果与因相似,同类或相似的果法,前法为后法开导,持续不断地从生命之树中流出,被称为等流果。前法为后法开导是说,前善果引后善法相继,被牵引的后果与前因相似;前无记业引流后无记业同类跟随;前念恶行招引后面的恶业相继,果似因而流出。此果虽然是以前意识为主导,圣人说,应当考虑这是心整体的功能,八种识中都有等流果。 The fruits are similar to the causes; same category or similar species, formers lead succeeders, continually flow out, which are called equally stream fruits. The former guides the latter, which means that the previous benevolent fruits induce later benevolent laws to succeed, the led latter fruits are similar to the front reason; the former memoryless karma induce later same categories memoryless karma to follow; the former evil behaviors induce later ferocious behaviors to come, similar to reason fruits flow out. Although these fruits are dominated by preconsciousness, sage said that it should be considered as function of the whole mind, and eight senses all have equally stream fruits. 在因果关系的分析中,等流因由三种因构成:遍行因、相应因、同类因。遍行因是说心所有法中的五位遍行法(参见11.小节),无处不在,可以为因。此处以前意识为例,当前意识生起时,与其相应的18位心所有法(参见11.4.5.1-1小节)会相应而起,此即相应因。同时,意处(即前意识)中的胜者招引分布在三界九地(参见插图11.6.2)的同类来分食异熟果中的可爱果;此即同类因。 In the analysis of causality, three types of reasons cause equally stream fruits; the three are omnipresent reason, correlation reason, and same category reason. Omnipresent reason, that is saying of the five Omnipresent Heartland Laws (refer to section; the five laws belong to heart, are pervasively exist in any time and space, can be reason. Correlation reason is saying that 18 correlative laws (refer to section 11.4.5-2) with preconsciousness; they arouse along preconsciousness, can be reason. Same category reason is saying that the 18 correlative laws summon their own species in three boundaries nine lands (refer to illustration 11.0) to come and enjoy lovable fruits, this can be reason. 广义上讲,等流果亦是异熟果;五果中的异熟果、士用果和增上果,都可以通摄一切因果。五果的区分需从依处着眼:习气依处得异熟果;随顺依处得等流果;士用依处得士用果;真见依处得离系果;所余依处得增上果。 In a broad sense, the Equally Stream Fruits are Mutant Fruits also; among the five fruits, mutant fruit, equally stream fruit, warrior usage fruit, and escalatory fruit are very broad, each can generally assimilate all causalities. To distinguish the five fruits, studier should look at dependent places: habitual dependent places gain Mutant Fruit; going along, agreeable dependent places gain Equally Stream Fruit; warrior usage dependent places gain Warrior Usage Fruit; true view dependent places gain Off-be Fruit; all other dependent places gain Escalatory Fruit. 
Use the cause and effect of ten evils and ten goodness to comprehend the Equal-Stream Fruits 一、杀生因果,杀生之罪,能令众生堕三恶道(即地狱道、恶鬼道、畜生道;如图11.6.2中的22、21、和20所示)。若生人中,得二种果报,短命,多病。若离杀生,即得成就十离恼法,1、于诸众生普施无畏;2、常于众生起大慈心;3、永断一切嗔恚习气;4、身常无病、5、长寿、6、恒为非人之所守护;7、常无恶梦,寝觉快乐;8、灭除怨结,众怨自解;9、无恶道怖;10、命终生天。 The cause and effect of killing, the crime of killing can cause sentient beings to fall into the three ferocious paths (those are hell path, livestock path, and hungry ghost path, as shown in illustration 11.6.2-20 to 22). If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution, short life, and many diseases. On the contrary, If you avoid killing, you will achieve the ten methods of avoiding afflictions: 1. Give all living beings universal fearlessness; 2. Always have great merciful heart for all living beings; 3. Cut off all the habits of anger forever; 4. Always be free from disease; 5. Live long; 6. Always be guarded by non-human beings; 7. Always have no nightmares, and sleep happily; 8. Eliminate resentment knots, and all grievances will be resolved by themselves; 9. No fear of ferocious paths; 10. Escalating to heaven when time ends. 二、偷盗之因果,劫盗之罪,亦使众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:贫穷,共财不得自在。若离偷盗,即得十种信法:1、资财盈积;2、多人爱念;3、人不欺负;4、十方赞美;5、不忧损害;6、善名流布;7、处众无畏;8、财命色力,安乐辩才,具足无缺;9、常怀施意;10、命终生天。 