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14 集谛 Aggregate Crux 2024-01-06 22:06:08

本文目录Catalog of Aggregate Crux14.1 集起 Aggregate Arousal14.2.0-6 烦恼的名 Names of Annoyances14.2.7-9 缚和盖 Bind and Cover14.2.10-26 瀑流 Waterfall14.3 烦恼的数 Numbers of Annoyances

14.0 集谛 Aggregate Crux.jpg


Aggregate Crux, also known as Cupid, which was translated in Chinese as “Love Sutra” and “Karma Sutra” by ancient Chinese, talks about the causes of bitter in the Bitter Crux (cf. chapter 13).  Karma means the three karmas of body, mouth, and intent. Body karma is the accumulation of physical behavioral habits, that is this flesh body. Mouth karma is the accumulation of oral habits, that is this mouth speaking. Intentional karma is the accumulation of thinking habits, which is the mind thinkings. Aggregate means gathering, collection, is heart’s function, has three significances: able to collect, the being collected, and aggregate arousal. “Able to Aggregate”, means that heart is capable and continually collect all juristic seeds. What are juristic seeds? Such as the 100 laws in chapter 11 Tree of Life. “The being aggregated” means heart is those gathered seeds. “Aggregate Arousal” means that heart can arouse matured seeds into performances.

14.1 集起 Aggregate Arousal


Aggregate Arousal, Sanskrit paṭicca-samuppāda, is definition of heart. This subsection first talks about an example of Aggregate Arousal, then talks about its four necessary factors.

14.1-1 尘刹土 Dust Instant Soil


The next text speaks of the state fig. 14.1.1-3 in meditation, that is “solitary-head environment” (cf. section 11.4.5-3, and 12.2-3); starts without “bodily soil”, that is without bodily senses or feelings.

14.1-1 尘刹土 Dust Instant Soil.jpg


In the dimness (annotation 1), faint and hazy little-me (annotation 2) saw a stump like thing afar (3), thought: “what is that? Looks like a weathered tree stump!? (4; while little-me is watching, teleportation happens.)” Little-me stood near the dead tree stump on the hillside. At the same time, the environment became brighter (5). Little-I on the hillside saw clearly that it is (6) a dead tree indeed, thought, “what is this place?” Looked around. (This Dust-Instant-Soil world grows as little-me wish.) Little-I realized that I am on a hillside. The environment became clearer and clearer, the wind was blowing dry grasses, like waves were rippling, and there were rotten dead birds flying in the sky. Little-I saw a ruined house in the distance, thought: “what is that?” (7, teleportation, I came near the house.) I can see clearly; this is a temple. (The building of the temple becomes more and more clear; the light intensity was changing from dim to bright). Little-I looked around. (The surrounding environment of the temple is in the process of being formed; the light intensity changes from dim to bright). The door of the temple is closed; I thought: “what is it like inside?” (8, teleportation, I entered the temple.) The temple door closed automatically (9), and I was in complete darkness.


Annotation 1, the Dimness is non-light, is ignorance, means dull and foolish; is first branch of the Twelve Have Branches in Aggregate Arousal in section 13.4.1. The environment became bright, the light is Inner-Light, is light of enlightenment, is Buddha’s light or God’s light. Buddha is a Pali word, means perception.

14.1-2 尘刹土 Dust Instant Soil-2.jpg


Annotation 2, the “little me” is human along thoughts ego inside mind, Chinese as Fortune, also call as Great Strength God, Hindus as Bramin, Islam Christian and ancient Egyptian as Abel (the child in fig. 14.1.2-2), Germanic culture as Magni (the babies in fig. 14.1.2-3), ancient Mexican as Quetzalcoatl (the baby in fig. 14.1.2-4).


The behaviors of preconsciousness (i.e., Eve-sense) is very similar to that of an inchworm, as shown in Illustration 1. Inchworm’s hind feet always grab something, after the front feet are firmly grasped, the back feet follow. Eve-sense is like that, always grasping something, and the light of this attachment place has the function of “little ego”. Therefore, the ancient Egyptians and Mexicans used to hold or breastfeed Abel to indicate that the woman was Eve (fig.2, 4). Eve-sense is here, this place; Adam-sense (i.e., the contaminated part of unconsciousness) is there, that place, the objectives, the objective environment, with no sign of life. God-sense (i.e., immaculate part of unconsciousness) is constant, nameless, innumerable, and quantity-less.

