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  您想把生活中曾有過的 "感動" 留在哪? 我幸而擁有許多感動,那怕在46億年的分子演化中,它只是 …
Medea and Jason 2008-06-10 06:46:42



Jason and the Argonauts movie poster (1963)

電影 Jason and the Argonauts 及大部份的故事中只描述前半節 Jason 帶領 Argonauts 50個英雄取金羊毛的故事,將JasonMedea描述成英雄美人,後來看到後半截的故事


《米狄亞》MEDEA的作者是古希臘著名悲劇作家尤里皮底斯 Euripides,尤里皮底斯擅長描寫家庭矛盾及女性心理,此劇亦不例外;米狄亞公主為了愛人傑森信背父殺弟,甘願犧牲一切,但到頭來竟遭 Jason 拋棄。在盛怒下決意施計報復,誓令負心人後悔一生。雖然是神話故事的虛擬人物,不過粉多人格特質該是有跡可尋。








Medea,1889 by: Evelyn De Morgan,  Pre-Raphaelite
Location: Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, Birkenhead, England
Medea was the princess of Colchis and was skilled in the magic arts. She fell in love with the Argonaut Jason when he and his crew of the Argo landed on Colchis. She used her magic to aid him in obtaining the Golden Fleece, the goal of the Argonauts expedition. She fled from Colchis as Jason\'s wife. While king Aietes, Medea\'s father, was in pursuit of the Argo to get his daughter back, Medea cut her brother up to pieces and cast each piece into the sea to slow the pursuers, as Aietes would have to retrieve all the pieces to give his son a proper burial. Jason later betrayed Medea by marrying a Theban princess named Glauce. Medea took a terrible revenge murdering her own children by Jason, but not before she burned Glauce alive in a poisoned wedding dress.

Jason and the Argonauts 


Gli Argonauti [The Argonauts], 1695
Vincenzo Coronelli (1650-1718)
這是一個古希臘受歡迎的傳奇故事傑森和Argo號英雄們 Jason and the Argonauts 揚帆四海找到金羊毛的所在地卡奇斯 Colchis ,尋求金羊毛的冒險故事標題頁的插畫。

奧林匹亞山的神仙們閒著也是閒著,於是打賭Argonauts是不是能成功取得金羊毛,於是乎仙后Hera在海的邊緣與金星和海王星關注著進展,腳邊還趴著一隻獅子,在背後的海洋中有海中的生物而天使吹奏著海螺,而上頭呢,有6 個天使端著一個盾一般的鏡子,映照出 Argo號在海上冒險的情況。

根據希臘神話,Jason原是沙斯里(Thessaly)的王子,後來他的舅舅陪立斯(Pelias)竄位,把Jason一家男丁都殺了,王后阿凱美迪(Alcimede)剛產下了Jason,她假裝是個死產,私下讓人將小嬰兒送給 Chiron 調教才讓Jason逃脫魔掌。


Jason 長大後想要回王位,Pelias提出條件要Jason去卡奇斯(Colchis)取得金羊毛回來後,才肯讓位。



金羊毛 ( Golden Fleece )



Phrixus Helle 是希臘 Boeotia 國王 Athamas 與王后雲霧女神 Nephele 的一對子女,不見容於 Athamas的第二任老婆底庇斯Thebes的公主依諾InoIno千方百計要除掉他們。




生母Nephele,慌忙跑去懇求眾神救救她的孩子,Hermes 派遣了一頭全體長著金色羊毛有翅膀能飛翔的神奇公羊前去搭救。當兩人被送上祭壇的那一剎那,一團迷霧遮住王子與公主金羊將兩人救上天空,一路向黑海飛去,Helle禁受不住長程的顛簸,從羊背上摔了下去,落在了連接黑海與地中海的海峽中,海峽現在的名字叫Dardanelle,古希臘人將之稱為Hellespont(意為Helle之海)。



Phrixus 安然抵達卡奇斯 Colchis 國王 Aeetes熱情地接待了他,還把大女兒Chalciope嫁給他。Phrixus為了感謝上天,便將公羊獻祭給宙斯,成為白羊座Aries,而把金羊毛贈給了國王AeetesAeetes把自己的女兒許給了他,Aeetes命人把金羊毛掛在聖林正中的一棵大橡樹上,並讓一條巨龍(天龍座 Draco)不眠不休地看守著羊毛。










後來「金羊毛 ( Golden Fleece )」,被視為無價之寶,而思念家鄉使得Phrixus英年早逝,在他死前他下了咀咒,他死後靈魂將附在金羊毛上,除非將金羊帶回希臘,亦即將他的靈魂帶回故鄉,否則他的家鄉將會有大災難,這個咀咒引出了後來「阿果號」的冒險歷程。







The Building of the Argo

um 100-50 v. Chr. entstanden; (heute in London, Britisches Museum)


a modern version by Wm. Russell Flint (1880-1969 ), about 1910



希臘最優秀的船匠Argus 為他造了一艘五十槳的大船,並將船按照造船師的名字命名為阿耳戈“Argo”號,傑森與他的50個伙伴一路千辛萬苦歷盡危險,展開這這Argonauts的故事。



