1550, Late Renaissance , Paris, Mus嶪 du Louvre
「潘朵拉」本意為「所有的贈予」 (\"all gifts\"), 因為創造她時,諸神賦予她各種禮物。 Aphrodite給予她有著和女神同樣美麗的容貌,雅典娜為她穿上最優雅的白色長袍與白色面紗,阿弗洛狄忒賦予她魅力,Apollo給予她優美的聲音(但那個時代好像不習慣送女人智慧);
The creation of Pandora; interior of a Cylix (470/ 460 B.C.)
神使漢密斯(Hermes)接著加工將背信、耍賴放入她的心,將謊話功夫放入她的口中。最後宙斯給她一個帶來災禍的好奇心,賜她的名字為~潘朵拉(pan是所有,dora則是禮物的意思)。有人就因此大做文章啦:The female race that originated with Pandora 1 has been called \'deadly\'. And it is said that women live among men to their great trouble, being helpful only in wealth but not in poverty.
This red figure volute krater, ca. 450 B.C., shows two scenes from the Pandora myth. To the left, Zeus sends Hermes off to give Pandora to Epimetheus. In addition to his regular attributes here Hermes carries a flower in his left hand, perhaps repesentative of gift-giving. To the right of this pair stands Epimetheus, who looks attentively at Pandora as she rises from the ground, with a small Eros figure above her. Because Epimetheus carries a hammer in one hand, some scholars have connected this scene with Sophocles\' (lost) satyr play called Pandora or The Hammerers. Period: Classical
Pandora, by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema [1881]
Pandora circa 1920: A sculpture of Pandora by the English sculptor Harry Bates. According to Greek mythology Pandora was the first woman on earth, created by the god Hephaestus at the request of the god Zeus. She was endowed with charm and deceit by the gods and carried a box which she opened, releasing all the evils of the world. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Prometheus 當然早看出 Zeus不懷好意,再三警告Epimetheus千萬不可以接受 Zeus的任何禮物。但Epimetheus 是一個 stupid Titan,他的名字就是後知後覺\"afterthought\"的意思。當 Epimetheus 一看到 Pandora 當場魂都掉了,將Prometheus的警告拋諸腦後,執意娶她為妻,後來還有個女兒 Pyrra。
Pandora Offers the Box to Epimetheus
當然那時候還沒有 \"curiosity killed the cat\" 的諺語, So what would a woman do, as soon as you tell her not to do something? She\'d do it, of course.
Pandora Opens the Box, Illustration for \"The Greek Mythological Legend,\" Published in 1910
Pandora\'s Box Goble, Warwick
潘朵拉的好奇心還是讓她打開了這 forbidden box(or the jar, whatever it was),一股禍害人間的禍害憎恨、欺騙、嫉妒、痛苦、不和、罪惡、瘟疫、戰爭和災難....全都飛出來。
潘朵拉在極度驚訝之餘,緊緊蓋上盒子,但是只來得及留下盒子中最後和最好的精靈~「希望」而已。從此以後,人們在痛苦的環境中,即使再如何的悲傷, 再如何的無助,心中總還是留著有一絲可貴的希望,就是源於這個典故。
Pandora by: John William Waterhouse, 1896 以下是Rossetti 在19世紀70年代後期 \'Pandora\' 的系列作品 在1868到他去世的1882年間,Rossetti創作了許多他生涯中最好、最不平凡的作品,包括 \'但丁之夢, Dante\'s Dream\' 等,很多都是以 Jane Morris 為模特兒。在他最後那幾年,他由於吸毒成癮、慢性失眠而健康欠佳,但他的作品對幻想、生死和懷念仍呈現著高度的力量,給人以強烈感受,對接下來象徵主義的藝術家影響很大。
Pandora, 1869
The Faringdon Collection Trust
Pandora, 1871
What of the end, Pandora? Was it thine,
The deed that set these fiery pinions free?
Ah! wherefore did the Olympian consistory
In its own likeness make thee half divine?
Was it that Juno\'s brow might stand a sign
For ever? and the mien of Pallas be
A deadly thing? and that all men might see
In Venus\' eyes the gaze of Proserpine?
What of the end? These beat their wings at will,
The ill-born things, the good things turned to ill,--
Powers of the impassioned hours prohibited.
Aye, clench the casket now! Whither they go
Thou mayst not dare to think: nor canst thou know
If Hope still pent there be alive or dead.
Pandora, 1878
National Museums Liverpool (Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight)