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  您想把生活中曾有過的 "感動" 留在哪? 我幸而擁有許多感動,那怕在46億年的分子演化中,它只是 …
木乃伊與疾病 2008-10-30 05:35:31


據傳說埃及的一個法老王 Menes (西元先 3100-3000),因黃蜂叮咬的過敏而成木乃伊。雖然該事件的細節不是很清楚,但這象徵黃蜂的象形文字就這麼永遠的銘刻在法老王的碑文中。雖然仍有些爭議,認為河馬的象形文字和黃蜂粉像,而支持Menes應該是英勇的被憤怒的河馬撞死的。 


1st Dynasty King Menes from Narmer\'s tablet discovered by James Quibell in Hierakonpolis in 1897.
Fayum Chief, according to Petrie, The Making of Egypt, 1939, p. 87
Libya. The appearance of the Fayum is dated at 5000 B.C., and their disappearance around 4000 B.C. The skulls of these people, are all dolichocephalic and Mediterranean. There is no trace of negroid influence, and the skulls are said to be larger than those of predynastic Egyptians.

Some historians claim that Egypt\'s first pharaoh, Menes, was killed by a wasp\'s sting.


巧合吧!連續看到好些古埃及的木乃伊和壁刻等保存的人類疾病史,除了上述腫鼻法老 Menes (或 Narmer)外,還有在 The Origins of Virology (http://www.microbiologybytes.com/introduction/introduction.html) 用這些當成病毒學歷史的開場白。。。。


For a fun view of the history of virology visit:

The Virology Time Machine





Perhaps the first written record of a virus infection consists of a heiroglyph from Memphis, the capital of ancient Egypt, drawn in approximately 3700BC, which depicts a temple priest called Ruma showing typical clinical signs of paralytic poliomyelitis.






The Pharaoh Siptah ruled Egypt from 1200-1193 BC when he died suddenly at the age of about 20. His mummified body laid undisturbed in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings until 1905 when the tomb was excavated. The mummy shows that his left leg was withered and his foot was rigidly extended like a horse\'s hoof - classic paralytic poliomyelitis.




The Pharoh Ramses V, who died in 1196BC, is believed to have succumbed to smallpox - compare the pustular lesions on the face of the mummy & those of more recent patients.






Pott disease is a presentation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis that affects the spine, a kind of tuberculous arthritis of the intervertebral joints. It is named after Percivall Pott (1714-1788), a London surgeon. Scientifically, it is called tuberculous spondylitis and it is most commonly localized in the thoracic portion of the spine.






A 3,000-year-old prosthesis


This artificial big toe, which was found on the foot of an ancient Egyptian mummy, has been dated to 1069- 664 BCE, and is on display at the Cairo Museum in Egypt.

Researchers from Manchester University\'s KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology have made a replica of the prosthesis to determine whether or not it was of any practical use.

They are seeking volunteers who have had their right toe amputated, in order to test their replica.

\"If we can prove it was functional then we will have pushed back prosthetic medicine by as much as 700 years,\" said lead researcher Jacky Finch.




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