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17.17-17.32 三问黄沙惑 Third Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle 2023-07-24 21:15:20

17.17 三问黄沙惑 Third Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle


At that time, full life View-Sound Bodhisattva addressed Veda again: Social Honor! To those aroused interest to Bodhisattva Vehicle, how should they dwell on? How should they behave and cultivate? How should they assimilate and tame their own hearts (annotation 1)?


Annotation 17.17-1, this question is called Yellow Sand Muddle. What is the Yellow Sand Muddle? After mundane people understand Four Cruxes, arouse Bodh heart, then become first heartland Bodhisattvas (i.e., True Humans). To arouse Bodhi Heart is to take the oath: Sentient beings are boundary-less, I vow! I ferry them all! Annoyances are endless, I vow! I sever them all! Juristic doors are limitless, I vow! I study them all! Path of enlightenment is upmost, I vow! I endeavor to succeed! But there are as many sentient beings as the yellow sands in the Sahara Desert, when can I become a Buddha?! Bodhisattvas are full of confusions, which muddle is called Yellow Sand Muddle. Yellow Sand Muddle, Know Muddle, and Mean Muddle, the three are called Human Life Three Muddles in Buddhism.


Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: whoever aroused interest to True-Human Vehicle, should arouse the heart, “I should let all sentients, due Non-Reliant Nirvana boundary, arrive at Nirvana; thus, to ferry all sentient beings. After terminally ferried them all, no sentient gains the extinctive ferry,” wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! if True-Humans Great-Humans have sentient think turning, should not say name of True-Humans Great-Humans, wherein? If saying True-Humans Great-Humans, should not say sentient think turning, thus living think, warrior think, hobbyhorse think, intent born think, Abel think, creator think, acceptor think should be known as that also, wherein?  Benevolent Manifestation! No few laws are named as “Bodhisattva Vehicle Interest Arouser”.



Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your own intentionality to say, past time at Lighting-Lamp Buddha place, had Thus-Come few laws to prove Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi (which are Sanskrit, mean Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment)?

View-Sound answered: Social Honor! Allow me to explain what Veda just said! In the past, at Lighting-Lamp Buddha place, Thus Come hadn’t few laws to prove Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment.


Veda told full life View-Sound Bodhisattva: thus! Thus! Benevolent Manifestation! Past time at Lighting-Lamp Buddha place, Thus-Come hadn’t few laws to prove Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Past time at Lighting-Lamp Buddha place, if Thus-Come had few laws to prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment, Lighting-Lamp Buddha shouldn’t bestow remembrance to me that “the benevolent man Moses shall become a Veda in coming next life, juristic fame Shakyamuni”. Benevolent Manifestation! Because of not few laws to prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment, therefore, Lighting-Lamp Buddha conferred remembrance to me that “the benevolent man Moses shall become a Veda in coming next life, juristic fame Shakyamuni”, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Saying that Thus-Come is truthful fact, true-suchness – Escalatory Language; saying that Thus-Come is non-birth, juristic nature - Escalatory Language; saying that Thus-Come is permanently severed path - Escalatory Language; saying that Thus-Come is terminally non-birth - Escalatory Language, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Such factual non-birth is significance of the upmost victory.


17.17-2, 燃灯佛是摩醯的启蒙老师,如上面插图。插图左上角是幼年的墨西哥雨神特拉洛克;他相当于佛教中的北方不空成就佛,和释迦摩尼是同一类佛。

Annotation 17.17-2, Lighting-Lamp Buddha is Moses’ enlightenment teacher, as illustrated above. In the upper left corner of the illustration is the juvenile Mexican rain god Tlaloc; He is equivalent to Buddhist Northern Non-Empty Achievement Buddha, the same kind of Buddha as Shakyamuni.