The cause and effect of stealing, the crime of thieves and robbery, also makes living beings fall into the three ferocious paths (those are hell path, livestock path, and hungry ghost path, as shown in illustration 11.6.2-20 to 22). If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution: poverty, and not being comfortable with common wealth. On the contrary, If you avoid stealing, you will have the ten kinds of beliefs; 1. Accumulate wealth; 2. Many people love you; 3. Nobody bullies you; 4. Being praised on ten directions; 5. Don’t worry about being damaged; 6. Good fame spreads; 7. Being fearless in crowds; 8. No shortage on wealth, life, power, ease, and eloquence; 9. Often bosom with charitable intentions; 10. Escalating to heaven when dies. 三、邪淫之因果,邪淫之罪,亦令众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:妻子不贞洁,不得随意眷属。若离邪淫,即得四种智所赞法:1、诸根调顺;2、永离喧掉;3、为世称叹;4、妻莫能侵。 The cause and effect of sexual misconduct, the crime of adultery, also makes sentient beings fall into the three ferocious paths (those are hell path, livestock path, and hungry ghost path, as shown in illustration 11.6.2-20 to 22). If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution: wife is not chaste, and they are not followed by relatives. If you stay away from sexual misconduct, you will get praise of four kinds of wisdom: 1. Harmonize your roots; 2. Stay away from noise forever; 3. Be praised by the world; 4 Wife not being harassed. 四、妄语之因果,妄语之罪,亦令众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:多被诽谤,为他所诳。若离妄语,即得八种天所赞法:1、口常清净,如优钵华香;2、为诸世间之所信服;3、发言成证,人天敬爱;4、常以爱语安慰众生;5、得胜意乐,三业清净;6、言无误失,心常欢喜;7、发言尊重,人天奉行;8、智慧殊胜,无能制伏。 The cause and effect of deceitful language, the crime of lying, also makes sentient beings fall into the three ferocious paths. If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution: being slandered a lot, and they will be deceived by others. If you stay away from lying, you will get eight kinds of praises from skies: 1. Your mouth is always immaculate, like a bowl of flower fragrance; 2. You can convince the world; 3. Each of your saying can be proved, being respected by humans and skies; 4. Often with lovable language to comfort all sentient beings; 5. Gain laugh of victorious intentionality, bodily orally and intentionally karmas are immaculate; 6. No oral mistake, with a constantly delighted heart; 7. Sayings are respected and obeyed by humans and skies; 8. With special victorious gnosis, no one can refute. 五、绮语之因果,绮语之罪,亦令众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:言人不信,语不明了。若离绮语,即得成就三种决定:1、定为智人所爱;2、定能以智,如实答问;3、定于人天威德最胜,无有虚妄。 The cause and effect of floral speech, the crime of frivolous speech, also can cause sentient beings to fall into the three ferocious paths. If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution: sayings aren’t trustworthy, and the words are not clear. If you leave floral speeches, you will achieve three certainties: 1. Be loved by wise people; 2. With wisdom, you can answer questions truthfully; 3. It is sure that your majesties are the most victorious among humans and skies. 六、恶口之因果,恶口之罪,亦令众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:常闻恶声,言多诤讼。若离恶口,即得成就八种净业:1、言不乖度;2、言皆利益;3、言必契理;4、言词美妙;5、言可承领;6、言则信用;7、言无可讥;8、言尽爱乐。 The cause and effect of ferocious speech, the crime of ferocious speeches, also can make sentient beings fall into the three ferocious paths. If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution: often hear ferocious voices, and speeches often cause admonishment and litigation. If you avoid ferocious speech, you achieve eight kinds of immaculate karma: 1. Words are not going by convenience; 2. Speeches are beneficial; 3. Words match to principles definitely; 4. Words and speeches are wonderfully beautiful; 5. Speeches can be accepted and recited worthy; 7. Speeches with no word to ridicule; 8. Speeches are loved and enjoyed by all. 七、两舌之因果,两舌之罪,亦令众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:眷属乖离,亲族弊恶。若离两舌,即得五种不可坏法:1、得不坏身,无能害故;2、得不坏眷属,无能破故;3、得不坏信,顺本业故;4、得不坏法行,所修坚固故,5、得不坏善知识,不诳惑故。 