(右圖) Psyche at Nature\'s Mirror, 19th century painting by German artist Frederick Paul Thumann (1834-1908). Psyche在希臘文中代表蝴蝶(butterfly) 、自我(self)和靈魂(soul)或心靈(mind),在英文裡頭也有類似的意義,所以,衍生的字有 psychology(心理學)、psycho(精神病學的)、psychotic(精神病患)。從公元前5至4世紀開始,她往往被描繪成蝴蝶或長著蝴蝶翅膀的少女的形象。 而男主角就是赫赫有名的愛與美之神維納斯(Venus是羅馬名,希臘名字是Aphrodite)的兒子,邱比特(Cupid)是羅馬名,對應的希臘神話名字是愛洛斯(Eros)。字源學上,erotic(性愛的,色情的,好色之徒)源於 Eros。
The Bath of Psyche Frederick Leighton (1830-1896). Oil on canvas, 1890 The story of the nymph Psyche originates in a tale written by the Roman poet Lucius Apuleius in the 2nd century A.D. The beautiful Psyche was united with Cupid, Venus\'s son. The word \'psyche\' signifies the soul and the nymph is generally shown in classical sculpture with the wings of a butterfly to suggest the soul\'s lightness. Leighton based the pose of Psyche on an ancient statue of \'Venus Leaving the Bath\'. He depicts a moment in which the viewer\'s eye is caught in the same way as Cupid\'s was. Her thin, wing-like drapery hints at Psyche as the personification of the soul. Leighton often painted classical subject matter. This has led to him being numbered among the Victorian \'Olympians\' - after MountOlympus, home of the Greek gods.
Psyche Opening the Door into Cupid\'s Garden, 1904 Location: Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, England 因為Psyche是凡人,因此厄洛斯不能讓她知道他的真實身份和面貌。她進到城堡後,有個聲音告訴她,這是她的家,所看到的一切都是屬於她的。到了晚上,她的丈夫會回來,他要Psyche答應永遠不看他的真面目。他在完全黑暗中到來,但是Psyche並不害怕,因為她知道,他不可能是個怪物。Psyche從此與厄洛斯過著幸福快樂的生活,儘管帶了點神秘莫測的色彩。
\"Psyche at Her Toilet\", 1745 CHARLES-JOSEPH NATOIRE New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans Psyche 擁有她過去所要的一切,丘比特始終在黑夜出現,Psyche見不到他的面容。
時間久了,她也開始想念家人,她詢問從來沒有看到過面容的丈夫,是不是可以讓姊姊們來看她。 Cupid答應了,但警告: \"They will be nothing but trouble! Be forewarned of their jealous nature.\" Cupid不愧是神,對Psyche姐姐們的性格了如指掌。但由於Psyche 一個人太孤單,還是忍不住把她們叫來了。