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路克索阿蒙神殿(The Temple of Amun at Luxor) 2009-10-16 07:47:06


佇立在Luxor市區內,Luxor神廟伴隨著埃及興盛、凋零。Luxor神廟原與Karnak神廟相通,歷代法老均會在這兩座神廟加蓋屬於自己的建物,導致兩座神廟規模愈來愈龐大,其中又以Karnak神廟較大,是埃及最大的神廟。 不同於卡納克神殿炫耀般的雄偉、熱鬧,路克索神殿多了一份寧靜的氣氛。長達260盧克索阿蒙神殿(The Temple of Amun at Luxo,1408-1300 B.C.)最能證明盧克索輝煌的過去,不像其他神殿是方型或長方型,路克索神廟屬於細長型,它是由三代法老修建,整個區域佔地約25公頃,包括二十幾座神殿及十座塔門。




Luxor Temple











The Avenue at Sphinxes at dusk - A 3km avenue of sphinxes once joined Luxor and Karnak Temples














在上個世紀被分開的兩座方尖碑命咤漠悾尘耙r托得形象也大不相同 協和廣場被譽為是世界上最美麗的廣場,盧克索的方尖碑在那裏被重新旋轉在一個很高的基座上。基座和方尖碑碑體的圖案、文字全部金飾,在夜色巴黎中閃閃發光,美輪美奐。現存於盧克索神殿的這座方尖碑以古樸的神殿為背景,方尖碑高25,高於其後的塔門,直鋌而上,顯得更有歷史的沉重感。 








雄偉的大塔門前原來共有六座拉美西斯二世(Ramesses II)的雕像,四個坐著,兩個站立,現在只剩下二個座像和一個不怎麼完整的立像而已。






  盧克索神殿的大門處就是兩座超大的拉姆西斯二世 Ramesses II 坐像,高15.5,置於約1高的基座上。 塔門上的浮雕描繪著拉姆西斯二世的功蹟。











神廟通常有三個主要部份,第一為由牌樓進入的前庭,第二為柱廳 Hypostyle Hall)位於中間,第三則為最內部有一個精緻的聖殿(Sanctuary)記憶體神像、聖船及神器,為杜德摩西三世建於早年之底比斯三神祭堂。這三部份之組合其實和埃及住宅之觀念沒有什麼兩樣。神廟之前庭和住宅之前庭或前室一樣,起居室則等於柱廳,而軸線北邊臥室則為聖殿。在埃及之習俗中,常會在舊有之廟加上新的牌樓及庭於同一個軸線上,所以當一個人在軸線上行進時,他不但是在空間層次上由公共空間一直深入到至尊之聖殿,在時間上,他亦是經過一個時光隧道由廟宇最新之部份進入到最原始之部份。














Main court of Luxor Temple, papyrus bundle and bud columns



神廟始建於驍勇善戰的法老王杜德摩西三世 Tuthmosis III 統治時期 (1479 - 1425 BC),百多年後的 Amenhotep III 加建了一個大庭院 (Court of Amenhotep III) 和神殿 (Santuary of Amenhotep III),在大庭院外是十四支巨型石柱 (Colonnade of Ammenhotep III),相當有氣勢。中王朝之神廟軸線毫無疑問的是平行於尼羅河,但穿過中庭的軸線則開始略為東偏一則以避過此祭堂一則以銜接通往北面卡納克之大道。






到了拉姆西斯二世,神廟再度擴建,加建了一個大前庭於北方 (Great Court of Ramesses II)、一道高大的外牆 (Pylon of Ramesses II) 和豎立了幾尊他的巨像及二個方尖碑。 直到西元前四世紀的亞歷山大大帝時期才完成,供奉當時第比斯 (Thebes) 三神阿蒙睿Amun、祂的妻子繆特 Mut ﹑和祂們的兒子月神 空素Khons。當時主要信奉的神為阿蒙-拉神,就是底比斯地方的阿蒙神與古都曼菲斯的拉神結合的神(據說神因為結合之後法力就會增加),而在新王國的後期,亞歷山大大帝統治埃及時期,將主要城市遷到埃及北方地中海岸邊的亞歷山卓城,往後進入托勒密王朝(也是新王國的後期),埃及的一些神祇還併入希臘的神話中,許多埃及神殿是在當時建造的,例如丹德拉、艾德夫和菲萊神殿,希臘人認定哈托爾女神在希臘就是掌管愛與美的愛芙羅黛蒂女神(Aphrodite)








This statue represents Tutankhamun as Amun and it was discovered in the Karnak temple Cachette in 1904.  The statue is 155cm high and is carved from Limestone.

Luxor Museum, Egypt.




Scene of Queen Hatshepsut
This carving was later destroyed by her stepson Amenhotep III when he ascended the throne


神殿裡許多法老王雕像的臉部被刮傷搗毀,是因信奉基督教時要藉此摧毀人民對法老王的崇拜。神殿前半部的列柱群上建有一個阿布哈格固清真寺,因為19世紀時整座神殿被尼羅河泥沙掩蓋,當時居民便在不知情的狀況下建了清真寺,直到神殿挖出後,才形成現在這般突兀的畫面。 而最內殿還曾被改為基督教堂呢,古埃及的遺址和伊斯蘭建築、基督教教堂三者並存,是很難得一見的,可見三種宗教遺跡是本神殿的特色。







Roman stuccoes in the antechamber of Luxoor Temple

During the Roman period however (30BC -AD337) The temple became a shrine to the Imperial cult and the reliefs of Amenhotep III were plastered over and repainted with Roman figures and have these have recently been restored.









Dusk at the temple. The mosque you can see is the Mosque of Abu-al-Haggag, built in the 13th century. It is interesting in that it is quite high up in the picture compared to the other parts of the temple. This is because the annual Nile floods deposited such a load of silt over the centuries that the builders of the mosque really didn't realise completely what was below them. Excavcations which have been in progress for over 100 years have removed this silt, so the mosque sits high up on its own pedestal within the temple walls.




1. The great pylon of Ramses II

2. The great court of Ramses II, which includes a shrine to Thutmose   III.

3. The mosque of Sufi Shaykh Yusuf Abu al-Hajjaj

4. The Pylon and colonnade of Amonhotep III.

5. The court of Amonhotep III

6. Hypostyle hall

7. The chapel of Alexander the Great.

8. Holy of Holies - Sanctuary





The reliefs in the temple, some of which were left by Alexander the Great, showed up really well under the lighting.  This one depicts offerings being made.



Alexander the Great
A carving of Alexander the Great at Luxor Temple. The cartouche between the two carvings show Alexander's name.



That is the cartouche of Alexander the Great!




Alexander entered Egypt in 332 BC, and was warmly welcomed by its people, who had been living under the oppressive rule of the Persians. The Egyptians immediately handed the crown of Egypt to Alexander the Great, proclaiming him a god. He submitted to the Egyptian ceremonies, even going so far as to wear Egyptian dress.




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