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  您想把生活中曾有過的 "感動" 留在哪? 我幸而擁有許多感動,那怕在46億年的分子演化中,它只是 …
幾何錯覺 (Geometric illusory) 2008-05-02 04:58:22




1. Which frog has a bigger mouth


2. Are these lines parallel or not?



錯覺(illusion)是對客觀事物產生一種不正確的、歪曲的知覺,這種感受、認知上的歪曲是在一定條件下產生,且不隨人的意志而改變。錯覺不同於幻覺,幻覺是在沒有外界刺激的條件下產生的一種虛幻的感覺,錯覺則是在外界刺激作用下產生的歪曲的知覺。由於具有相同的感知生理基礎和對環境的類似經驗,人們在相同的知覺情境下通常會有基本相同的錯覺。凡是知覺的結果與 物理特性有所不符的情況,皆可稱為錯覺。


視覺系統的功能是在於提供外在世界的訊息,以幫助個體能有效的與外界互動,而有助於生存。在大部份的情況下,視覺 皆能正確的反應外在世界;亦即視覺系統的設計是有效的。然而在產生錯覺的情況 下,乃知覺到不存在於視覺刺激的特徵,視錯覺也就是視覺對客觀圖形的感知被欺騙或誤導。因此必定由於視覺系統的特殊設計,才導 致特定錯覺類象的產生,因此錯覺正可反應視覺訊息處理的特性,在視知覺的研究領域當中,錯覺淚象的探討是重要的課題之一。藉由錯覺現象的 探討,可有助於瞭解視覺系統的訊息處理歷程。




1. 幾何錯覺(geometric illusion):幾何錯覺是某些線條圖形, 其長度 , 方向 , 弧度 , 或線條走向會被錯誤接收 , 使得肉眼觀察結果與儀器所測量的結果不一致 , 產生錯視及肉眼誤判的效果。


2. 生理錯覺(Physical illusion):認為錯覺受到眼睛和視網膜內神經交互作用的影響,如側抑制(lateral inhibition);主要來自人體的視覺適應現象,人的感覺器官在接受過久的刺激後會鈍化,也就造成了補色 及殘像的生理錯視。


3. 認知錯覺(Cognitive illusions)知覺有五種特性,即知覺的相對性、選擇性、整體性、恆常性和組織性。認為錯覺受到更高水平的注意、過去經驗、決策等認知因素的影響,如誤用恆常性(misapplied constancy),為客觀事件與推測相互作用產生的影響,從而導致「無意識的推論」,最早是19世紀由 Hermann Helmholtz提出。可再分為 ambiguous illusions, distorting illusions, paradox illusions, or fiction illusions.



幾何錯覺(geometric illusion




幾何錯與一般物理上的錯覺(如哈哈鏡)並不相同 而是與人類生理上知覺處理系統相關 所以雖然明知圖形有誤 而故意重覆長時間觀看 導致錯覺扭曲的程度降低 但是錯覺仍然存在 且錯覺強度亦不會改變。



l          大小之錯覺(illusions of length distance and area)

l          角度、方向的錯覺( illusions of angle and direction )

l          同化與對比錯覺(illusions of assimilation & contrast)

l          彎曲圖形(illusions of straightness and curvature)

l          垂直和水平錯覺(V-H illusion

l          深度錯覺(deep illusion)

l          透視錯覺(perspective illusion)



幾何學錯覺最常是受到對比差異導致誤判,因為人類的知覺系統是「相對的」而不是「絕對的」,換句話就是對「絕對物理量(像是聲波頻率、聲音強度等等)」反應並不敏銳,反而對「對比」相當敏感。另外就是受到背景或相對環境的干擾了知覺的正確認識。換言之,我們人啊,是活在差異之中。 以下就是情境(context)影響形狀的例子:



大小之錯覺(illusions of length distance and area) 


如上圖1. 兩隻青蛙嘴巴一樣大,但因箭號方向影響長度的判斷。繆勒-萊耳錯覺(Möller-Lyer Illusion)在等長線段的兩端加上不同方向的箭頭﹐則看起來箭頭外展的線段總比較長些。

Möller-Lyer Illusion

This simple but compelling illusion was created in 1889 by Franz Müller-Lyer. The lengths of the two identical vertical lines are distorted by reversing the arrowheads. Some researchers think the effect may be related to the way the human eye and brain use perspective to determine depth and distance, even though the objects appear flat.




Ponzo illusion (line to the right is perceived as longer)


角度、方向的錯覺( illusions of angle and direction )


The Poggendorff illusion figure (1860).   http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/ang_poggendorff/index.html

Which of four nail points at the bottom of the board go with the head at the top? You probably think that it is the most left one.


However, the correct answer is the second one from the left. Of course, this illusion also occurs when a rectangle and lines are used instead of a board and nails. This illusion is most profound when the angle between the board and the nails (or the rectangle and the lines) is 30 -45°. It is believed that this illusion is caused by overestimation of the angle as in the Zollner, Hering, and Orbison illusions. On the other hand, the Poggendorff illusion disappears when the angle between the board and nails (or the rectangle and the lines) is 90°. This is probably because we can accurately judge near-vertical and near-horizontal orientations. This is also true for other illusions.