前意识是思想意识的工作平台(即意处),总是不断更新,后面就留下了绵长的亚伯痕迹,就是塞斯。塞斯就是佛教中的转移身见(参见11. 转移身见),就是日常口语中的我。“转移”如前文案例中标注点478、和9,都是大规模的场景转换。

Preconsciousness is mind’s working platform, is intent-place, always updating, leaving a long trace of faded Abels behind, which is Seth. Seth is “Translocation Body Views” (cf. section, that is I in daily oral language. "Translocation" is such as labeled points 4, 7, 8, and 9 in the previous case are massive scene shifts.

3,株杌即枯树桩,是一个异熟果(参见11.6.1 异熟果)。此环境的成因是异熟果相续流出。

Annotation 3, the Stump is a variative fruit (cf. section 11.6.1 Variative Fruit), belongs to Adam-sense. This environment is formed by variative fruits flowing out succeedingly.

4,瞬间转移,这是场景瞬间变化,就如同我瞬间从昏暗处来到了山坡上的枯树桩旁边,类似案例参见12.1.8 他心通。此后的注7和注8也是这样的道理。

Annotation 4, teleportation, this is the instantaneous change of scene, just as I instantly went from the darkness to the side of the dead tree stump on the hillside, (see section 12.1.8 Clairsentience). The same is true of subsequent annotation 7, 8, and 9.

5,环境变亮了,就是觉悟了。此亮光是内明,与注1的昏暗、无明相对。此亮光有自证功能,即有法四分中的第三分自证分的功能(参见11.1 法的四分)。

Annotation 5, what the environment becomes brighter, is enlightenment. This bright light is inner light, as opposed to the dim and unbright in annotation 1. This bright light has a Self-Evidence function, that is the function of the third quadrant of the Four Juristic Quadrants (see section 11.1 Juristic Quadrants)


Annotation 6, Is, is cognition; combined with the context, “Is” is the meaning of “bondage, tying up life”.


Annotation 9, the darkness is “non-light”, is ignorance. That is, I'm stuck again in the state where this case started.


Annotation 10, what does Dust Instant Soil mean? It is the immediate bodily feelings, as a result of the experience of the preceding paragraph case, I have grown in knowledge and in the external world, hence the name of the Instant Bodily Soil. And the word Mundane-World, in its original meaning, is between two times, so that the previous case constitutes a Dust Instant Soil World. The Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds of Illustration 14.1-1 are made up of a billion such Dust Instant Soil worlds. The ancients called a thousand a small-grand, a million a medium-grand, and a billion a great-grand. The Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds are read out, first reading one billion as three grands, and then knowing that that is a billion, a Great-Grand. When read together, it becomes Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds, This classical psychology technical term now. In fact, the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds and the Great-Grand Worlds have the same meaning.

14.1-2 四缘 Four Necessary Elements


There are four necessary elements to Aggregate Arousal: the able to aggregate, the being aggregated, the equally unintermittent, the escalatory. Its empty set is fig. 14.1.1-2 (see Section 15.1 on the After-All Emptiness).


1) The Able to Aggregate is the core part of the subjective, is the cause of the Aggregate Arousal. Sage said that Eve-sense (that is preconsciousness) and Adam-sense (that is maculate part of unconsciousness) watching each other to and fro directly or through medias is the cause.



2) The Being Aggregated, which is the objective, is of two kinds, Relative Objective and Stranger Objective. What is the Relative Objective? The environment, such as in the example above, is generated and supported by internal considerations, and without the internal considerations, that world of Dust Instant Soil would disappear. What is the Stranger Objective? If, although separate from the capable mind, that objective with the quality is capable of generating and supporting the internal considerations, one should know that it is the Stranger Objective.

