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The Trojan war (2) – The Judgement of Paris 2010-07-18 07:22:53


Apple of Discord                                                                  

是個美麗而且很具有吸引力的林澤女神,不放過任何美女的Zeus 當然也動起歪腦筋,但因為 Thetis 命中註定會有一個將青出於藍比父親更勝一籌的兒子,Zeus擔心了,因為Zeus 也是如此這般的推翻了Cronus ( Myths of Creation & Prometheus  )。為了防止這發生,Zeus當然也不讓她與神結婚,給她的兒子有推翻Zeus的可能。



Zeus 煞費苦心的安排她嫁給凡人 Argonauts 英雄之一珀琉斯 (Peleus) 為妻,而他們果然生下了荷馬史詩《伊裡亞德(Iliad)》中的希臘第一英雄阿基裡斯 (Achilles)


Wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Joachim Wtewael, 1602

盛大的婚禮,除了齟齬女神 Eris 所有奧林匹亞山的神都受邀出席,這是可理解的,沒人喜歡在喜慶中找麻煩,就是沒料滿心不舒服的麻煩製造者會製造什麼災難。   


A rare repesentation of Eris (Strife)
Attic black figure cup  c. 560 BC
Charlottenburg, Berlin


Wedding of Peleus and Thetis. A. Bloemaert.  

The wedding of Peleus and Thetis: while the gods feast at the table Eris throws her apple from a cloud.


婚禮最熱鬧的當兒,Eris從空扔下一隻 金蘋果 (an apple of discord),雖是一言不發當場帥帥的走人婚禮可糾紛大了,因為這糾紛之上面可是刻有 "Kallisti " 幾個字意思是 -- 給最美麗的




The wedding of Peleus and Thetis, 1636
Peter Paul Rubens

三女神都聲稱蘋果是自己的要宙斯評理,宙斯自然不淌這一個也不能得罪卻勢必一下要被二個落選者懷恨的混水,宙斯想起巴黎的特洛伊的Paris這個人間最美的男子,擅於丟燙手山竽的Zeus 便要神使 Hermes 領三女神找 Paris將金蘋果交給Paris裁決。(......是否是一種男人的忌妒 )


Giulio Romano (1499 - 1546)
Hermes leads Aphrodite, followed by Athena and Hera, down from the clouds and onto Mount Ida, where Paris is working on his tan.

雖是 Troy王子,卻自出生就被預言他某天會給他的國家和人民帶來不幸而流落在外。還是牧羊人的他正高興地守著自己的羊和愛人Oenone,當Hermes到來他傻乎乎的接了這份天上掉下來的任務或天上掉下來的 "禮物" 當金蘋果的仲裁者,也許正因少了份圓融與智慧也註定了他將給他的國家和人民帶來毀滅。



The Judgement of Paris



Life is strange. One moment the handsome shepherd Paris is minding his own sheep, carving his lover Oenone's name on the bark of trees, and the next moment he is told that he alone must judge who is the fairest of the divine goddesses. Say what?  http://www.thanasis.com/mythman/mdec99.html



三個女神為了贏取金蘋果都拉攏巴黎,便開始賄賂ParisHera 許諾給他當最有名最有權的王、Athena許他成為一個了不起的戰士、Aphrodite 則許給他世上最美麗的女人.....也就是Helen


The Judgement of Paris. Engraving. Raimondi, Marcantonio. 1515.
這幅作品是拉斐爾﹝Raphael﹞特別為他的摯友萊蒙特﹝Marcantonio Raimondi﹞﹝1480 ~ 1534﹞設計原圖共同創作的版畫。圖中帕里斯將這次選美的桂冠一個金蘋果交給愛神維納斯,左邊伸出一隻手的是勝利女神雅典娜,右邊拿起披肩的是天后赫拉。


SWANENBURG, Willem Isaacsz. van, 1609
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


The Judgment of Paris, Sandro Botticelli (1444/45-1510).

Venice, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Photo: Fondazione Giorgio Cini.



這幅畫是德國文藝復興時期畫家魯卡斯(Lucas Cranach the Elder)1528年的作品,現收藏於紐約大都會博物館。

以下是三幅Rubens "The Judgment of Paris. "
In 1630, four years after the death of his first wife, the 53-year-old painter married 16-year-old H
lne Fourment. Hlne inspired the voluptuous figures in many of his paintings from the 1630s, including The Feast of Venus (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna), The Three Graces (Prado, Madrid) and The Judgment of Paris (Prado, Madrid). In the latter painting, which was made for the Spanish court, the artist's young wife was recognized by viewers in the figure of Venus.  http://hoocher.com/Peter_Paul_Rubens/Peter_Paul_Rubens.htm



The Judgement of Paris, Peter Paul Rubens, 1632/33


Peter Paul Rubens. The Judgment of Paris. c.1639.

Oil on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Paris awarding the golden apple to Venus, who stands between Minerva and Juno; Mercury stands behind Paris; above is the Fury, Alecto.