彎曲圖形(illusions of straightness and curvature)

Do the horizontal lines below look straight or curved

Hering Illusion

This illustration was first published in 1861 by Ewald Hering. Are the parallel lines straight or curved? Believe it or not they are straight. Astronomers of the period became very interested in this and other illusions of the period because they were worried that visual observations might prove unreliable.

Are these lines straight or crooked?

Zollner Illusion (Left)

The diagonal lines are parallel.



Café Wall Illusion

The café wall illusion, sometimes also called the Münsterberg illusion (Ashton Raggatt McDougall 2006), is an optical illusion produced by a black and white rectangular tessellation when the tiles are shifted in a zigzag pattern, as illustrated above. While the pattern seems to diverge towards the upper and lower right corners in the upper figure, the gray lines are actually parallel. Interestingly, the illusion greatly diminishes if black lines are used instead of gray.
The illusion disappears when the position of tiles are not shifted or shifted by the whole size of the squares. These properties are somewhat similar to those of the Fraser illusion.


The original of the Café Wall, St Michael?s Hill, Bristol.
Gregory and Heard (1979) first noticed theillusion on the wall decoration of a café in Bristol, England. The caféwall illusion is only one among many visual distortion effectsinvolving parallel lines. The most famous example of this kind is Zöllner\'s illusion.

The image above shows a picture of a building in Melbourne, Australia designed to exhibit this illusion (C. L. Taylor, pers. comm., Aug. 5, 2006). The building, completed in 2006, is part of Melbourne\'s Digital Harbour Port 1010 and houses the Australian Customs Service (Ashton Raggatt McDougall 2006).



Fraser (whorl)
How many spirals are there in this display?
Infact, there are none at all. This is an illusion introduced by Fraser,an English psychologist, in 1908. It looks as if the twisted stringsare whirling toward the center, but each actually a concentric circle.Why do the circles seem to whirl? The key is in the twisted strings.The lines in the strings all tilt toward the center, and this has astrong influence upon the shape of the whole figure. The backgroundpattern is not essential, but contributes to the effect of illusion.Owing to its strong effect and beautiful design, the Fraser illusionmay be the king of illusions.


The grey patch on the left looks darker than the one on the right.
In fact, they are physically identical



Ames\' room


當觀察者由小孔看這個房間時,就會看到這麼奇怪的大小對比景象。 Adelbert Ames 設計了一個實驗來示範如何扭曲大小的恆常性。事實上這個房間並不是個長方形,右邊的角落距離觀察者的小孔近,而且天花板較低,因為這個情形下失去了深度的線索,所以看起來右邊角落的人相對地變得很大。 


http://www.answers.com/topic/illusion?cat=health  http://mathworld.wolfram.com/IllusoryContourFigures.html





你是否看到有一個三角形,它比周圍的區域亮,更仔細看你將發現這三角形的輪廓並不完整,換言之,這個三角形並不存在,而是我們感覺到它存在,所以知覺心理學家稱它為「錯覺輪廓」(illusory contour)。諸如此類的人類視覺錯覺現象,實在不勝枚舉。它們究竟是怎麼發生的?一直是心理學家感興趣的問題,本文就是想以錯覺輪廓為例,說明人的視覺是如何的奧妙。

霓虹顏色擴散(neon color spreading)是近年來被廣為討論的錯覺現象之一,基本現象如圖一所示。在不具色彩的格狀線條圖案中,將部份線條的置換為具色彩的線 條,例如圖一的十字部份若為紅色,則可產生半透明的淡紅色圓塊覆蓋於格子圖案 上的知覺,圓塊中的淡紅色並不存在於視覺刺激,為視覺所產生的錯覺顏色,而淡 紅色所分佈的圓形邊界,即為錯覺輪廓(illusory contour)

neon color spreading
Only when the red and black lines are perfectly connected do you see the neon spread disk.

Radial line segments whose inward-pointing end produce the illusion of a circle or other figure. The apparent figure has the same color as the background, but appears brighter. A similar effect is obtained in the Kanizsa triangle.

The contour illusion above is sometimes known as the Ehrenstein illusion.

對於該現象分析,較早的研究著重於探討形成錯覺的必要條件,例如在圖形結構方 面,若具色彩的線條與不具色彩的線條不在同一直線上,或是兩類線條沒有連接在 一起,則錯覺會因之減弱或消失。在明度對比方面,則發現不具色彩的線條與背景 的對比,必須大於具色彩的線條與背景的對比,以圖一為例,在白底的情況下,黑 色的格子嵌入紅色的十字可產生錯覺,若為淡灰色的格子嵌入鮮明的紅色十字,則 不能產生霓虹顏色擴散。