Annotation 17.17-3, this is a special grammar in Buddhism. The word Escalatory-Language is used to indicate that this sentence is not a fact, it is non-Quantity (refers to Life Tree’s section 11.4.5), is used to help thinking. The word Escalatory-Language comes from preconscious. Preconsciousness has promoting effect on the formation of language, so in Buddhism, preconsciousness is also being called Escalatory-Language Feeler. Such as in above illustration, those three images all are Chalchiuhtlicue; she is Jade Woman, Eve, is a word (sound) thinker, is converted from Preconsciousness, so ancient Mexican use a feeler (antenna rod) to indicate her head.


Benevolent Manifestation! If the saying that ‘Thus Come is capable to prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment, one should know, that isn’t true, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Because they slander me to arouse not factual obsession, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! No few laws, Thus-Come can depend on to prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment. Benevolent Manifestation! Laws proved, or laws spoken, or laws meant presently by Thus-Come, all are neither truthful nor illusion, therefore, Thus-Come says all laws are Buddhist laws. Benevolent Manifestation! All laws all laws, Thus-Come says, aren’t all laws, therefore, Thus-Come says name of all laws all laws.



Veda told View-Sound: such as a civilian has a gigantic body.

Full life View-Sound Bodhisattva immediately answered: Social Honor! Thus-Come said civilian with a gigantic body, Thus-Come said, “isn’t body”, therefore, “says name of aggregately gigantic body”.



Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Thus! Thus! If bodhisattvas say the words, “I shall terminally ferry boundless sentients”, if so, he or she shouldn’t be called bodhisattva, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Are there very few laws named as bodhisattva?

View-Sound answered: no, Social Honor! No few minor laws are named as bodhisattva.


Veda told View-Sound: sentient beings, sentient beings, Thus-Come says not sentient beings, hence name of sentient beings; therefore, Thus-Come says that all laws haven’t sentient, haven’t living, haven’t warrior, haven’t hobbyhorse, etc. Benevolent Manifestation! If a bodhisattva says, “I shall make Buddha’s soil majestic”, is like that also, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Majestic Virtuous Vedic Soil Majestic Virtuous Vedic Soil, Thus-Come says, isn’t majestic, therefore, Thus-Come says name of Majestic Virtuous Vedic Soil Majestic Virtuous Vedic Soil. Benevolent Manifestation! If bodhisattvas on no I, law without I, on these laws deeply faithfully believe in and interpret, Thus-Come says that they are Bodhisattvas Bodhisattvas.

17.18 一体同观 Oneness View


Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva again: Benevolent Manifestation! According to your own intentionality to say, have Thus-Come etc. presently Fate Through, Flesh Eye Through, Celestial Eye Through, Gnostic Eye Through, Juristic Eye Through, Vedic Eye Through and Salvation Through (annotation 1)?


View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: yes, Social Honor! Thus-Come etc. presently has Fate Through, Flesh Eye Through, Celestial Eye Through, Gnostic Eye Through, Juristic Eye Through, Vedic Eye Through, and Salvation Through.



Veda asked View-Sound: According to your own intentionality, what say you? Great Wakeful-Senses River, great Hallucinational-Senses River, great Dream-Senses River, and great Loose-Senses River, all sands in all the four great rivers around our Eye-Den Garden in Mountain Sumerian-Head, does Thus-Come call those sands? Are those sands number many?

View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: thus! Social Honor! Thus! Benevolent Renunciation! Thus-Come said those sands are sands.


Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Up to those sands number worlds of all sentients, those sentients, each has multifold of hearts; Thus-Come knows all their hearts streams circulations, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Heart Stream Circulations Heart Stream Circulations, Thus-Come says, are not Heart Stream Circulations; therefore, Thus-Come says name of Heart Stream Circulations Heart Stream Circulations, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Past heart isn’t obtainable; future heart isn’t obtainable; present heart isn’t obtainable.



Annotation 17.18-1, Thus-Come etc. means Godly trinity, that are Great Sun Thus-Come (Godfather, refers to illustration), Shakyamuni (Gold Boy, Adam), and View-Sound Bodhisattva (Jade Girl, Eve). Fate Through refers to chapter 10; Flesh Eye Through refers to chapter 3; Celestial Eye Through refers to chapter 12; Gnostic Eye Through refers to chapter 16; Juristic Eye Through refers to chapter 11; Vedic Eye Through refers to chapter 18; Salvation Through refers to chapter 15.