Peter Paul Rubens, 1600


Joachim Wtewael, 1615


Jean-Antoine Watteau. The Judgement of Paris. c. 1720. Oil on wood. Louvre, Paris, France.

Alphonse Maria Mucha, 1895
阿爾豐斯穆夏(Alphonse Maria Mucha1860-1939




The Judgement of Paris, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1910

那時Helen已經是 Sparta的王后,而Paris也有仙女老婆 Oenone,但這一切都不構成阻礙,維納斯得到金蘋果成了最美麗的女神。 也種下日後,不只海倫所有的追求者根據先之前的誓言幫助海倫之夫 Menelaus攻打特洛伊,也埋下了赫拉及雅典娜站到毀滅特洛伊的一邊。

關於"Judgement of paris" 作品的收集網頁









小廟關不了大和尚,Paris 決心到特洛伊發展,他參加了國王 Priam座前的比,不管是開始的拳擊到最後的二輪戰車大賽,雖是缺乏技巧但純粹的勇氣和決心,讓他打敗比他更強更訓練有素的對手,震驚了觀眾也給國王留下了深刻印象。最後在宙斯祭壇前加冕的時候,Paris的養父Agelaus和皇后趁機向 Priam王招認,在熱鬧的英雄式氣氛烘托下,就算善於預言的公主Cassandra 提醒 Paris 出生時王后夢見的那把火,也沒人聽得下去,Paris正式認祖歸宗成為王子。

成為王子後的 Paris 策劃拜訪斯巴達,去見愛神Aphrodite允諾他的 "禮物" Helen。這是一個錯綜複雜的命运,鬼使神差 Helen的丈夫斯巴達王 Menelaus剛好路過特洛伊附近,Paris沒浪費時間立即結交 Menelaus,或得被邀請到斯巴達的機會。

即將啟航 Paris的愛人Oenone流下淚水向他告別:「當你受傷,回來找我」她告訴他「因為只有我能醫治你。」("Come back to me if ever you are wounded," she told him, "because I alone can heal you." The Trojan war (1) -- Helen and Paris 

Aphrodite 的神助下,船粉快抵達斯巴達,受到 Menelaus 熱情的款待,為了履行她的承諾,Aphrodite Helen 愛上了 Paris,ㄧ起私奔回特洛伊。


Love of Helene and Paris
Jacques-Louis David. The Love of Paris and Helen. 1788
這幅畫是18世紀法國極具影響力的歷史畫家傑克斯.大衛(Jacques Louis David)的作品收藏於盧浮宮。


The Reconciliation of Paris and Helen_Richard Westall



Venus Persuades Helen to Fall in Love with Paris. Angelica Kauffman. 1790, Oil on canvas, 102 x 127.5 cm. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Book 3. The Trojan Paris, abductor of Helen, challenges her rightful Greek husband Menelaus to a duel; Helen watches from the wall of Troy; as Paris is being defeated, the goddess Aphrodite picks him up, puts him down in his bedroom and leads the reluctant Helen to him. They go to bed together, while Menelaus hunts vainly for his victim. Note: Helen is a sex object, the prize in competition, the cause of the war, and a lonely, guilt-ridden woman, still unable to resist the irresponsible Paris in spite of her contempt for him. (In Books 4 and 5, the truce called for the duel is broken by a Trojan; the general battle begins, and the Greek Diomedes is made all-powerful by Athena.).

Venus Giving Paris Helen as his Wife, Gavin Hamilton, 1782-84



The Abduction of Helen

關於Helen Paris ""走,有很多種不同的版本,說法不一,有的說是海倫和巴黎高高興興的手牽手,有的可是五花大綁強行把海倫架走的。http://www.philipresheph.com/demodokos/abduct/abduct3.htm





The abduction of Helen of Troy, Scipione Compagno


The Abduction of Helen by Paris (Follower of Fra Angelico, ~1450)
Here the abduction is depicted with the props and costumes of the early Italian Renaissance.





Reni, Guido. The Abduction of Helen (1627-29)




Eighteenth Century Cartoon of The Abduction of Helen



Panorama with the Abduction of Helen Amidst the Wonders of the Ancient World, Maerten van Heemskerck, 1535
Heemskerck 1535年在他前往羅馬研究藝術文物以及當代大師如米開朗基羅作了此史詩的全景畫本



因為海倫是她的美貌聞名,並有許多財富和軍力雄厚的追求者。 因此,在Odysseus的建議下,她的父親要海倫的所有求婚者作出承諾捍衛Helen所選擇的照丈夫,所以當她私奔後,Menelaus 援引這一誓言要求其他追求者有責任幫他 "" Helen,於是乎千艄戰帆浩浩蕩蕩的向特洛伊出發,也有了海倫之美駕馭千帆這句形容,對照 "紅顏禍水" (認為事實上素豬頭禍首 ) 這四字接下去的故事就是虛榮魯莽的愛毀了個超酷的城市...












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