 (Argonautenfahrt -Teilkarte des Mittelmeeres) Ovid. Met. VII, 1


他們在航行途中遇到了很多危機,來到米西亞島(Mysia)小島下船找水源,大力士海克力斯(Hercules)的伙伴海海拉斯Hylas找到了泉水,但水仙女們愛上年輕英俊的Hylas,把他帶入她們的世界 ,就此Hylas從人間蒸發。


Hylas and the Nymphs 海拉斯水仙女
John William Waterhouse, Painting Date: 1896


航行來到Clashing rock,這是由兩個岩石小島把守著入口的海峽,兩個小島隨著風浪起伏,時時有相撞可能。有任何東西經過兩島當中,必然要被擠壓得粉碎。


      Clashing Rocks                               Triton at the Clashing Rocks



Argo號來到小島前,他們先放出一隻鴿子;鴿子在兩島間險路飛行,安全飛過,只被夾掉幾根尾毛。Jason和他的同伴們乘兩島撞開之際,奮力搖槳,在兩島再次相撞時,船已安全通過。有另外一說 天后 Hera 從中幫忙,調遣海神幫他們撐住海峽幫他們安然渡過.....偶當然比較喜歡人定勝天ㄉ版本囉  :)


Clashing Rocks by James Gurney



隨後ArgonautsHera海上女神忒提斯 Thetis 保護下,小心翼翼的通過通過 Skylla Charybdis 出沒的海上。



斯庫拉Scylla Crataeis 的女兒,本是個美麗的水澤女神,後來被下毒變成了吞吃水手可怕的海怪,有蛇的尾巴、腰部圍了惡狗圍成的腰環,每隻都有三排尖銳的牙齒,隨時補抓船員。

對面的 Charybdis 是個湍急的大漩渦。在神話中來頭可大著Charybdis 是海神 Poseidon 和大地女神 Gaea 的女兒,她是個貪婪的女人,膽敢向Heracles 偷牛,觸怒了 Zeus 被丟入大海變成湍急的漩渦,仍保留了貪婪的本性,吞入過往的船隻。




Scylla (Skulla)是意大利和西西里島之間距離粉近的一塊巨岩,它的對面是著名的卡律布狄斯Charybdis大漩渦,希臘神話中關於斯庫拉、卡律布狄斯和塞壬的傳說很可能就是得靈感於墨西拿海峽的礁石、激流與漩渦,在英語的習慣用語中有「Between Scylla And Charybdis」的說法,前有斯庫拉巨岩,後有卡律布狄斯漩渦翻譯過來就是「進退兩難」的意思







Ulysses and the Sirens, 1891   
John William Waterhouse
Orpheus and Eurydice 的故事中,提及阿波羅之子Orphus曾幫助Jason取金羊毛的航程(Argonauts),也曾通過Sirens居住的地方,大音樂家天琴座Orpheus用自己的琴聲壓倒了Sirens的歌聲讓船順利地通過,害得Siren從此便自暴自棄,投海自盡。




Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts, cassone panel
Biagio di Antonio (Italian, Florentine, active 1446–1516)
Tempera on wood, gilt ornaments; Overall 24 1/8 x 60 3/8 in. (61.3 x 153.4 cm); painted surface 19 5/8 x 56 in. (49.8 x 142.2 cm)
Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1909 (09.136.1)
In this panel and its companion (09.136.2), the story of Jason and the Argonauts unfolds in a continuous narrative. The episodes here include the meeting of King Aëetes and his daughters Medea and Chalciope with Jason and his companions; Jason plowing the grove of Ares, where the Golden Fleece is guarded; Orpheus lulling the dragon to sleep so that Jason may steal the fleece; and, probably, the king sending his sons off to capture the fleeing Jason and Medea.



經過千辛萬苦航行終於到達目的地卡奇斯(Colchis),Jason Colchis國王Aeetes說明來意,國王給了Jason兩個超級 MIs才願意讓他去拿金羊毛:




Jason求天后 Hera幫他完成這不可能的任務,由於Aeetes的公主米地亞(Medea)是個出色的巫師,Hera當然是派丘比特出馬,射出愛神的箭,讓Medea背叛她的父親協助Jason盜得了金羊毛。


Jason swearing Eternal Affection to Medea, 1742-1743
DETROY, Jean-François 1679 - 1752
Medea到赫卡忒祭壇前(Hecate),向女神賭咒發誓:Eternal Affection to Medea。( 這情節怎麼讓人覺得這~~~麼熟悉)




Jason完成了國王交給他的工作,國王只好帶 Jason 到放金羊毛的聖林裏,國王叫Jason 自己去取,心想 Jason 這次必死無疑,因為有一條巨龍守護金羊毛。可是國王不知道女兒背叛了他,JasonMedea事先調好的藥水往牠身上灑了幾滴,令巨龍入睡,安全取得金羊毛(也有一說是Medea獻計讓Orphus彈奏他的七弦琴馴服了巨龍,讓Jason順利取得金羊毛)


a dramatic scene of Jason administering the potion given by Medea on the dragon, from the later 1600s by Salvator Rosa