17.19 法界通分 One Same Juristic Boundary




Veda asked View-Sound: what do you think? Such as a benevolent man or faithful woman uses fulfilling ‘three-grand great-grand worlds of seven treasures to charitably contribute Thus-Come matching with Correct Equality light, due to the cause, is his or her fortunate aggregates born many?

View-Sound answered: very many! Social-Honor! Many indeed! Benevolent Renunciation!

Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Thus! Thus! That benevolent man or faithful woman, due to the cause, fortunate aggregates born are much many, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If fortunate aggregates factually have, Thus-Come wouldn’t say fortunate aggregate fortunate aggregate.

17.20 离色离相 Leaving Colors Leaving Phenomena



Veda asked View-Sound: according to your intent, what say you? Can people by 3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments, the perfectly factual color (annotation 1) body view Thus-Come?

View-Sound answered: no! Social-Honor! People shouldn’t by 3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments, the perfectly factual color body view Thus-Come, wherein? Social-Honor! Perfectly factual color Body, Thus-Come said not perfect facts, therefore, Thus-Come said name of perfectly factual color body perfectly factual color body.



Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intent, what say you? Can people by 500 majesties 108,000 charms, the perfectly factual color body view View-Sound Bodhisattva?

View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: no! Social-Honor! People shouldn’t by 500 majesties 108,000 charms, the perfectly factual color body view View-Sound Bodhisattva, wherein? Social-Honor! Perfectly factual color Body, Thus-Come said not perfect facts, therefore, Thus-Come said name of perfectly factual color body perfectly factual color body.


Annotation17.20-1, Buddhism defines matter or substance from visual objectives, so word color in Buddhism means transformation, hindrance, (refers to Life Tree’s section 11.4.1).

17.21 非说所说 The Sayings Aren’t Those Factuality


Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva again: according to your intent, what say you? Does Thus-Come often make the spell, “I should have what laws I said”? Benevolent Manifestation! Now, you shouldn’t make thus view, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If saying that Thus-Come has what laws he said, that is slandering me, is non-benevolent fetch, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Saying laws saying laws, no laws to say, hence name of Saying Laws (annotation 1).



At that time, full life View-Sound Bodhisattva reported to Veda again: Social Honor! On coming future, later hours, later minutes, later 500 years, correct laws extinctive time turning, are there many sentients upon hearing the color (annotation 2) like laws to deeply believe in?

Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Those are neither sentients nor non-sentients, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! All sentients, Thus-Come says non-sentients, therefore name of all sentients.



Annotation 17.21-1, this chapter, Buddha mainly talks of Victorious Significance Crux (refers to illustration 17.3-2), which is No Objective Have Sky, is Constant Silence Sky, is Nirvana, is Empty After All, is all Buddhas depend on.


Annotation 17.21-2, Buddhism uses visual objectives to define matter, so Color means transformation and hindrance (refers to Life Tree’s section 11.4.1 Color Node). Name means “four no color nodes”: Acceptance Node, Think Node, Migration Node, and Sense Node.

17.22 无法可得 No Laws to gain




Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intent, what say you? Are there few laws, by which Thus-Come can presently prove Non-upper Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment?

View-Sound answered: Social Honor! Allow me to explain what Buddha just said, no few laws, by which Thus-Come matching with correct equality light can presently prove Non-upper Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment.

Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Thus! Thus! There aren’t few laws to gain, hence name of Non-upper Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment.

17.23 空性平等 Nature of Empty is Equality


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! The laws are equality, among which there aren’t inequality, hence name of Non-upper Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment. Due to no I nature, no sentient nature, no living nature, no warrior nature, no hobbyhorse nature, etc., equality, hence name of Non-upper Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment. All benevolent laws, none isn’t presently proved; all benevolent laws, none isn’t wonderfully perceived. Benevolent Manifestation! Benevolent laws benevolent laws, Thus-Come says, aren’t benevolent laws, therefore, Thus-Come says name of benevolent laws benevolent laws (annotation 1).


