王玉山大舅的女儿王刚在东北大学的研究生院工作。我刚入学辽宁分院时,她给我介绍分院的辅导员腾超。当时我的举动怠慢,不愿意认识新人。大姐对此气愤,在家里叨咕那事,说我像傻子似的,也不知道转身走几步,满脸不愿意人家的样子。 Yushan Wang is my uncle. His daughter Gang Wang worked at the graduate school of Northeastern University. When I first enrolled in the Liaoning branch, she introduced me to Chao Teng, the branch's counselor; at the time, I acted lazily and was reluctant to know new people. Sister Gang Wang was angry about this, and chattered about it at home, saying that I was like a fool, and didn't know how to turn around and walk a few steps forward, with a face full of unwillingness to people. 大舅听了后,生气地说:“你才傻呐!卢岩是农村来的,家里的大人不懂这个。你这个当姐姐的应该好好教导,你抱怨什么!” 王刚走到我跟前说:“听见没!?人家说我不够资格教,你得赶快向你大舅请教!耽误了大事可不得了!” 舅妈大笑着说:“正是!我看这个任务就交给你这个当舅舅的了!” After hearing that, Uncle Yushan Wang said angrily: "You're the one who's stupid! Luyan is from the countryside, the adults in the family don't understand this. You as a sister should teach it well, what are you complaining about!" Sister Gang Wang walked up to me and said: "Heard that! People say I'm not qualified enough to teach, you have to quickly ask your great uncle for advice! It's a big deal if you delay the great affair!" Auntie smiled broadly and said: "Exactly! I think this task is to you as an uncle!"

(1) 一天,大舅对大舅妈说:“我都观察卢岩这几个月了,他随它们老卢家人,老实!他们老卢家人都这样儿。” 又对我说:“你的眼睛里没坏人(注1)。我也是个老实人,所以我理解你。你大姐说的社会上那套,对你不适用。你做事应该从本性出发,直来直去,正而八经地做事。现代社会流行现用人,现交。直来直去,正正经经的,在社会上不受欢迎;但从长远来看,这种直来直去的做事方法也不差,一样可以混得不错。” One day, Uncle Wang said to aunt: "I've been observing Luyan for several months now, he's just like their old Lu family, honest! The old Lu family are all like that." Then he said to me: "There are no bad people in your eyes (annotation 1). I'm also an honest person, so I understand you. What your elder sister Gang Wang said social etiquette doesn't apply to you. You should do things based on your nature, go straight, and do things upright. In modern society, it is popular to use people now and make friends now. Being straight and formal is not popular in society; but in the long run, this straight and formal way of doing affairs is not bad, and you can get along just as well." 注5.3-1,我小时候,我爸爸也这么说我。后文8.7节我的那位室友,来自国务院的警察也这么说我。他说,这世界上 “好人” 可不多,也许能有五、六个;能认识你是我的荣幸。再后文,9. 5节的意大利人梭椤也说我是好人。他还说, “好人(Good Man)的眼里没坏人,可能全世界才有几十个。” 我是从梭椤知道英语中的 “Good Man” 一词的。 Annotation 5.3-1, when I was a child, my father said the same about me. My roommate, a police officer from the State Council, also said the same thing about me in Section 8.7 below. He said that there are not many "good people" in this world, maybe five or six; it is my honor to know you. Later in the text, the Italian Sal Fasullo in Section 9.5 also said that I am a good man. He also said, "There is no bad people in the eyes of a good man. There may be only a few dozen in the world." I learned the word "Good Man" in English from Sal Fasullo. (2) 大舅说:“我年轻时,刚刚步入社会,也不懂。那时候,刚解放(1950年代),我刚从农村来沈阳。东北大学刚建校,我在伙食科当大师傅(厨师,副科长)。我们科长老刘(即刘团长)看我们不注重接人待物,没事时,就训练我们这个。人的模样好看赖看咱不说,那老刘利索,举止有度,看了让人赏心悦目。” Uncle said: “When I was young, just entered society and didn't understand. At that time, just after liberation (1950s), I had just come to Shenyang from the countryside. Northeastern University had just been established, and I was working as a master chef (cook, deputy section chief) in the catering section. Our section chief Liu (i.e., Troupe Leader Liu) saw us do not pay attention to the reception of people, when nothing else, would train us this. The appearance of a person is good-looking or ugly, let's not talk about it. That old Liu is neat, with a demeanor, is pleasing to the eyes.” 说着,他开始给我表演,接人待物。遇见了认识的人,主动向前走几步,热情地握手,抖动五六次。然后,后退一两步,站直。两手下放到裤线处,手指并拢(要有动作)。态度庄重。再由庄严的表情变成笑脸,才开始说话,等等。 As he spoke, he began to put on a show for me, how to treat people and things. When meeting someone you know, taking the initiative to walk a few steps forward, shaking hands warmly, and shaking your hand five or six times. Then, taking a step or two back and standing up straight. Place your hands down to the line of your trousers and keep your fingers together (to make the moves). Solemn attitude. Then he changed from a solemn expression to a smiling face, after that began to speak, and so on. 大舅说:“人家老刘(即刘团长)在大街上,离30、50米远看见了认识的人,就这样(给我表演)。人家的朋友就多,混得开!卢岩,你啥样(大舅展示我的行为表情,如图5.3.2-1)。卢岩!人家都到你跟前了,你还待答不礼的,慢慢腾腾地,张着嘴,满脸无知!人家一看,这是啥人?傻!” Uncle said: "The man Old Liu (i.e. Troupe Leader Liu) in the street, 30, 50 meters away, saw people he knows; just like this (showing me). He has a lot of friends, and with a good fame! Luyan, what do you look like (Uncle showed my behavioral expression; see fig. 5.3.2-1). Lu Yan! People are in front of you, but you are still waiting to answer, ignoring their presence, slow, with your mouth open, full of ignorance! People look at you, "What kind of person is this? Stupid!"