米狄亞為了愛情,不惜背叛父親,幫助Jason由父親處奪得金毛羊。Jason 取得金羊毛後,立刻帶同美狄亞和同伴同逃回Argo號,不料中被米狄亞的弟弟Apsyrtos碰個正著,米狄亞用花言巧語騙了弟弟上船,一起離開科爾喀斯國。Aeetes為了取回金羊毛及捉拿背叛的米狄亞,追趕 Argo 號。Medea為了擺脫追捕,竟然將弟弟殺死並切碎投入海中,讓悲痛的父親忙著撿拾兒子的屍體,以至阻慢追兵。

Death of Apsyrtus by Herbert Draper (about 1900), showing the departure of Jason and Medea, and the gruesome fate of Medea‘s brother, whom she had brought along as hostage. Seeing that her father’s fleet would catch up to the Argo, she ruthlessly ordered that her brother be butchered and the pieces tossed overboard, in order to delay the pursuing ships. Although Draper has not shown the gory details, we see the boy pleading with Medea, while Jason stands behind her holding up the Fleece.


Medea殘忍的行為觸怒了 Zeus,憤怒的 Zeus 颳起暴風驅趕著 Argo 號,Argo 號居然開口了說:「除非 Medea 去找Medea 的姑姑 Circe洗滌罪狀,否則 Zeus 無法平靜下來(居然這種罪狀可以洗滌  )。 Argo 號就著麼被暴風驅趕到 Circe的住處. Circe purified both Jason and Medea of the murder, but she refused to offer them any hospitality.

回到Thessaly為了感謝神Jason Argo號獻給海神波塞冬(Poseidon),成為天上的為南船座(Argo Navis)18世紀的時候,因為南船座在天空中占的地方太大,所以被一分為四:船底座(Carina)、船帆座(Vela)、船尾座(Puppis)和羅盤座(Pyxis)四個星座。而金羊毛被Jason取走以後,那條毒龍也無事可做了。宙斯覺得它對自己的工作還是盡職盡責的,便把它也升到了天上,這就是天龍座。



Argo Navis, Jason\'s Ship

Hevelius, Firmamentum, 1690. The Ship is said to be moving stern-forward




Argo Navis is no longer an officially recognized constellation, it has been split up into three constellations; Carina the Keel, Vela the Sails, Puppis the Stern, plus a subordinate division of Argo now called Pyxis Nautica, the Nautical Box or Mariner\'s Compass, and which used to be called Malus, the Mast. In Greek Mythology Argo Navis represents the Ship used by Jason and fifty Argonauts to sail to fetch the Golden Fleece from Colchis (Iolcus) in the Black Sea.





可是當Jason成功取得金羊毛回來後,叔叔 Pelias 食言不願讓位。Jason 決心報復找 Medea 商量。



Jason and Medea 1907 by: John William Waterhouse




Medea為了幫丈夫清除敵人,便耍了一個魔法。讓 Pelias 的女兒見她用一隻大杯煮了一些草藥,然後將一隻老羊斬成一塊塊,投入杯裏去煮。過了一會,米狄亞揭開缽蓋,那隻垂死的老山羊竟變成了一隻活蹦亂跳的小羊。米狄亞將草藥交給Pelias 的女兒們,騙她們用同樣的方法讓自己的父親返老還童,Pelias就這樣被自己的女兒殺死了。


Medea rejuvenated ram to make the daughters think she would do the same for their father; Greek, c. 470 BCE
Berlin, Pergamon Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1992, vase painting


Pelias 的兒子繼承王位,把 Jason Medea 驅逐出國,並將害死他父親的魔缽在宙斯 (Zeus) 的神殿裡看管,後來宙斯為了避免那魔缽再害人,便將魔鉢\放在天上,這就是巨爵座(Crater)






Glauce and Jason


Medea 決心害死國王、公主和自己的兒子,而讓傑森獨自痛苦地活著。 她假裝向傑森認錯,希望讓孩子把婚紗獻給新娘。而實際上,她已經在上面下了毒藥。新娘穿上長袍和王冠後,立刻被劇毒焚燒慘斃,克里昂想把他女兒抱起,結果也中毒身亡。



left side: nurse and children bring gifts to Creon\'s daughter while Jason looks on




Medea 1838 by: Eugene Delacroix
Location: Musée du Louvre, Paris




Medea 1898 by: Alfons Mucha



The children lie slumped across in altar at bottom right; an old nurse tears her hair beside them, and Jason comes in grieving to the far right. Winged Furies flank the scene. South Italian Crater, red-figure, Lucanian (from Italy), c.400-380 BCE , Cleveland Museum of Arts.





I have heard sad tales of his homeless wanderings from city to city. No longer the heroic adventurer once so favored by the gods, he now lives his life as a destitute man haunted by his own personal failures. Everyday he must exist with the knowledge that his own decisions based on greed and pride were to blame for bringing about the death of his beloved children. But there is no happy ending for me either.


Alas, I am no different than my husband, for I too shall be forever haunted by my past. My heart will forever be tied to a man I can not have and my hands forever stained with the blood of a murder that I committed.


















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