三)等无间缘,八现识及彼心所有法(参见11.4.5 识蕴)后聚于前,自类无间,等而开导,令彼定生。如上文的事例,想取来相,思辨别善恶美丑,夏娃识迅速赋予了临近事务以生机,它们相应而转,和合似一,把一个枯树桩生长成了一个尘刹土世界。所以,它们彼此互为等无间缘。等无间缘即是生命之树的等流果(参见11.6.2)。

3) Equally Unintermittent, the eight present senses and their heartland laws (see section 11.4.5 Sense Node), the later follow the front, self-classes are uninterruptedly and equitably succeeding, to have the Objective is born certainly.  As in the above example, “think” fetches phenomena, “mean” distinguishes benevolence ferocity beauty and ugliness, Eve-sense quickly gives lives to the neighboring things, and they turn accordingly, harmonizing as one, growing a withered stump into a Dust Instant Soil World. Therefore, they are each other's Equally Unintermittent dependents. This element is the Equal Stream Fruit of Tree of life (see section 11.6.2).

四)增上缘,例如有法有胜势功能,能于它法或顺或违或不障。虽前三缘也有增上用,此处说第四缘除彼取余,为显四缘差别相故。增上缘很多,但于中胜显者唯二十二根(参见11.6.5 增上果)。

4) Escalatory Factors, such as a law that has the function of being powerful and can be either yielding to or contradicting to or non-obstructive of other laws. Although the first three elements also have the escalatory functions, the fourth element is said here to be in addition to the others, in order to show the difference between the four elements. There are many Escalatory Factors, but only twenty-two Escalatory Roots (see section 11.6.5 Escalatory Fruit of Tree of Life) are superior to the others.

那为什么此增上缘是集起的必要因素?日常生活中的集起必须俱全生命之树的十二生长处(参见11.3 十二生长处)。前文案例是定境,是纯思想意识状态,是幻觉状态。若现实生活中的集起缺十二生长处中的某一处,比如身处有缺失,那这个人就可能在光天化日之下,发现地球的引力变小了,太阳的亮度降低了,和月亮一样,不刺眼。若身处再进一步缺失,就可能发现自己的牛突然具有了印度香象的超能力,会飞了;随后美国人常遇到的外星人绑架事件就可能再一次发生。

Why then is this Escalatory Element necessary for the Aggregate Arousal? Aggregate Arousal in daily life must be accompanied by the Twelve Growth Places of the Tree of Life (see 11.3 Twelve Growth Places). The previous case is a state of Stillness, a pure conscious state, a hallucination. If one of the Twelve Growth Places is missing in the real-life aggregate-arousal, for example, if there is body-place missing, then the person may find that the earth's gravity has become smaller and the sun has become less bright and less blinding, just like the moon, in broad daylight. If there is a further deficiency, one may find that one's cow suddenly has the superpower of an Indian incense elephant and can fly; and then the alien abductions so often encountered by Americans may once again occur.

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卢岩 ,55岁
来自: 加拿大
注册日期: 2023-06-20
访问总量: 659,674 次
【11-18 佛学概论 Introduction t】
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
· 12 禅 Meditation
· 11 生命之树 Tree of Life
【1-10 卢岩的回忆录】
· 10 宿命通 Fate Through
· 9 青中年 Middle Age
· 8 死不瞑目
· 7 东北大学
· 6 沈阳和平房产局
· 5 辽宁分院 Liaoning Branch
· 4 少青年 Youth
· 3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through
· 2 启蒙 Revelation
· 1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage C
· 18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe
· 18.1.6 金童
· 18.1.5 第一颗太阳
· 18.1.4 诏告天下
· 18.1.3 裸体婚礼
· 18.1.2 舍利王求婚
· 18.1.1 貌合神也合
· 18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
· 16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds H
· 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis
· 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heart
· 16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
· 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Hear
· 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
· 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Hea
· 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
· 16.2 离垢地 Leaving Filth Hear
· 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfil
· 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road
· 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test
· 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of
· 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity
· 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearance
· 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence
· 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Princi
· 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through
· 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leade
· 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Ma
· 18 太阳石 The Sun Stone
· 17 金刚经释 Philosopher-Stone
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 5.3 威仪路
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 12.3 四空定 Four Empty Stillne
· 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream F
· 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
· 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
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