大舅说:“人家老刘,半个小时,两个小时就能交一个朋友!你,卢岩!人家看见,傻!不礼你!在一个地方时间长了,呃!卢岩这人不傻呀!但是,在人家的头脑里,以前你是傻子!那第一印象可不好改变啊!不过时间长了,它也能变,那得需要半年。前后要半年时间,人家才对待你像个正常的人:卢岩不傻,是个老实人,挺好的。卢岩呐!人一辈子有几个半年!?人家别人用三、五分钟,十天半个月交一个朋友;你用半年交一个。你说,你说!你这辈子能在什么水平上混!?” Uncle said: "The Old Liu, can make a friend in half an hour, two hours! You, Luyan! People see, silly! Ignoring you! Having been in the same place for a long time! Ahaa! Luyan is not stupid! But in people's minds, you used to be stupid! That first impression can't be easily changed! But it can change over time. It takes half a year. It takes half a year before they treat you like a normal person: Luyan is not stupid, he's an honest man, he's good. Luyan! How many halves a year is there in a person's life? Other people use three or five minutes, ten days and half a month to make a friend; you use half a year to make a friend. Tell me! At what level can you live in your life!?" 大舅妈看我被训得两眼含泪,对大舅说:“那你给卢岩讲,讲讲!就好好说呗!你干嘛还损损哒哒地呀!” 大舅对大舅妈大叫:“你要讲,你就讲!你不讲!我讲,你就别插嘴!”又跺脚对大舅妈说:“我是想让他记住!他这一辈子都给我牢牢地记住!” Seeing that I was admonished with tears in my eyes, Aunt said to Uncle: "Then you tell Luyan, tell him! Just say it properly! Why are you still being so disparaging?" Uncle yelled at Aunt: "If you want to tell him, you tell him! If you don't! I talk, so you don't interrupt!" Then he stomped his foot and said to aunt: "I want him to remember! I want him to remember it for the rest of his life!" (3) 大舅说:“我特别捉摸你这事儿很长时间了!总结出一套适合你接人待物的方式。人家老刘那套你学不来!因为你不是那种性格。你和我的性格一样,我也是老实人。你看老刘那套我模仿得好,我以前经常练习,但我这辈子一次也没用上过!” Uncle said: "I've been trying to figure you out for a long time! Summarized a set of manners that are suitable for you to treat with people. You can't learn from Old Liu's manner! Because you are not that kind of personality. You and I have the same personality, I am also honest. You see Old Liu's set of manners I imitate well, I used to practice a lot, but I have never used it once in my life!" 大舅说:“人家老刘的交际圈50米远;卢岩,你应该努力把握住5米的范围。人家都到你跟前了,你不能不搭理人家呀!” 说着,大舅就开始讲他给我简化了的见面礼节。 Uncle said: "The Old Liu's social circle is 50 meters away; Luyan, you should try to grasp the 5-meter range. People are in front of you, you should not ignore them ah!" Uncle began to talk about the meeting etiquette that he had simplified for me. 大舅说:“我发现了,你不爱笑。你不喜欢笑的原因是你的牙齿颜色有些黄。卢岩!那你这习惯得引起多少误会呀!这习惯一定得改。牙齿不好,你得对着镜子,练出你的一套笑脸来。不改!你这辈子就可能因为你的牙齿有点儿颜色给耽误了。这哪儿行啊!” Uncle said: "I found out that you don't like to smile. The reason you don't like to smile is that your teeth are a little yellow in color. Luyan! Then how many misunderstandings will you cause with this habit! This habit must be changed. With bad teeth, you have to look in the mirror and practice your set of smiles. If you don't change it! Your whole life could be ruined because of the color of your teeth. That's not right!" 大舅说:“卢岩!别人用半小时,两小时交个朋友;而你需要半年才能和几个人混熟了。那你这辈子能混成个啥样儿?很明显,这不行!” Uncle said, "Luyan! Others spend half an hour or two hours to make a friend; but you need half a year to get acquainted with a few people. So, what can you be like in this life? Obviously, this is not going to work!” 大舅又说:“卢岩!人生一辈子,就靠这个(注2)!你看!” 说着,他又给我示范他给我设计的待人接物的举止言谈。 Uncle added, "Luyan! A lifetime of a life depends on this (annotation 2)! Look!" Saying this, he again demonstrated to me the mannerisms he had designed for me in dealing with people. 