根據上述產生錯覺的必要條件,對於霓虹顏色擴散所涉及的視覺訊息處理機制,有 兩類看法與其相符。

第一類的看法蓋為視皮質V2的端點細胞(end-stopped cell),可能 與霓虹顏色擴散的形成有關。端點細胞的接受閾(receptive field)是長條形的結構,具 有方位選擇性,對於符合偏好方位的線段,若由極短逐漸增加長度,起先反應會隨 長度之增長而增加,但是當長度超過某一極限之後,則反應反而變小;換言之,端 點細胞之接受域的末端,若受到相同方位的刺激,會產生抑制的作用。若以圖一為 例,黑色線條與紅色線條必須在同一直線上相連,才可使得端點細胞產生抑制反應 ,而且黑色線條與背景的對比較強,才可產生較大的抑制反應,因此端點細胞的反 應特性,與上述產生錯覺的必要條件相符。

第二類的看法也與抑制作用有關,但是 蓋為抑制作用是產生於兩神經細胞之間;亦即接受閾的位置相近,並且具有相同偏 好方位的兩細胞之間,具有互相抑制的作用。

霓虹顏色擴散所形成的知覺,具有深度分層(depth stratification)的現象,具錯覺顏色 的半透明部份,被看成是覆蓋於其他部份之上,因此學者們推測該錯覺現象可能與 深度有關,除了可在二維空間(2D)作觀察,若對於2D錯覺圖形給予雙眼像差(bino- cular disparity),在三維空間(3D)之具有深度的情況下加以觀察,應可有助於霓虹顏 色擴散錯覺的瞭解。例如將圖一紅色十字之水平線條的位置,向右略作平移,製成 左眼圖,同理將紅色水平線向左平移,製成右眼圖,所得的一對立體圖(stereogram) 具有正像差。若以左眼看左眼圖,而右眼看右眼圖,並且將左眼圖與右眼圖加以融 (fusion),則會產生半透明的淡紅色圓塊浮出於前的3D錯覺。然而若將左眼圖與右 眼圖交換位置,得到負像差的立體圖,則不能看到淡紅色的圓塊;亦即經由深度線 索的操弄,可影響霓虹顏色擴散的產生。因此,只考墦具方位選擇性細胞之內或之 間的抑制作用,亦即只考墦與形狀有關的視覺處理,對於解釋錯覺的產生仍有所不 足。



知覺心理學家將錯覺的「邊」(illusory edge),錯覺的「亮度」(illusory brightness)及錯覺的「重疊線索」(illusory interposition cue)三者視為錯覺輪廓形成的三個要件。但史蒂芬斯的病例報告卻顯示,沒有這些條件錯覺輪廓依然可以形成。愈來愈多的研究指出,錯覺的亮度和錯覺的重疊線索都不過是一種副現象。錯覺輪廓的形成主因,可能還有透過人類的認知系統,對外界的刺激做了組織與解釋之後所得的結果。戴依(Day)及約瑞(Jory)早在19781980年以較明確的說法說明錯覺輪廓的辨認需經過兩階段:其一是局部神經細胞的反應;其次則是對各局部反應作加成。1986年黃榮村等人更進一步說明,即錯覺輪廓的辨認歷程與真實輪廓相近,輪廓之辨認同樣是經過兩個步驟:一、眼睛對外界刺激之進入以一種稀薄化的歷程(thinning of contour)登錄,即刺激以不連續的方式被接受;二、透過取樣運\算(sampling algorithm)辨識出稀薄化的輪廓。

取樣運\算有三個階段:()首先找軸心元素(pivotal elements),對三角形而言,「角」是軸心線索;()找輔助線索(confirming elements),找尋與軸心線索緊鄰的區域,看是否有輔助線索存在,以支持該輪廓之形成;()圖形整合(integration),即軸心與輔助線索間是否能整合出一有意義的圖形,以達成圖形辨識。基本上,軸心與輔助線索愈多,圖形辨識愈容易。此輪廓辨認之假說,稱為「輪廓稀薄化假說」,在行為層次可以說明真實輪廓和錯覺輪廓的辨認歷程,有待進一步蒐集生理和物理方面的證據驗證之。



Count the black dots ;-)
Hermann\'s grid
In this grid, you can see dark shadows flickering at the intersections of the white lines. This is a beautiful brightness illusion caused by lateral inhibition in the retina. The response of a visual neuron looking at the intersection is suppressed by the surrounding white regions than that of the other neurons. As a result, the region at the intersection appears darker than the other regions. It may be difficult to see the illusory dark shadow at the intersection in the center of your gaze. This is because in the center of your visual field the spatial area to which visual neurons respond (receptive field) is very small and the spatial area in which lateral inhibition occurs is too small to cause this illusion.
白色線條中怎麼好像有小灰點的存在?這是因為每一條白線都被黑色方塊包圍,這個黑色跟它對比的結果使他看起來更白,但在交叉的十字路口中,因為交點只有接觸到方塊的角落, 中央的對比較少,所以看起來不這麼白,於是交點的中央就出現了灰點了。同樣的道理,黑線的中央看來好像有一個白點一樣。



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作者:ebola 留言时间:2008-05-05 18:19:56
下一個將要介紹illusion movement,不用任何動作,圖就動給你看~~小心引起眼睛嚴重錯亂 :D
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作者:gege 留言时间:2008-05-05 05:47:09
scroll the page up and down, 第二幅画还会波浪般地摆动。:)
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· 催眠
· 永夜的魔咒
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