Annotation 17.23-1, two benevolent laws, first is mundane significance, saying Buddhist doctrines are good teachings. The second is Victorious Significance, is empty after all. In this chapter has many this kind of grammar, all can be interpreted like this.

17.24 无为福胜 Victorious Fortune of Non-as Law


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man or faithful woman uses seven treasure aggregates which quantity equals to all wonderful mountains in Three-Grand Great-Grand worlds, to charitably donate. If a benevolent man or faithful woman on the Arrival Ark Sutra, even down to four sections, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to benefits, up to preach and exemplify to others broadly, makes intents accordingly, Benevolent Manifestation! The earlier said fortunate aggregates vs. these fortunate aggregates, not a thousandth, not a millionth, less than a billionth, less than a number division, can’t catch up even in metaphysical division.

17.25 无有能化 The Able to convert doesn’t exist


Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intent, what say you? Does Thus-Come often makes the spellings, “I should ferry all sentient beings”? Benevolent Manifestation! Now, you shouldn’t make thus view, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! There aren’t few sentients ferried by Thus-Come. Benevolent Manifestation! If have sentients ferried by Thus-Come, Thus-Come should have I obsession, have sentient obsession, have living obsession, have warrior obsession, have hobbyhorse etc. obsessions, Benevolent Manifestation! I etc. obsessions, Thus-Come says not obsession, therefore name of I etc. obsessions, but fools and mutants stubbornly have the obsessions.  Benevolent Manifestation! Fools, mutants, Thus-Come says, are not livings, hence name of fools and mutants.

17.26 法身非相 Juristic Body isn’t Phenomena



Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intent, what say you? Can people use Perfect Phenomena of 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments to view Thus-Come?

View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: let me explain what Veda just said, shouldn’t use 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments, the perfect phenomena to view Thus-Come.


Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Benevolent! Benevolent! Thus! Thus! Just as what you said, shouldn’t use the Perfect Phenomena to view Thus-Come. Benevolent Manifestation! If using Full Phenomena of 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments to view Thus-Come, Wheel-turner holy King’s bannerman should be Thus-Come, therefore, shouldn’t use Perfect Full Phenomena to view Thus-Come, thus, should use “phenomena aren’t phenomena” to view Thus-Come.


At the time, Social Honor sing a song (annotation, here, translations of meanings only): Those are looking for me by colors or by sounds, they are walking on heretical severing views, shouldn’t see me! True Human should view nature of Vedic laws, as mentor’s juristic body. Juristic nature isn’t what sensed; therefore, they can’t finally understand.

17.27 无断无灭 No Severance No Extinction


Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intent, what say you? Can Thus-Come use Perfect 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments Phenomena to presently prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment? Benevolent Manifestation! Now, you shouldn’t make thus view, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come can’t by Perfectly Full Phenomena of 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments presently prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment.


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! to those aroused interest to Bodhisattva Vehicle, do they set up minor laws as severance or extinction? Benevolent Manifestation! Now, you shouldn’t make thus view. Bodhi heart arousers never set up minor laws as or severance or extinction.

17.28 不受不贪 No Acceptance No Greed


Again next, Benevolent Renunciation! Such as a benevolent man or a faithful woman uses Tigris River sands number of worlds fulfilled by seven treasures to charitably donate to Thus-Come. And such as a faithful man or a benevolent woman on the non-I laws, non-birth laws, achieves able to countenance, due to the very cause, he or she bears more fortunate aggregates than the earlier.




Again next, Benevolent Renunciation! Bodhisattvas shouldn’t assimilate fortunate aggregates.

Full life View-Sound immediately addressed Veda: Social Honor! What is to say bodhisattvas shouldn’t assimilate and enjoy fortunate aggregates?

