.....扯遠了~ 回頭瞧瞧特洛伊戰爭中的兩大主人翁.....Helen and Paris.....
這真是最不幸的一天,一向可以粉輕易的對付和折磨登徒子騷擾的 Nemesis,這下是被不懈追求的Zeus相中了。當 Nemesis 變成一條魚潛入水中,宙斯就變為一隻海狸追上。逃上岸隨 Nemesis怎麼變,Zeus都能變成更快更猛的野獸。最後 Nemesis變成一隻天鵝,就被Zeus幻化的老鷹追上了。後來天鵝來到斯巴達的沼澤生蛋,善妒的Hera奪了她的蛋交給愛惡作劇的 Hermes,prankster Hermes threw the egg between the thighs of Leda, as she sat on a stool......
他們的邏輯好像挺怪異的.....The twins apparently only considered carrying off a woman to be a bad thing in the case of their own sister, though, because they obtained their own wives in this manner, forcibly carrying off the daughters of Leucippus.
Helen被譽為世間最美麗的女人,"The Face that launched a Thousand Ships",可非浪得虛名,到她屆婚齡可是戶限為穿,不管有沒有豐厚禮物的愛慕者接踵而來,精明的斯巴達王 Tyndareus活像在 EBay.com 上公開標售Helen,它徹頭徹尾的醜陋,幾乎達到了可笑的程度。而愛慕者的內訌爭鬥,令Tyndareus煩不勝煩不堪其擾,但又不敢允諾任何一個追求者,害怕處理不當引來戰爭。
The marriage of Helen and Menelaus marks the beginning of the end of the age of heroes. Concluding the catalog of Helen's suitors, Hesiod reports Zeus' plan to obliterate the race of men and the heroes in particular. The Trojan War, caused by Helen's elopement with Paris, is going to be his means to this end.
Rossetti 發表 Helen of Troy 四年後, Frederick Sandys 也作同主題畫作。Rossetti 與 Sandys的關係開始緊張,因為 Rossetti 覺得除了正在鬧脾氣和大紅髮外,紅唇、大眼睛、大捲髮、像徵大火的頸鍊、邊緣不明確的身影和晦暗的背景,Sandys版的Helen與他自己的太相似。
可是他們是來自相同時代、相同畫派,使用共同的象徵性"語言",又畫相同的主題....."The Rossettian image of woman has been criticised for its repetitiveness; but repetition was precisely its hallmark."
My Wife, Nude, Contemplating her Own Flesh Becoming Stairs, Three Vertebrae of a Column, Sky and Architecture. 1945 Dali 對這幅畫補充道:當我五歲時,看到一隻除了殼外被螞蟻幾乎啃光的昆蟲,甚至透過這襤褸的軀殼,可以看到天空。每當我希望達到純淨,我透過肉體望著天空。(Dali added "When I was five years old, I saw an insect that had been eaten by ants and of which nothing remaining but except the shell. Through the holes in its anatomy one could see the sky. Every time I wish to attain purity, I look at the sky through the flesh." http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Arts/Dali.htm)
(有些版本流傳是Hecabe賄賂Agelaus保著她的兒子,paying him handsomely to keep the secret from Priam. I'm not telling, but I will reveal that Hecabe's dog never again barked...)
是詛咒吧! 儘管Paris像奴隸一般的成長,但掩飾不住他的英俊、強壯和聰明的......那個時代的概念叫 "王室血統"。年紀輕輕就因為找回被偷被盜的牲畜在亞歷山大贏得了美譽,也贏得噴泉精靈 Oenone成為他的情人。像所有愛情的起初,他們快樂的放牧羊牛,愉快的狩獵,Paris took Oenone to Mount Ida, where he had his home, and being very much in love with her, promised her continuously, as lovers often do, that he would never desert her. 真素好熟悉的台詞http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Paris.html