金剛經釋目錄 Catalog of Philosopher-Stone Sutra:17.1 法會因由 Congregation Formation;17.2-13 一問黃沙惑 First Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle;17.14-17.16 二問黃沙惑 Second Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle;17.17-17.32 三問黃沙惑 Third Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle 🔗 Heart Sutra 心經 🔗 Buddha's Will 佛遺教經 17.1 法會因由 Congregation Formation 如是我聞。一時,佛在塵剎土國,住須彌顱山目苑,與大和尚尼姑眾千二百五十人俱。爾時,世尊於日初分,整理裳服,執持衣皺,入舍衛大城乞食(注1)。時,佛於其城中行乞食已,出還本處。飯食訖,收衣皺,洗足已;於食後時,敷如常座,結跏趺坐,端身正願,住對面念(注2)。時,諸和尚尼姑來詣佛所,到已頂禮世尊雙足,右繞三匝,退坐一面。具壽觀世音亦於如是眾會中坐。 Thus, I heard. Once upon a time, in Dust-Instant-Soil country, Veda sojourned at Eye-den Garden in Mountain Sumerian-Head, with a company of 1,250 monks and nuns. Dawn, Social Honor enrobed, carrying his bowl, entered the capital city of Abandonment-Defense (anno 1) to beg for his food. Amid city, Veda begged from door to door sequentially; then, returned. After eating time, Veda put away his robe and bowl, washed his feet, rearranged his seat, sat down in lotus flower seat gesture, straightened up his body, adjusted his intention, dwelled in facing-to-faces spell (anno 2). At the time, monks and nuns come to ask Vedic instructions. When there, they headed Social Honor’s feet courtesy, walked to the right three rounds, then retreated sitting on one side. Thus, full-life View-Sound Bodhisattva sat among the crowds. 注17.1-1,舍衛城在哪兒?當你放棄了防衛心,就已經在此城裡了。如果讀者你總是四處揮舞着你的火焰劍,就看不見,也感受不到。 Annotation 17.1-1, where is the city? When reader you give up your defensive heart, you are already in the city. If you are always wielding your flaming sword around, you won’t be able to see or feel it. 注17.1-2, 什麼是對面念?此處佛在接受朝拜,所以端莊正坐,面露微笑。念是一位心所有法中的別境法,在生命之樹(參見第11章)的百法中,只有念、定、和慧,此三法可以持心,所以佛教多從此三法命名。 Annotation 17.1-2, what is the “facing-to-faces spell”? Here Buddha is accepting worship, so he is sitting upright with a smiling face. Spell is a circumstantial law among 51 heartland laws in tree of life (refers to chapter 11). Among 100 laws in Life Tree, only Spell, Still, and Gnosis, the three circumstantial laws can hold heart, therefore, Buddhist doctrines often use the three laws to define concepts. ↪️返回總目錄 ↪️Back to General Catalog