Veda said: Benevolent Renunciation! Those should be assimilated and enjoyed doesn’t match to assimilation and enjoyment, therefore, saying name of Those Should Be Assimilated and Enjoyed (annotation 1).


Annotation 17.28-1, this psychological principle is same as the principle of the forbidden fruit in section 17.9, that is, unconscious only matches to renunciative acceptance.

17.29 威仪寂净 Majesties are Immaculate Silence


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Saying Thus-Come, thus going, thus coming, thus dwelling, thus sitting, thus lie down, each saying each behavior, all fully with 3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments, the people don’t understand my significances of sayings, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Saying Thus-Come is truthful fact, is true suchness - Escalatory Languages. Nowhere to go, coming from nowhere, hence name of Thus-Come.

17.30 一合理相 Combination is a Metaphysical Phenomenon


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man and a faithful woman (annotation 1), up to Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds Lands of Extremely Tinny Dusts Aggregates, Benevolent Manifestation! According to your intention, what say you? Are those Extremely Tinny Dusts Aggregates many?


View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: those Extremely Tinny Dusts Aggregates are very many. Social Honor! Much Many! Benevolent Renunciation! Wherein? Social Honor! If extremely tiny dusts aggregates are factually haves, Thus-Come wouldn’t say those are extremely tiny dust aggregates, wherein? Thus-Come said extremely tiny dust aggregates exactly aren’t extremely tiny dusts aggregates, hence name of Extremely Tiny Dusts Aggregates. Thus-Come says Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds are exactly not worlds, hence name of Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds, wherein? Social Honor! If the world is a factual have, then it is combination obsession, Thus-Come says that a combination obsession is exactly not obsession, hence name of One Combination Obsession.



Annotation 17.30-1, who is this pair of benevolent men and faithful woman? Refers to Golden Boy (that is Adam) and Jade Girl (that is Eve). Figure 17.30-1-36 to 40 shows five pairs of Golden Boys and Jade Girls. Figure 36 shows Moses and First Conch (Kubaba); author I believe this couple is the original authors of this sutra.


Figure 38 shows Eve and Adam (Tanngrisnir [one that grinds teeth]and Tanngnjóstr [one that has gaps between the teeth], see Section 15.3) created by the Great Sun Thus-Come (Thor, Sun God). Tanngnjóstr is “Philosopher-Stone Teeth Buddha” in Buddhism. The couple’s work is Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds (see chapter 13).


Figure 37 is Golden Boy and Jade Girl (Actaeon and Diana, see section 15.2) made by Zeus. Actaeon is Seven-Color Deer Buddha in Buddhism. The couple’s work is Aggregate Crux (see chapter 14). Aggregate Crux’s original name is Love Sutra in Chinese, alias Karma Sutra.


Figure 39 is Constant-Fair (Golden Boy) and Peach Flower Girl (Jade Girl, see chapter 2). Constant-Fair is Medicine Buddha in Buddhism. The couple’s work is Peach Flower Catastrophe, a book of their own stories.


Illustration 40 is Mexican Tlaloc (Golden Boy) and Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Woman, see Chapter 18). Tlaloc is equivalent to “Northern Non-empty Achievement Buddha” in Buddhism. The couple’s work is Mexican Codex. Figures 1 to 22 are drawn by Tlaloc. Figure 35 is another portrait of the couple.


Shakyamuni and View-Sound Bodhisattva are two religious fable figures abstracted from the above-mentioned stories of Golden Boys and Jade Girls. To facilitate understanding and use, Chinese Buddhist Association, based on statistical calculations from many stories of Golden Boys and Jade Girls, suggested that Shakyamuni’s enlightenment age was 38.7. At present, 38.7, the average age of enlightenment of Golden Boy, has been generally accepted and used by Buddhist lovers in Chinese world.

17.31 知见不生 non-Birth of Know and View


Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! The one combination obsession is unspeakable, no joke, but those mundane fools and mutants stubbornly hold it as law, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! if saying, “Thus-Come preaches I view, sentient view, living view, warrior view, hobbyhorse view, intent born view, Abel view, creator view, acceptor view”, Benevolent Manifestation! According to your intention, what say you? Are thus sayings correct languages?


