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  您想把生活中曾有過的 "感動" 留在哪? 我幸而擁有許多感動,那怕在46億年的分子演化中,它只是 …
毗濕奴神的第一代化身 —— 魚 馬特斯亞(Matsya) 2008-01-25 05:57:00

毗濕奴神的第一代化身 —— 魚  馬特斯亞(Matsya


Matsya(Fish) avatar of lord Vishnu
http://www.exoticindia.com/product/ZW88/ )

http://www.info-sikh.com/VVPage1.html )

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左:Keshava Temple, Somnathpur The generic animal features on this statue represent an early avatar of Vishnu. It is identified as Matsya, the fish incarnation. ( http://www.art-and-archaeology.com/india/mysore/kes09.html )
右:Sheshagiri Mandapa, Ranganatha Temple, Srirangam
The interior of the mandapa contains images of all ten of Vishnu\'s major incarnations. This image shows Matsya, The fish who saves mankind during a great flood. The recently made colored marks indicate that the statue is currently a subject of devotion. (
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/lib/about_apod.html )

毗濕奴神的第一個化身是馬特斯亞(Matsya)的魚《往世書》敘述毗濕奴神在大洪水中取回吠陀經(Vedas [Sanskrit: \"知識\"])並拯救宇宙的故事。
在 Sata-yuga最早期的時代,在創造神Brahma 正從事創世的工作,大概太累了半途休息一下,睡著睡著沒注意到吠陀經掉了出來,一個叫做Hayagreevan的阿修羅 asura 偷了吠陀經躲到海裡去修練 ,沒了 Vedas, Brahma無法繼續祂創世工作。

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http://www.crystallotus.com/vishnu/05.htm  ← 這兒有張圖片粉口愛  :)

Vishnu也現身告訴國王,預言七日後將有妖魔\'Hayagreevan\' 作怪,會引來七日大洪水將吞沒掉人世(the lower part of the universe),毗濕奴要國王建一艄大船,帶七個聖人 ({現代化語彙}叫。。。。。百科全書和品種「優良」的基因庫)、所有植物的種子和各種動物(one animal of each type。。。。。大概也順便教了「蝌隆(clone)」技術。)。而祂將會現身為一條魚。。。。。。一條有角的大魚,來將這艄大Manu\'s arc 推動到 Mount Himavan並平安渡過洪水。

當然,Manu王聽從指示,建了艄大Manu方舟,也真出現了在粉多神話都有過的大洪水, 攪動乳海的蛇神Vasuki又再度出山當繩纜,將方舟緊繫在Vishnu神化身的神魚角上,由神魚拖到Mount Himavan讓船兒平安渡過洪水,到下一個新的時代中。。。。。。。

First incarnation, Matsya or the Fish incarnation : in this form Vishnu saved the Saint Vaivaswata, the hindu variety of the biblical Noah (or vice versa).
http://www.harekrsna.com/gallery/dasavatara1-gallery.htm <--這兒不見ㄌ )
1st Stage of Sadhana - Before a person starts his sadhana, he is swimming in the ocean of sensuality and ignorance, surrounded by tamas (darkness and unawareness) and very much involved and attached to worldly life. The small fish accidentally scooped up from the river represents a faint light attracting a person to begin spiritual journey and then once the person pursues his sadhana, he would be rescued from the great worldly ocean.

之後毗濕奴神下海底與阿修羅Hayagreevan大戰,終於殺了藏在螺殼中修練的Hayagreevan,取回 vedas,在Brahma終於睡醒時,將 Vedas經交回給創造神。










10 vishnu incarnations ( http://www.dollsofindia.com/vishnu.htm )

毗濕奴最著名的10ㄍ化身,其中有動物、有人、有神、也有佛陀,一個年代接一個年代,Vishnu「從祂的居所降臨」(這是梵文 avatar的根本意思),通常先以較「低等」的物種形象顯現,然後再「進化」到較高級的物種,依序反映了各種生命在地球上的演化過程。









Who was the first man in Hindu mythology?

According to the Matsya Purana, sage Manu was the first man (and the first human) created by God. In the above Purana it was mentioned that Lord Brahma created, using his divine powers, the Goddess Shatrupa (as Saraswati was first called) and out of the union of Brahma and Shatrupa was born Manu. Manu obtained through long penance his wife Ananti. The rest of the human race originated from Manu and Ananti. Details about the children of Manu and Ananti are found in the Bhagavata Purana. Manu is also considered to be the author of the ancient Sanskrit code of law, Manu Smriti, which was the summary of a discourse given by Manu to several rishis. The English noun man and the sanskrit verb mun, meaning to think, are supposed to have evolved from the word Manu. Rigveda has a different account of the origin of the human race, which was born from the five children (four male, and one female) of Lord Prajapati, as Brahma was earlier called. Of the two versions, the Matsya Purana is more popular and complete.



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