注5.3-2,什么是威仪路?佛教中解释威仪的本义是细密整齐的格式,并称行住坐卧为四威仪。具足戒是心神,即无意识,之所履,故称威仪路。男人的具足戒,亦作黄金甲(如图5.3.3-2是古墨西哥的特拉洛克身着黄金甲),有八万四千之数,是从四威仪开始计算的(参见16.2节)。图3是埃及夏娃身着女戒,亦作五百威仪十万八千魅力。 Annotation 5.3-2, What is the Majesty Road? Buddhism explains Majesty as neat fine pattern, and calls walking, standing, sitting, and lying as four Majesties. Full Precepts, aka. Golden Armor (see fig. 5.3.3-2 Tlaloc in Golden Armor) are heart God (i.e., unconsciousness) moving on, therefore are called Majesty Roads. Full precepts are also known as 3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments, which is calculated out from the four Majesties (cf. Section 16.2). Fig. 3 is Egyptian Eve wearing Golden Armor, aka. 500 majesties 108,000 charms. 那么,神识是如何行走于行住坐卧的?如插图5.3.3-1中的上图A和B的颜色是一样的,但看起来不一样;下图,A和B被联系在了一起,观众看到的就是A和B的颜色相同。这是无意识(即心神)采用了不同的默认认知模版造成的错觉。另外参见7.16节《百变神通》,刘团长在我面前走来走去;随后我回忆时,感觉他是一群不同年龄的人。笔者我认为那就是我的无意识对他采用了多个不同的默认认知模板造成的错觉。 So, how does the God-sense walk on the Majesty Roads? As in Illustration 5.3.3-1 in the top picture A and B are the same color but look different; in the bottom picture, A and B are linked together and the viewer sees that A and B are the same color. This is an illusion caused by the unconscious (i.e., God-sense) adopting a different default template of cognition. See also section 7.16, "A Hundred Godly Transformations", where Troupe Leader Liu walked around in front of me, and then when I recalled it, I felt that he was a group of people of different ages. The author I think that was an illusion caused by my unconsciousness adopting multiple different default templates of cognition for him. 王玉山大舅说,“人一辈子就靠这个”,是真的吗?笔者我现在认为是真的,在佛教中,学佛就是学法,而法就是具足戒,亦作最胜真如,亦作戒渡,亦作人神契约。 Uncle Yushan Wang said, "A human's whole life depends on this", is it true? I now think it is true. In Buddhism, to study Buddha is to study laws, and the laws are the Full Precepts, aka. supreme victorious true suchness, aka. Covenant Ark. 后文9.3节,刘团长雇佣意大利黑手党,指责工地的人对我卢岩没礼貌。那时,可把工地的人吓坏了!工地的经理背地里请了两伙明白人来研究这件怪事。他们研究的结论是:我卢岩在加拿大的生活不如意,我的一位中国的有钱有势的亲戚看着就难受了,所以那工地就发生了怪事。他们认为人生的幸福不是钱的问题,而取决于性格;认为我的那位国内的亲戚想通过雇佣黑社会帮我打架来改善我的性格,并且想让他们教我待人接物的礼节举止。 Later in Section 9.3, Troupe Leader Liu hired the Italian Mafia and accused the people at the construction site of being rude to me, Luyan. At that time, it scared the people at the construction site! The manager of the construction site secretly asked two groups wise people to study this strange affair. The conclusion of their study was: I Luyan's life in Canada is not as good as I would like it to be, and one of my rich and powerful relatives in China had a hard time looking at it, so something strange happened in that construction site. They believed that happiness in life was not a matter of money but depended on personality; they believed that my domestic relative wanted to improve my personality by hiring Mafia to help me fight, and that my relative wanted them to train me the social etiquette. ↪️返回第5章《辽宁分院》的目录↪️ Back to Catalog of Chapter 5 Liaoning Branch