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Tristan and Iseult 2008-07-23 08:31:00


Tristan and Iseult崔斯坦和伊索德是從中世紀以來流傳久遠的賽爾特傳說,這傳說出現於12世紀,在漫長的世紀中一代傳過一代有許多不同的版本,最終被吸納入更為知名的亞瑟王傳奇裡,甚至輾轉加入了圓桌武士,成為亞瑟王的座上賓。雖然詳細的故事不同,但整體情節結構仍然很相(除了馬克王得應帥哥形象的合理化而ooxx)。音樂家華格納曾據此故事傳說改編成為膾炙人口的歌劇,甚至今年好萊塢也把這個故事搬上了大螢幕。劇情中的婚外情可能影響了亞瑟王傳奇裡頭眾多騎士、公主們的浪漫故事像   Lancelot  Guinevere,或莎士比亞的《羅密歐與茱莉葉》。




La Belle Isolde, Frederick Sandys


Isolde: (Iseult, Isola, Yseult)
An Irish princess, Isolde fell in love with
Tristan on her way to marry King Mark of Cornwall. To meet Tristan in secret, Isolde\'s faithful maid replaced her in the royal bed. However the King later discovered them sleeping together but mercifully all he did was exchange his sword for Tristan\'s. Tristan left for Brittany where he married unhappily. Later, in reponse to his plea to help heal his battle wounds, she sailed to Brittany but his jealous wife convinced him that Isolde did not come so he killed himself. Isolde died of a broken heart.



Tristan這個字在拉丁文裡面就是「悲傷」的意思,Tristan Loonois 國王 Rivalen Blanchefleur (Cornwall 國王 Mark 的姊妹)的兒子\"Tristan\" 是哀傷 (=\"sad\")的意思,因為他出生時母親難產而死(He is thus destined to sorrow tristesse),然後家人被愛爾蘭人殺害,他由叔叔馬克王扶養長大。




Morholt Fights Tristan, Julek Heller, 1990 


一次戰鬥中他殺死了愛爾蘭的第一騎士 Morholt(有故事說是公主伊索德的未婚夫,也有說是她的叔叔),他本人也身負重傷,乘船海上漂流,恰好為伊索德所救,兩人漸生情愫,但伊索德終究發現Trista正是殺害親人的兇手,她卻無法痛下狠手只得讓傷癒的Tristan離去。




不久,時值愛爾蘭國內出現一頭食人惡龍,四處為患,愛爾蘭國王為了除去惡獸,答應把自己的女兒作為獎賞嫁給屠龍英雄。正巧馬克王一日夢見兩隻燕子從子愛爾蘭銜來一縷金髮,遂許願要娶愛爾蘭公主金髮伊索爾德為妻。崔斯坦為了完成舅舅的心願,遠赴愛爾蘭,殺死惡龍,贏得公主回康沃爾。新娘離去前,善於調製魔藥的王后,特別調製出一瓶「愛情魔藥 magic potion」,交代侍女好好保管,在新婚之夜讓伊索德和馬克國王喝下,讓女兒和未來夫婿能幸福恩愛,王后還囑咐千萬不可讓不相干的人喝了,否則後果不堪設想。




Yseult, Sir Frank Dicksee


但迎親船在海上漂蕩中,崔斯坦和 Isolde 還是陰錯陽差的誤喝了「愛情魔藥」。




Tristant et Yseult buvant le filtre d’amour

Source : BNF, Manuscrits (Fr. 112 fol. 239)

收集有關下棋故事的場景 http://www.jmrw.com/Chess/Tableau_echecs/index.htm


有的版本說是他們海上航行下棋解悶中隨侍誤送↑,華格納 Richard Wagner 的版本則描述為他們誤以為是毒酒,各自一番激情  ↓http://www.complit.fju.edu.tw/complit/course/020501/Tristan.htm 




Tristan and Isolde Sharing the Potion by John William Waterhouse - 1916





Tristan and Isolde by John Duncan


從此情難自已一發不可收拾(the nephew and the uncle\'s bride find themselves fatally committed to loving each other.....



Marriage of Mark and Isolde. (stained glass), Edward Burne-Jones




Tristan and Isolde




By: Hugues Merle, 1870.




Tristan and La Belle Isoude  by D. G. Rossetti  





Tristan And Isolde (design For The Ballet Mad Tristan, 1944) by Salvador Dali



婚後伊索德趁著馬克王外出打獵與崔斯坦私會,終於被馬克王發現,馬克王在愛與痛心中搖擺,最後終於諒了妻子,而將Tristan 流放到 Brittany 三年 (in Broul: because effect of love potion disappears after three years)




By: Lord Frederic Leighton

這是一個朋友最喜歡的Pre-Raphaelites畫作Tristan and Isolde是他印象最深的俠義/浪漫愛情故事.........



Tristan Brittany 找到了一個也叫 Isolde 的女孩結婚可是始終忘不了正版的 Isolde真是沒事找無辜的第三者的麻煩  

Tristan, separated from his beloved Yseut, travelled to Brittany, and there he met Yseut of the White Hands. He agreed to marry her, according to the poet Thomas \"because she was beautiful and because her name was Yseut\". But on their wedding night, remembering his golden-haired Yseut, he was unable to consummate the marriage. http://www.outremer.co.uk/eliduc.html





The Madness of Sir Tristan, Sir Edward Burne-Jones, 1862



在一次戰鬥中,Tristan 受了毒傷,只有Mark 老婆Isolde能救治。他送訊給 Isode請她前來,並要信差在回航時送個暗號,若是Isolde在船上,揚白帆;若是 Isolde 不來,揚黑帆。




Live in forest of Morrois.


Isolde的船終於出現在海平線上的那一天Tristan傷太重了,已無法起身探視了。他的妻子嫉妒,謊稱船回來是揚黑帆。當Isolde 趕到時 Tristan 已在絕望中撐不下去,Isolde也在看到愛人長眠後心碎而死。



The Death of Tristram by Marianne Stokes






Mackenzie, T[homas]. \"Tristram Carried His Love Away\" from: Arthur and His Knights by Christine Chaundler. London: Nisbet and Co. Ltd., n.d. [1920?].      


















Pre-Raphaelite Women http://faculty.pittstate.edu/~knichols/flaming2b.html

The Medieval Conception of Love http://people.westminstercollege.edu/faculty/mmarkowski/212/class-site/piper/PLBwebproject.html


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