The cause and effect of two-tongue, the crime of entangling speech, sowing discord, also make sentient beings fall into the three ferocious paths. If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution: families are alienated conveniently, and relatives are deceitfully ferocious. If you get rid of the two tongues, you will get the five kinds of indestructible laws: 1. Your body cannot be destroyed because none can harm it; 2. You can get indestructible family because no one can split it; 3 Gain indestructible belief because that is yielded from original karma; 4 Gain indestructible juristic resolution because the cultivation is solid; 5. Gain indestructible benevolent knowledge because you are not deceitful and suspicious. 八、贪欲之因果,贪欲之罪,亦令众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:心不知足,多欲无厌。若离贪欲,即得成就五种自在:1、三业自在,诸根具足故;2、财物自在,一切怨贼,不能夺故;3、福德自在,随心所欲,物皆备故;4、王位自在,珍奇妙物,皆奉献故;5、所获之物,过本所求,百倍殊胜,由于昔时,不悭嫉故。 The cause and effect of greed, the crime of greedily desire, also makes sentient beings fall into the three ferocious paths. If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution: dissatisfied heart doesn’t know contentment, and insatiable heart always with many desires. If you are free from greed, you will achieve five kinds of self-sufficiency: 1. The three karmas (i.e., bodily karma, oral karma, and intentional karma) are self-sufficient, because you are fully with all roots (i.e., the 22 roots, refer to section 11.6.5); 2. Assets are self-sufficient because all resentful thieves cannot take those away; 3. Fortune and virtue are self-sufficient, you can do whatever you want, because everything is ready; 4. Throne is self-sufficient, because all precious and wonderful things contribute themselves; 5. What you get is a hundred times better than what you want, because in the past, you were not stingy and jealous. 九、嗔恚之因果,恚嗔之罪,亦令众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:常被他人求其长短,常被于他之所恼害。若离嗔恚,即得八种喜悦心法:1、无损害心;2、无嗔恚心;3、无诤讼心;4、柔和质直心;5、得圣者慈心;6、常作利益,安众生心;7、身相端严,众共尊敬;8、以和忍故,速生仙境。 The cause and effect of irritated hate, the crime of irritation, also makes sentient beings fall into the three ferocious paths. If they are born among humans, they will get two kinds of retribution: often being judged long or short by others, and often being annoyed by others. If you stay away from irritation, you will have eight joyful heartland laws: 1. No harmful heart; 2. No irritated hatred heart; 3. Not having admonishment or litigation heart; 7. Bodily appearance is decent, is respected by all; 8. Due to harmonious countenance, you enter fairyland quickly. 十、邪见之因果,邪见之罪,亦令众生堕三恶道。若生人中,得二种果报:生邪见家,其心谄曲。若离邪见,即得成就十功德法:1、得真善意乐,及真善等侣;2、深信因果,宁殒身命,终不作恶;3、唯归依佛,非余天等;4、直心正见,永离一切之吉凶疑网;5、常生人天,更不在于恶道;6、无量福慧,转更增胜;7、永离邪道,行于正道;8、不起身见,舍诸恶业;9、住无碍见;10、不堕诸难。 The cause and effect of heretical views, and the crime of heretical views, also make sentient beings fall into the three ferocious paths. If they are born among human beings, they will get two kinds of retribution: they will be born into a heretical family, and their heart will be flattering. If you stay away from heretical views, you will be able to achieve ten fortunate and virtuous laws: 1. Get true benevolent intentional laugh, and truth benevolence etc. companions; 2. Believe in cause and effect of Four Cruxes, rather perish not to do ferocity; 3. Only conversion to Buddha, not other skies etc.; 4. Straight-forward heart with righteous views, leave all the nets of good bad omen and suspicion; 5. Constantly be born among humans and skies, never among ferocious paths; 6. Infinite fortunate gnosis, turning more and more victorious; 7. Always stay away from ferocious paths and walk in the correct paths; 8. Not arousing Translocation-Body-View (i.e., Seth View, refers to section11., giving up all ferocious views; 9. Intent dwells on non-hindrance views; 10. Not falling into difficulties. ↪️返回第11章🎄生命之树的目录↪️Back to Catalog of Chapter 11🎄Tree of Life