View-Sound answered: no, Social Honor! Not! Benevolent Renunciation! Thus sayings aren’t correct languages, wherein? What Thus-Come said I view, sentient view, living view, warrior view, hobbyhorse view, intent born view, Abel view, creator view, acceptor view, are non-view, hence names of I view, up to acceptor view.


Veda told View-Sound: those have aroused interest to Bodhisattva Vehicle, on laws should know like this, should view like this, should faithfully interpret like this, thus, don’t dwell on juristic think, wherein? Benevolent Renunciation! Juristic think juristic think, Thus-Come says, isn’t think, therefore, Thus-Come says name of Juristic Think Juristic Think.

17.32 应化非真 Should Ferry non-Real


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a True-Human or a Great-Human uses innumerable worlds fulfilled by seven treasures to charitably donate to Thus-Come matching Correct Equality Light. Another case, such as a gentleman or gentlewoman, on the Philosopher-Stone Arrival Ark Sutra even down to four sections, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to benefits, make intents accordingly, up to preach broadly, exemplify; due to the cause, he or she bears much more fortunate aggregates than the earlier innumerably boundlessly. What is to preach, exemplify? Such as not to preach and exemplify for them, hence name of To Preach and Exemplify for Them.


At that time, Social Honor sing a song (here, translate meanings only): establishments basing on combinations, should be viewed like blemishes on stars, light’s phantoms, dews, bubbles, dreams, lightnings, and clouds; one should make thus views.


At the time, Veda finished saying of the sutra. View-Sound Bodhisattva, and monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, mundane skies, humans, asuras, perfume seekers (annotation 1), etc., after hearing what Buddha said, all joyfully celebrate, gain never heard, faithfully accept, humbly migrate on.

注17.32-1 (Perfume Seeker).jpg


Annotation 17.32-1, common meaning of Perfume-Seeker is that the soul is looking for mother to enter her womb. Perfume means precept fragrance, is the more part that woman precepts (i.e., 500 majesties 108,000 charms) minus man precepts (i.e., 3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantment). Precept Perfume means that Jade Woman (Eve) is good at 500 majesties 108,000 charms, her virtues smoking four directions. In Buddhism, Perfume Seeker is the period of Golden Boy that he crawled up from hell, went to look for Jade Woman (mother of all livings). Because Goddess’ appearance hasn’t memory nature, he hadn’t Jade Woman’s appearance in his mind, so calling him as Perfume Seeker (refers to illustration, and Mexican Return part in chapter 18).

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卢岩 ,55岁
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【11-18 佛学概论 Introduction t】
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
· 12 禅 Meditation
· 11 生命之树 Tree of Life
【1-10 卢岩的回忆录】
· 10 宿命通 Fate Through
· 9 青中年 Middle Age
· 8 死不瞑目
· 7 东北大学
· 6 沈阳和平房产局
· 5 辽宁分院 Liaoning Branch
· 4 少青年 Youth
· 3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through
· 2 启蒙 Revelation
· 1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage C
· 18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe
· 18.1.6 金童
· 18.1.5 第一颗太阳
· 18.1.4 诏告天下
· 18.1.3 裸体婚礼
· 18.1.2 舍利王求婚
· 18.1.1 貌合神也合
· 18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
· 16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds H
· 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis
· 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heart
· 16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
· 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Hear
· 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
· 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Hea
· 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
· 16.2 离垢地 Leaving Filth Hear
· 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfil
· 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road
· 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test
· 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of
· 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity
· 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearance
· 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence
· 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Princi
· 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through
· 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leade
· 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Ma
· 18 太阳石 The Sun Stone
· 17 金刚经释 Philosopher-Stone
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 5.3 威仪路
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 12.3 四空定 Four Empty Stillne
· 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream F
· 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
· 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
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